Exam Details

Subject human resource management
Exam / Course m.b.a. in corporate secretaryship
Organization Alagappa University Distance Education
Exam Date May, 2018
City, State tamil nadu, karaikudi

Question Paper

M.B.A. (Corporate Secretaryship) DEGREE EXAMINATION,
MAY 2018.
Second Semester
(Upto 2012-13 Academic Year and 2013 Calendar Year)
Time Three hours Maximum 100 marks
SECTION A — × 8 40 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. Briefly explain the functions of human resource
2. Define human resource planning. Bring out the factors
influencing such a plan.
3. Give the meaning and techniques of job design.
4. What are the methods of staff selection? Examine their
applicability and utility in our country.
5. Explain the purposes of promotion of an employee in a
commercial organization.
6. Distinguish between minimum wage, fair wage and a
living wage.
7. What do you mean by motivation? 'Money motivates men
in all levels' Discuss.
8. Explain the importance of personal audit.
Sub. Code
Ws 5
SECTION B — × 15 60 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
9. What are the general principles and policies of personnel
management? Explain.
10. Write short note on
Job analysis
Job description
Job specification.
11. Enumerate the importance of training in an industrial
undertaking. Explain how does training help the
individual to develop.
12. Explain about different compensation plans that are
offered in industrial organisations.
13. Write a detailed note on employee welfare and safety.
14. What is personal research? What are its objectives, needs
and approaches to personnel research?
15. What are the objectives of personnel audit? Explain its
scope in the present day scenario.

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