Exam Details

Subject geochemistry
Exam / Course m.sc. applied geology
Organization solapur university
Exam Date December, 2018
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

M.Sc. (Semester (CBCS) Examination Nov/Dec-2018
Applied Geology
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Draw neat and labeled diagram wherever necessary.
Q.1 Rewrite the sentences by choosing correct answer from given alternatives: 14
have least electro-negativity.
Lithophiles Siderophiles
Chalcohiles Atmophile
The activity of radioisotope changes with
Temperature Chemical Environment
Pressure None
A radioactive substance emits
Alpha Particle Gamma Particle
Beta particle All of the above
The isotope used for dating archeological finding is
1H1 14C6
18O8 235U92
Which of the following is not a suitable pair?
K-Rb Al-Ga
Ca-Sr Si-Pb
Elements with completely full outermost shells are grouped under
Lithophiles Siderophiles
Chalcohiles Atmophiles
Siderites are
Stony Meteorites Stony-Irons Meteorites
Iron Meteorites Copper Meteorites
The upper mantle having
Granitic composition Basic composition
Ultrabasic composition Felsic composition
Chromium is a straggly lithophile element in the earth's crust, but it is found as
a chalcophilte in some meteorites because of
Oxygen rich Oxygen deficiency
Hydrogen deficiency Carbon deficiency
10) Water loving Colloids are called as
Hydrophobic Hydrophilic
Dispersion Emulsions
11) The bulk chemical composition of rock during metamorphism
Decreases Increases
Remain constant Uncertain
12) is characterized by presence of metallic bond.
Lithophiles Chalcophiles
Siderophiles Atmophiles
13) Camouflage is a type of ionic-atomic substitution which takes place in two
atoms having charge and radius.
Same, similar Same, lower
Same Higher Higher, similar
14) The average pH of the Sea water
4.2 7.0
5.5 7.8
Q.2 Answer the following any four:-
Define Chondrite
What is half life time?
What is chalcophile?
Define Entropy.
What is REE?
Answer the following (Any Two)
Inner core
Brief note on Fugacity
Iron meteorites
Q.3 Answer the following Any
Climate changes during Geological history
Write a short description on polymorphism.
Types of Isotopes.
Answer the following Any one
Products of Chemical Weathering.
Distribution of elements in Metamorphic rocks.
Q.4 Answer the following Any
Write down quality control on data generation.
Describe in brief C14 dating method.
Gains and losses of ocean.
Answer the following any one
Hydrosphere composition
Composition of Sial and Sima.
Q.5 Answer the following. (Any two) 14
Discuss K-Ar radiometric dating method used for age determination.
Physico-chemical factors in sedimentation.
Write down different aspects of air pollution.


  • advances in pest control - i
  • advances in pest control – ii
  • agro-based marketing management
  • analytical techniques for agrochemicals
  • chemistry of pesticides and their formulations - i
  • chemistry of pesticides and their formulations – ii
  • climatology and planetary geology
  • diseases of crop plants – i
  • diseases of crop plants – ii
  • economic entomology
  • economic geology
  • engineering geology and mining geology
  • environmental geology & disaster management
  • environmental geology and disaster management
  • fuel geology
  • geochemistry
  • geotectonic and physical oceanography
  • hydrogeology
  • igneous and metamorphic petrology
  • indian stratigraphy
  • introductory and industrial entomology
  • lgneous and metamorphic petrology
  • manufacture of agrochemicals
  • micronutrients and plant growth
  • mineral exploration
  • minerology and optics
  • pesticide residues and toxicology
  • plant pathology and weed management
  • regulators
  • remote sensing and gis
  • research methodology
  • sedimentology and palaeontology
  • soil science, fertilizers,
  • watershed management (oet)