Exam Details

Subject anthropology
Exam / Course ph d
Organization central university
Exam Date June, 2017
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

1. Which of the following is not an advantage of participant observation method?

They provide researchers with ways to check for nonverbal expression of feelings

Helps to overcome biases due to one's gender, sexuality, ethnicity, class, and theoretical approach

Allows researchers to check definitions of terms that participants use in interviews,

Observe events that informants may be unable or unwilling to share when doing so would be impolitic, impolite, or insensitive.

2. The optimum size recommended for focus group interviews is:

3to 5

8 to 12

20 to 50

No limit

3. In a focus group, the participants are selected


Based on the recommendations of the sponsors of the research


Based on the educational attainments of the members

4. Participatory Rural Appraisal is useful

in case of any research setting

only rural setting

only for health research

only when the respondents are illiterate

5. Venn diagram shows:

Aspects of social interaction among groups

Aspects of marriage preferences among the descent groups

Aspects of economic transactions among the families

None of the above

6. Which of the following statements is appropriate in regard to data analysis

Quantitative analysis is possible for qualitative data

Quantitative analysis is not possible for qualitative data because sample size is always small.

Quantitative analysis of qualitative data is not possible because random sampling procedures are never followed in qualitative data

Quantitative analysis of qualitative data is possible only when the researcher collects data in the respondent's mother tongue.

7. In which of the following, qualitative research is being extensively practiced?

Health research




8. A basic and characteristic method used in Anthropology is

Experimental method

Diagnostic method

Explanatory method

Comparative method

9. Qualitative data in the fieldwork includes all of the following except:

House hold income details

Life history details

Interview conversations

Description of religious behavior

10. Closed ended questions are those that

have a fixed range of possible answers.

prevent respondents from allocating themselves to a category

encourage detailed, elaborate responses.

Do not restrict the responses from the informants.

11. What is a key informant?

A group member who helps the ethnographer gain full access to relevant people/events and the information

A senior level member of the organisation who refuses to allow researchers into it

A participant who appears to be helpful but then refuses to explain details

Someone who helps the ethnographer to gain access to a building

12. Match the following and choose the correct answer.

Anthropologist Research Method

I. L.H. Morgan Participant observation

II. Brownislaw Malinowski Re-study method

III. Margaret Mead Genealogical technique

IV. E.B. Tylor Comparative method





13. What kinds of responsibilities do anthropologists have to the people they study?

to never disagree with them in public

to protect their identities if necessary

to respect and document their view on any issue of their culture

all of the above

14. perspective in research help gaining a comprehensive and complete picture of a social group.





15. A tested hypothesis becomes a





16. The acronym HRAF refers to

Human Resources Anthropology Files

Human Relations Anthropological Findings

Human Relations Area Files

Human Resources Area Files

17. Match the following and choose the correct answer.

Phrase given stated by Anthropologist

I. "Fieldwork is a creative endeavour" (a)Keesing Strathern

II. "Fieldwork is the hallmark of socio-cultural Anthropology Charles Wagly

III. "Fieldwork is the central activity of Anthropology" Epstein A.L.

IV. "Fieldwork, the ritual initiation experience in the discipline" Nancy Howell





18. Name the author of the book 'Fieldnotes: The Makings of Anthropology'

Roger Sanjek

Alan Barnard

Robert G. Burgess

R.F. Ellen

19. Reliability in anthropological research means

Accuracy of the findings in a study

Dependability on the findings in a study

Trustworthiness of data and derived conclusions

Replicability of the scientific findings

20. Internal validity in anthropological research means

Categories of anthropologist can be different from the participants

Categories of anthropologist and participants should be the same

Categories of anthropologist and participants can be different from others

All the above.

21. Quota sampling method involves in

Making sub-groups of the data and drawing sample from the sub-group

Arranging the data in an order and drawing sample systematically

Drawing sample according to data that is already categorized

All the above

22. Median in a series of values means

Arithmetic average of the higher values of the series

Arithmetic Average ofthe lower values of the series

Central values of higher and lower values

Central value of the series of the values

23. Null hypothesis is a

A general statement that posits a relationship between variables

A general statement that suggests a positive relationship between variables

A general statement that posits no relationship between variables

None of the above

24. The principle of regularity relates to

Theory of randomization

Theory of sampling

Theory of frequencies

None of the above

25. Social survey is termed as

A method of social research for collection of data

A method of social research where sampling theory applied

A method of social research in which data collection is easy

A method of social research positivist method is applied

26. Sample size depends on

Size of the universe only

Method of survey research

The homogeneity and heterogeneity of universe

Theory and hypothesis used in research

27. Proportionate stratified sampling means

Units of sample in each strata is same proportion

Units of sample in each strata depends on the size of strata

Units of sample in each strata depends on nature of strata

Units of sample in each strata depends on the total sample required

28. The significance of statistical mode of a population relates to

Finding out the units that appear most often

The units that are likely to get sampled

The units that have no implication in sampling

All the above

29. Ordinal measurement is about

The nature of data in ordinary sense

The data that are ordered in a particular manner

The arrangement of variables in an order

Ranking of data in the process of collection and analysis

30. Parametric statistics are applied when

Properties of the population are unknown for the statistical test

Properties of the population have no relevance for the statistical test

Properties of the populations are well known for the statistical test

None of the above

31. One of the following about Correlation is correct:

It establishes cause and effect relationship in a society

It is a tentative generalisation to be tested

It is a proposition that need to be established

It is a process of establishing a relationship between two or more things.

32. 'Goodness of Fit' is also known as

Arithmetic mean




33. One of the following is not a measure of variability


Standard deviation

Mean deviation

Rank correlation technique

34. Quantitative research

Focusses on broad trends

Has no guiding hypothesis

Uses variables

Uses data that can be expressed in numbers

35. One of the following is a probability sampling technique

Quota sampling

Judgement sampling

Random sampling

Snowball sampling

36. Which of the following is not a survey?

Gallop poll


Opinion poll

Audience survey

37. Open-ended responses in questionnaires are used mainly for

Extensive studies

Social surveys

Intensive studies

Personal studies

38. What is X2 (Chi Square)?

It is squaring of average figures

It is a test of association

It analyses variation in the data

It is test of variability

39. Non-directive interview is also called

Guided interview

Unstructured interview

Personal Interview

Face to face interview

40. One of the following is true about schedule

It is filled by respondent

It is not filled by respondent

It is usually filled by respondent and the researcher

None of the above PART-B SUBJECT

41. Under which one of the following organisations, important anthropological works were conducted early in India?

Society for Indian Anthropology

Asiatic Society of Bengal

Royal Anthropological Society

British Academy of Ethnologists

42. Which of the following is not rightly matched?

W.H.Wiser -Karimpur

Ralph Beals-Gopalpur

McKim Marriot -Bisipara

M.N Srinivas-Rampura

43. Who ofthe following is associated with studying kinship in India?

Sarat Chandra Roy


Iravati Karve

LP Vidyarthi

44. In the understanding of caste, Dumont gave emphasis to:


Material cultures of castes


Ideas and values

45. 'Age-area hypothesis' is widely accepted by


classical evolutionists

culture historical school

culture and personality school

46. Savagery, barbarism and civilization belong to the evolutionary scheme first employed by

L. H. Morgan


E. Tylor

J. F. McLennan

47. In Levi-Strauss' theory of kinship complex structures are those in which

there is a positive marriage rule

certain categories of kin are permitted to marry

marriage rules are expressed negatively

marriage rules are complicated

48. Marvin Harris's materialist explanation of social reality is derived from

cultural determinism

cultural ecology

historical particularism

Marxist anthropology 8

49. In the works ofJulian steward culture core is the area which is most directly related to





50. 'New ethnography' is an ethnographic technique

to avoid ethnocentric bias

for accurate description of ethnographic reality

to record the 'view from inside' another culture

all the above

51. The concept of 'jointness' in the term 'joint family' refers to

common political authority

common economic activities

joint ownership of property

all the above

52. Sanskritization involves 'positional change' in the caste system without any

cultural change

structural change

social change

economic change

53. In the analysis of caste system, for Louis Dumont the opposite of 'equality' is





54. Jajmani system is

an inter-familial relationship

an inter-caste relationship

a type of superordinate-subordinate relationship

all the above

55. Which of the following is not true of jati in Indian social system?

jati is not region-specific

jati is a traditional ordering

jati is often subdivided

jati has undergone many changes over time

56. Which among the following is a matrilineal tribe?





57. Among the Baiga tribe bewar refers to

ancestral festival

shifting cultivation

evil spirits


58. Verrier Elwin is known for his study among




All the above

59. The Birhors ofJharkhand are traditionally

nomadic tribe




60. Which among the following is a matrilineal tribe?





61. Phratries form a major organizational aspect among




All the above

62. The Gonds of Adilabad was intensively studied by

Verrier Elwin

L.P. Vidyarhi C.S.


Furer Haimendorf

63. Applied anthropological research undertaken by early Indian anthropologists in India focused on

Ethnographic surveys

Linguistic surveys

Evil effects of culture contact

Preparation of Gazetteers and census reports

64. In the study of community development programmes, anthropologists like S.C. Dube highlighted the importance of

Cultural factors

Indian village studies

Administrative structures

Tribal ethnography

65. One of the important preoccupations of contemporary applied anthropologists is

i. Undertaking social impact assessment studies

ii. Carrying out evaluation studies

iii. Study of ethics

IV. Study of rural modernization

i and ii are correct

ii and iii are correct

iii and iv are correct

iv and i are correct

66. Human development index is useful for

Ranking nations based on economic development

Measuring the welfare of people in a country

Understanding the differences between developing and developed nations

Ranking nations based on their socioeconomic development

67. Applied anthropologists are involved in

i. Making use of available anthropological knowledge for solving human problems

ii. Studying and analyzing the human problems and solving them

iii. Making use of context specific understanding for solving problems

iv. Participating in action situations and directing planned change

i and ii are correct

ii and iii are correct

iii and iv are correct

iv and i are correct

68. Who among the following scholars edited/authored books on applied anthropology in India?

i. L.P Vidyarthi

ii. V. Elwin

iii. C.V.F. Haimendorf.

IV. Hari Mohan Mathur

I and ii are correct

ii and iii are correct

Iii and iv are correct

iv and i are correct

69. Adult education programmes were not successful as elders were reluctant to go to night schools. They thought that youngsters will laugh at them if they go to school and learn alphabets. This comes under

Social barriers to change

Psychological barriers to change

Situational barriers to change

Structural barriers to change

70. Name an important research journal for Applied Anthropology

Current Anthropology

American Anthropologist


Human Organization

71. The primary goal of applied anthropology is

i. Finding solutions to tribal problems

ii. to ameliorate contemporary social, economic, and technological problems...

iii. development of social and cultural theory

iv. Modernization of primitive people

i and ii are correct

ii and iii are correct

iii and iv are correct

iv and I are correct

72. What is one of the most valuable and distinctive tools of the applied anthropologist?

Ethnographic method

Collection of narratives

Biographical method

Participant observation

73. The ethics of applied anthropologists require that

the anthropologists must not take any action that is harmful to the interests of the community

the anthropologists working with a community must answer to the needs of their employer

only pure research can be applied to a particular problem

the anthropologists in charge of the project balance the needs of their employer with those of the local community

74. Applied anthropologist in India mostly belong to the category of

Action researchers


Practitioners of advocacy


75. According to Levi-Strauss one can arrive at the formal aspects through

Qualitative method

Deductive method

Comparative method

Inductive method

76. Althusser considers knowledge as

Independent of dialectics

above base-superstructure considerations

Independent of historical materialism

Part of base

77. Who argued that social structure deals with interrelationship of groups that have consistency and constancy and it excludes interpersonal relations

Fred Eggan




78. Who among the following applied the concept of structure to culture?




None of the above

79. Who questioned the usefulness of the concept of social structure and considered it as vague?

R.H. Lowie




80. Adaptation is a key concept of




binary opposition


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