Exam Details

Subject Data Structure
Exam / Course B.Tech In Computer Science And Engineering (BTCSVI)
Department School of Engineering & Technology (SOET)
Organization indira gandhi national open university
Exam Date June, 2015
City, State new delhi,

Question Paper

Define Big Theta and Omega notations. Is a function b . log(n) where b is a positive constant? Justify.

On what input data does Quick sort algorithm for sorting exhibit its worst case behaviour? Justify with an example of 8 elements. Determine the maximum space needed.

Prove that all the leaves of a binary tree will be traversed in the same sequence in all the three traversals.

Draw a binary tree whose preorder and inorder traversals are


If the complexity of the algorithm can be expressed as calculate the complexity of the following program segment:
I 2

2. Define a spanning tree. Write an algorithm to determine maximum spanning tree·of a weighted graph. Also argue for the correctness of your algorithm. Also determine the time complexity of the algorithm. Will an edge of highest cost always be in the solution obtained?

What is hashing Explain the following terms used in it:

Hashing function



Collision resolution

Define an AVL tree. Where is it used and why Construct one such tree for the following list of elements:


A circular singly linked list contains integer elements. Variable pointer points to the last node in the list. Write a procedure to print the positive (not including zero) elements in the list.

Explain three applications each of stacks and queues in Computer science.

Change the following infix expression to post-fix and prefix expressions.
Show all the steps. Why is post-fix. preferred to infix form Which data structure is used for it and why?

Describe the data structure to represent the following:

Sparse Matrix

Priority Queue

Threaded Link

An algebraic expression of the form
anx^n a1x ao

How can a sparse matrix be stored as a linked list so that the element of a given row i and column j can be accessed easily? Store the following matrix in the suggested format:

0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 2
0 3 0 0 0 5
0 0 0 4 0 0

Write the procedure to reverse a singly linked list without creating an extra linked

7. Design a method for keeping two stacks within a single array S (space size) so that neither the stack overflows until all of memory reserved is used and an entire stack is never shifted to a different location within the array. Write C routines for push1, push2, pop1 and pop2 to manipulate the two stacks.

8. Explain the following:

Difference between Class P and Class NP

Difference between Internal and External sorting

Difference between Linear and Non-linear data structures

Different representations of a graph

Difference between Dynamic Programming and Divide and Conquer approach


  • Centre for Corporate Education, Training & Consultancy (CCETC)
  • Centre for Corporate Education, Training & Consultancy (CCETC)
  • National Centre for Disability Studies (NCDS)
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  • School of Performing Arts and Visual Arts(SOPVA)
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  • School of Tourism & Hospitality Service Sectoral SOMS (SOTHSM)
  • School of Tourism &Hospitality Service Sectoral SOMS (SOTHSSM)
  • School of Translation Studies and Training (SOTST)
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  • Staff Training & Research in Distance Education (STRIDE)


  • Advanced Computer Architecture
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Architecture
  • Computer Networks
  • Computer Organisations
  • Cryptography And Network Security
  • Data Structure
  • Data Warehousing And Mining
  • Database Management System
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithm
  • Digital Image Processing
  • Discrete Maths Structure
  • E-Business
  • Formal Language And Automata
  • Logic Design
  • Microprocessor
  • Mobile Computing
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Operating Systems
  • Parallel Algorithms
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Principles of Programming Lang.
  • Real Time Systems
  • Software Engineering
  • Software Quality Engineering
  • Software Reusability
  • System Programming And Compiler Design
  • Theory Of Computation
  • Unix Internals And Shell Programming
  • Web Technology