Exam Details

Subject nano science & technology
Exam / Course m.tech
Organization central university
Exam Date 2011
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper


Integrated M.Tech.lPh.D. and Ph.D. ano Science and Technology)
Marks: 75
Time: 2.00 hrs Hall Ticket no:

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Part It consists of 50 objective questions of one mark each. There is no negative marking in this part.

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This book contains 18 pages including this cover sheet.



1. The force acting on a particle in one dimension is F The corresponding potential energy Vex) assuming is
C. +6x

2. The type of atomic bonding most common in typical semiconductors is
A. Metallic
B. Covalent
C. Ionic
D. Hydrogen

3. At Equicohesive temperature
A. Grains are stronger than grain boundaries
B. Grain boundaries are stronger than grains
C. Both grains and grain boundaries are expected to have equal strength
D. All the grains are of equal size

4. In Hall-Petch equation, the relative hardening contribution of the grain boundaries is described by:
A. Oy (yield stress)
B. G, (frictional stress)
C. d, grain diameter
D. k, locking parameter

5. The primary requirement for age-hardening is
A. A decrease in solubility of precipitating phase in the matrix with decrease in temperature
B. An increase in solubility of precipitating phase in the matrix with decrease in temperature
C. A decrease in solubility of the precipitating phase in the matrix with
increase in temperature
D. The ability of the coherent precipitates to coarsen rapidly

6. An eJCIJlCIltal supen:onduetor is a perfect
A. Diamagnet
B. Ferromagnet
C. DieJec1ric
D. Paramagnet
7. The concept of "Cottrell atmosphere" is useful in explaining
A Strain ageing phenomenon
B. Shape memory effect
C. Ha1I-Petch effect
D. Raman effect

8. Slip begins when the shearing stress on the slip plane in the slip direction reaches a threshold value called .
A. Critical resolved shear stress
B. Pierls-Nab8lTO SlIeSS
C. Endurance limit
D. 0.2% offset yield strength
9. It is given that
I. Then.>: is
A 10
B. 30
C. 31
D. 100
10. pH value of a solution containing equ81 concentrations of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions will be
B. 10
D. 14
II. Solid COz is called "dry ice"
A. The critical temperllure of COz is above 25 DC
B. The boiling point of liqui4 COz is above lOll DC
C. At 25 DC IIIId I aim, only solid IIIId vlpor phases of Co. are in equilibrium
D. The melting point of liquid COz is above 0 DC
A. 0
B. I
D. ·10

13. A melhod used to produce semiconductor grade material is
A. Flooting zone refining
B. Laser ablation
C. Vacuum arc melting
D. Vacuum induction mclting

14. Hot working of a motallic material is carried out
A. Above its recrystallization temperature
B. Below its recrys'allization temperalUre
D. At its melting temperarore

I S. The ceramic that can be used as a cutting tool
A. Yittria
B. Titania
C. Alumina
D. Magnesia 16. During chain growth polymerization. the molecular weight of the polymer

A. Increases with conversion
B. Decreases with conversion
C. Does not change with conversion
D. Fin;t increases and then decreases with conversion
17. Coo has

A. 12 pentagons and 18 hexagons
B. 12 pentagons and 20 heugons
C. 10 pentagons and 20 hexagons
D. 14 pentagons and 18 heugons
18. phase can be stabilized down to room temperature by adding a slIlllll amount of
B. Be
C. La
D. Sn
19. Polygonization is the phenomenon where
A. Dislocations disappear into grain boundaries.
B. Dislocations are generated by the operation of Frank-Read sources
C. Mobile dislocations presenl in the material are rearranged in cell walls
D. Dislocations form tangles
20. The lowest densily in a powder metallurgy product is its
A. Green density
B. Theoretical density
C. Sintered density
D. Smear density 21. Euteeloid real:tioo is given by:
A. Liquidl+-+Solid+Liquid2
B. Liquidl+-+Liquid2+Liquid3
C. Liquidl_Solid1+Solid2

D. Solidl+-+Solid2+Solid3
22. A system for specifyiog crystallograpbic planes io • unit cell
A. Burgers vector
B. Miller indices
C. Refractive index
D. Covalent bonding
23. A satellite of mass m orbits. planet of mass M io • cin:ular orbit of radius R. The time required for one revolution is
A. Independent ofM
B. ProportiOnaJ to
C. Linear ioR
D. Proportional to RX
24. Gibbs free energy of. gas, expressed as a function of Pressure P and temperatureT,
is given by RT101.!....)-AP wbere Aaod are coostants. .
gas is given by

B. R101.!....)-AP

S. If ond x ..1. Ihen x is

26. Fuel cells are based on a principle which is the converse of
A. Oxidation,
B. Electrolysis
C. Photosynthesis
D. None of these
27. Near net-sbape components are manufactured by
A. Hot isostatic pressing
B. Hot pressing
C. Activated sintering
D. Hydtostatic extrusion
28. n-typc semi-conductor is obtained by doping Si with
C. Ga
D. Sb
29. The following is correct in case of nanocrystalline materials with respect to those of
conventional grain size
A. The density is high
B. The melting point is high
C. The weight is more
D. The grain boundaty specific area is more
30. Cassiterite is an important source of
A. Titanium
B. Tantalum
C. Tungsten
D. Tin
31. HaIl-Hl!rouIt process is associated with the production of
A. Titanium
B. Aluminium

D. Plutonium
32. Graphite flakes are impot1ant microslJUeturaJ feature in
A. Nodular cast iron
B. White cast iron
C. Gn:ycastiron
D. Hypo-euteetoid steel with 0.7% carbon
33. The concept of entropy is introduced by:
A. Zeroeth law of thermodynamics
B. VlISt law of thermodynamics
C. Second law of thermodynamics
D. Third Jaw ofthermodynamics
34. Sensitization in stainless steels i. associated with
A. Depletion of Cbromium to less than 12% at grain boundaries
B. Depletion of Nickel to less than at grain boundaries
C. Depletion of Carbon to less !han 0.2% at grain boundaries
D. Depletion ofTitanium to less !han O.S% at grain boundaries
3S. The slope of stress-strain curve in the elasnc region gives
A. Yield strength
B. Youngs'modulus
C. Toughenss
D. Resilience
36. A powder metallurgy processing route is
A. Mechanical alloying
B. Melt spinniog
C. Levitation
D. Short
37. Electron back scattered diffndion is a ttdlniquc based on
A Optical miaoscopy
B. Scanning electron microscopy
C. Atomic force microsropy
D. X-ray diffraetion
38. Magnetic flux is expressed by
B. Volts
C. Weber
D. Weberlm'
39. DcfCClS in electronic liIcuits can be studied by
A Magnetic particle inspection
B. Thermography
C. Ultrasonic testing
D. Holography
40. The following has the highcst Co-efficient of Thermal Expansion
A Plastics
B. Ceramics
C. Tin

41. The limit of resolution oCa microscope is given by
A. The wavelength ofthe radiation
B. Magnifying power of the eyepiece C.Apcrturcsizc
D. Polarization of the radiation
42. Which of the following is a Fermi panicle
A. Electron

C. Photon
D. Polaron
43. Maxwells' equations describe
A. EleetlOmagnctism
B. Kinetic theory
C. Heat transfer
D. Dislocation motion
44. Phase diagram can be used to identify
A. The phase field of diffe:rcnt cquiJibrium phases
B. The composition of different phases
C. Mechanical properties of different phases
D. The phase field of meta-stable phases
45. X-ray diffraction is used for
A. The evaluation of composition of the material
B. Phase identification
C. Chemical state identification
D. The determination of specific gravity of the material
46. Killed steels arc
A. Fully dc-oxidized
B. Partially dc-oxidized
C. Dc-phosphorizcd
D. Dc-sulphurizcd
47. Atomic resolution can be achieved in
A. Optical mic:roscopc
B. Scanning electron microSCOpe
C. Field ion mic:roscopc
D. Stereo miaoscopc
48. Electrical conductivity is decided by
A. The electronic struCture ofthe clement
B. The atomic number of the clement
C. Structure of the nucleus
D. None ofthc above
49. A meta1 that will melt ifyou hold it in your hand is
A. Gallium
B. Sodium
C. Lead solder
D. Indium
so. A quantum dot is aIWIOI!lIlleriaI of dimension
A Four
51. According to Stefan-Boltzmann law, the heat loss is proportional to


52. "Curie tempemturc" is a useful concept for
A. A superplastie material
B. Ferro-magnetie material
C. Ferro-elastie material
D. Dielectrie material
53. Let denote the largest integer not exceeding x.Then the integral
£000 dx is
A. 1000(.-1>




54. A gas bas mequalionofswe PV =oonstant. Worl< dooc f,.W is obtained by intcgrUing -PdVbetween initial and fina1 vllues. f,.W is proportional to

A. .2..._2.-


55. A function x(x-l)has
A. A minimum at x I
B. A maximum at x I
.. I

C. A rmmmwn at .x

D. Azcro at
56. For materials with uniform gmin size distribution, at a magnification of lOOX, the ASTM gmin size number is derived from
A. Number of grainslcm'
B. Number of grainsfmcb'
C. Number of grainslmm'
D. Number of grainslnm'
57. The processing method used to produce near net sbape products
A. Powder extnlSion
B. Directional solidification
C. Hot isostatic pressing
D. Continuous casting

S8. The energy of neuIrODS that cause fission in thennI! nuclear reactors is
A. >0.1 MeV

S9. Among the following types of power stations, which contributes the leut to the global warming?
A. A coal-fm:d power station
B. A gas-fired power station
C. A nuclear power station
D. An oil-fired power station
60. The metallic materials that are widely being used for hip joints in human body
A. Titanium-alloys

C. Copper alloys
D. Niobium alloys
61. A material used to make a thermocouple
A. Platinum-(platinum-Rhndium)
B. Theria dopped Tungsten
C. Molybdenum Disilicide
D. Super Kanthal
62. At room temperature, the following bas the lowest tougbness
A. Reinforced plastics
B. Thermoplastics
C. Thermosets
D. Glasses
63. "Buckey balls" are made of
A. Coo molecules
B. A metallic glass
C. A polymeric material
D. Superconductors


64. The distortion produced by point defects in lallice is classified as
A. Local
B. Global
C. Surface
D. None ofthese
65. DisiocatiOllJl in met.ls an: characterized by
A. Etch-pitting
B. Electron MIcroscopy
C. both A and B
D. None of these
66. a particular crystal stIUcture, the slip plane is that plane having the
A. Dense atomic packing
B. More number of interstitials
C. More number of vacancies
D. Combination of B and C
67. The selection of aerospace materials is based on
A. Low fracture tougbness
B. High strength to weight ratio
C. High density
D. Ability to continuously cast the material
68. Presence of super-lattice lineIpeak in an X-ray diffractogram of • solid indicates the presence of
A. Overaged precipitates
B. Nucleation ofprecipitates
C. Long rage ordering
D. Immiscibility of alloying elements
69. Short peening is process to introduce
A. Compressive residual stresses in the surface
B. Tensile residual stresses in the surface
C. Compressive residual stresses in the bulk
D. Combination ofboth Band C

70. Transgnmulor fncture surf""" of a sample tested under tensile loading shows
A. Striations
B. Dimples
C. Cleavage facelS
D. Wedge cracks
71. The symmetry in quasi-aystals is
A. 3 fold
B. Hold
C. 5 fold
D. 6fold
72. In fiber teinfon:ed materials, the function of fiber is
A. To prqYide high modulus to the composite
B. To provide high ductility to the composite
C. To!educethestrength ofthecomposite
D. To increase the overall density of the composite
73. Cyaniding treatment enriches the surface of a material with
A. Carbon and Nitrogen
B. Boron and Nitrogen
C. Sulphur and Nitrogen
D. Carbon and Sulphur
74. The following shows high impact energy sbsorbed in a Charpy V notch teste
A. FCC metals
B. Low strength Bec metals
C. High strength BCC metlI1s
D. HCP metals
75. The following leplCSeDts condensed phase we


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  • nano science & technology