Exam Details
Subject | ||
Paper | paper 1 | |
Exam / Course | ssc stenographer c&d | |
Department | ||
Organization | Staff Selection Commission | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 29, July, 2012 | |
City, State | central government, |
Question Paper
Dlreetions 1 Jn the l'ollo"
ing questions. select the rel<>ted
wortl/lcllcrs/numbcr frurn Lhc given
l. Bus Road Tratn
(l),Juncl.lnn (2j Ji,ill
2. Pollcc: Constable Class
. Student
[Pl Monitor
3. Bird Feather
Tree: Leaves
Lady Dress
13) Fish Scrues
Sktn Man
4. fipri-ng Rltt??UCity
Pe.rson Whims
Cl) Wool Wam:lth'
Ratlio BrmulCID!L
6. on:o TSRQ KJ!H
ll) PQRS .Ji.!JK
7. 9 26 81
90 12) 99
2·12 729
8. 124
ll) 15 12)
17 24
9. 4 27 9
12 64
32 (41 16
Directions In Uie following
questions. ·Select the 011e
which is <lifferen L Crum Lhc olhcr
thrtt r,sponse.??.
10. !:iquare metre
12) Square feel
Square inc:h .
l 4 Squru-e l'OOt
ll. (IJ Stjuarc Cone
(31 Triangle Redan.t:(le
I J zxyzy
yzxyx 14) XV'"Y
12, lfard . Soft Direction• Ilic fol-
121-lro.inled Blunt
Swetl -Sour
Long -High
lowing questlon s 1 choo.sc: the cor·
reel nltrrnnuve from the i(lven ones
U1at Viii complete !-4t:rks.
13. fil l>J<.J. QPO
(31 wus
15. Li (21 nml.1<
(31 glED TSuv
16. 36.!7 48. 21
:$6.25 68,31
23. MES. LDR. KCQ. 1.-.0
24. !KMO. TVXZ. . LMNO
l :BCD 12i CE9li
131 14) GIKM
25.,1, )411.400.900.1764
1 1 1 25 2 1 !lo
4H 14) I 00
17. 225
1 26. I ...:L
18. (li.82, I
28 · . 44 Directions In the fol I
lowiug quCsl'ions, which of c.he
given responses would be a mean- I
inirul order of the followi11!( wunl?? I
1n ascending order'?
19. 1. Collc:,::lor
2 . Governor
3. Chic( Sccrcuuy
4 . President
5. cierk
I. 2. 3. 5
I. 2. 4i
3. 2
5. I. 4. 3. 2
20. l. Weekly
3 . Monlhly
5. B1monrhly
2 . Dally
4 . Forlnighll)'
21. Which on,. of the follow1ng
words wlll appear foUJ U1 in the
EugUsh tJtcUunary
1 En cradle Encourage
Encroach Encounlcr
22. Which one set of letters when
sequentially placed at the gapi
i n the given lctler S<..:rics sha1l
complete It
-ey -zyx-xy
I J 1:.lO
14) I :15
27. Fmtl LJ1cwn.mg11umbcr in the
given senes.
(LJ !2i 9
l!Jl 19 Mi GI
28. f'athirn.' whik introducing
Muswfo lo her husband srud.
bn>lher·i< r:athi:r .is I he: only
son or my grandfather. How is
Fat.him?? rcla.1.c<l Muslafa
.um Sister
(3J Niec:e 14) M0tltcr
29. i8 iJn.: cubt: or a
Vhok number. It w a s square
of another 11un1ber two
ago. IJ ow Jong he m.1tsl
Tut before ht$ (tgt 1s :.tgi.lin Llu.!
cub...: of a Vhol<.: number?
2 ycar8 12) IO yt;ars
37 years 14) 39 years
30. F'rom the ??iven ollernattves.
fhr word which r:an be
formed usi11g I he letters of the
givenw ord.
11 ASSlHi??; !l-1ANTU•:
MASTb:H 14) !;;U.VIMIT
31. r'l'Olll the gi,.,en allen1ativc::;.
select the word which cannot
be fomied usiujl the ·!dter?? of
Lht given word.
ܱ©²´±¿¼ Ú®±³ æ ¸¬¬°æññ½°±®¬¿´ò·²
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(31 TONl,R (41 RELATE · 32. If In a CP.rtain code, DAUGH. ·
TER IS written
how will APTlTUDE be
in that code
3 3. ff GERMANY ts wi1tten as
L8. 13. 1. 14. 25. how can
FR<NCE be wr1tten In thal
6;3.18.14, I
8. l(U4.3, l.5
Duectious In the fol
lov.'lng quesf.ionis. llnd the mtsstng
IiJmbe,· from the given responses.
34. 60
40 :.10 20
AO 50 40
30 140 ·20 36, 7 9 10
4 8 6 2 4
14 15
32 3tl. FollowtngtquuUv11?? wt: wived
on the basts of a certain sys•
tem. On the same .basls. find
out the corrttt answer for thf!
w1solved equation.
8+5 3·=358, 3 7+6s673,
476 {21674
764 746 $7. Select the ccrrect r.omblnalion ·
vf 111athemaucal sign& to .re·
place • mgns and to balance
the glve·n equation.
X X 38. lf A stands for M for
·Multiplication·. D for ·01V1-
sfon·, G fr.rr ·crcaler than' and
Lfor 'Lesser U1an'. then which
of the following ullernntiveo
will be l-0g1cally correct
J 8D6A8L4A6D2
39. V!jet walks km towards
SuuUi, then he wnik& 3 km
turning to right. Again he
turns t.o his anJ walks 5
km. lie then turns to his kfl
am.I wall(S 5 km. How far iS he
now from the starting fK>inl
3 km 5 km 8 km 6 km
40. A lllWl S· I.arts from a·point and waJka a km soUChwurd.a.
then he lums lelt and walks
6 km. ln which direction is he
from the starting p(lint
South West
South East
South •
41. p·s age ts equal tn R is
younger than S. T Is younger lhoan R but elder than P.
Which one Is the oldest
p Q
13) R (41 S
42. C ts to the West of B and
Solth-West of A. D Is lo the
North-West of A and North of
C .:u1d ln line with A n. rn
whfc:h dircclior, Crom the poUlt
of A. B is located
l North-Enst
(2.J South-Ea??I,
{31 North-West
14) South-Wesr
Direction• In the fol· lowing questions, two statements
are given followed.by two-conclusions
I and ll. You hc,ve to ??onstder
Lhc slalcments to be true even ff
they seem to be at variance from
commonly knuwn facts. You are to
decide which of Lhe g1vr.n conclu· ·
aions. if any, follow from the given
43. Sutement. I. All are doctors.
2. Some doctors are actors.
l. Some doctors arc players as
well as actors, JI. All 3.ctors are doclora.
Only conclusion I follow.s,
Only conclusion II follows.
Both conclusions J am! II
Neither conclusion I nor II
44. Sl.!Lcin,ent:s Cla6$1cal nl·us.tc
ls ctMne. T:ilentPrl people 1:>111
learn classical music easily.
n1ose who learn classical
music become great.
II. Only talenled po.nplc can
leant c!Msieal mirstc.
(11 Only concluston I follows.
(21 Only conc.luslc;n ll follows.
Both cOnduaion:;, I und n follow.
Neither conclusion l nor 11
45, Whl<:h one of the following
diag.=s best depicts the. n,lactonship
among Elephants.
Wolves anc1 An!mals
l,..... ,l.
46. h answer figure wlll mm·
plclc the pattern Ill U1e question
??eation Figure
Ans-r Flfarea
J l
47. Select the answer figure in
which the question figure is
hidden/ embedded.
Quutloo. Flpn;
ܱ©²´±¿¼ Ú®±³ æ ¸¬¬°æññ½°±®¬¿´ò·²
ܱ©²´±¿¼ Ú®±³ æ ¸¬¬°æññ½°±®¬¿´ò·²
Answer Flgmes
48. A piec? of paper ts folded and
cul as shown below In the
question ngures. From the giv·
en answer :figures. Indicate
how I t will oppcitr when
Queetlo,; Fteuns
Answer Figures
·.· :.·.
. . . . . . ..
ii) (2j
49. Wh1r.h of the answer Ogure Is
exactly the mirror Jmageofthc
g1vco Ogure, when lhe mirror
IS held on the line AB
Question ll'i,gure
!50. A word is represented by only
one s e t of numbers as given l n
sm y one of t h e alternatives. The
sets of numbera gtvcn in U,e
alternatives are represen?? by
two classes of alphabets as In
two matr1ces given below. The
columns and rows of Malrix I
a.re from O to 4 and
that ofMalrlx II are numbered
rrom 5 to 9. A letter frorr. these
matrices can be represented
first by ils row and next by ils
column, e.g .. can be repre·
sentcd by 02, 14. 33, etc. ,md
can be rcpre&cnted by 57,
88, etc. IdenUl'y the set for
lhe word SOAP.
0 I 2 3
0 R s A C
I C N R s
2 s A C N
3 N R s A
4 A C N R
5 6 7 8
5 0 13 K
6 E p 0 B
7 B E p
8 p 0 B K
9 K E p 0
0 1,56.2,67
32. 56, 20, 66
20,56,?.1 ,66
51. The pre.s??,it monetary system
In lndla t s . managed by
Nationalized Banks
The State Bani< of India
(3)The Central Finance Min-
. Isby
(41 The Reserve Bank of lndla
52, What ts a Mulunauonal Com·
A Joint venture among more
than two countries
A company set up with foreign
A com:,a.ny havtng operabans
In many countries.
A company holding a monopoly
over the sale of a
certain commodity t n several
53. Explicit Implicit Costs
Private Costs
Accourtllng Costs
Economic Costs
Social Costs
54. WhJch of the follow!ng Is not
relevant Lo Human Resource
Women and Chtld Development
Caste system
Youth Affairs and Sports
55. A Cycle consists of
Thre,e Phases
Four Phases
Flve Phases
SLx Phases
56. The K h ilafat Movement was
organt2ed to protest against
rellgl.ous Interference by the
Russian Revolution
cu??membennent ofTurkey
suppression of Pathans
57, Planning Commission was e s tabliibed
in ihc year
1980 1970
1950 1960
58, India witnessed single party
dominauon till
1962 1967
1971 1977
59. Whtch part of the const1tut1on
of lndta has been descrtbcd as
the soul of the Constitution?
11) Fundamental Rights
12) DlrecttvePrtnctples of Slate
60. Constltueni Assembly adopt ed
the Consutuucin on
15th Augu??t 194 7
26th November 1949
26th January 1950
30thJanuouy t948
61. rustless lron Pillar at Me·
hraull (Delhi) was erected by
(IJ Mau ryas Kushans
Gu pus
62. the famous 'Guyatri Mantra'
has been taken from
Rlgveda Samaveda
Atharvaveda .
83. The Rajput King who was defeated
by Babur in the battle
of Khanwa was
(lJ Udal Singh
Rana Pratap Stngh
Rana Sanga
(4J RudTa Deva
64. Who was the founder of the
Ramakrishna Mission
Ll Sri Ramakrishna
Swami Shracldhananda
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Kesha b Chandra
Swam i Vivekananda
65. Who led the Mutiny at Kan
I J HP..gum llazrat Mahal
Kana Sahib
Tantia Tope
Raul Laxrntbat
66. 'M1lch 'Wattr Body' separates
Andaman and Nicobar Jslo.nds?
lJ Andrunan Sea (21 Bay of Bengal
Ten Degree Channel
Eleventh Degree Cham,d
67. State Highways are m ainLaincd
Irn.lM<.Jue.J SlatP.S
Central Covo:mment
mCe.,nnttrsa jl nainndl yS tate Govern(
4i Pn,·atc part1e6 selected by
the State Oovern,nmls
68. The first port develoJ.'Cd after
Independence was
Xhava Sheva
Kl) New
Ml Mumb<ai
69. lTn!)de ian eighbouring couully of v,:hich has ??mflllf"SI
area is
Sri l. anka
70. Kazirnnga Wild Ufe Sanctu-
1uy in the State vf
Blhar Ta,nil Na<.lu
Assam Rer??a
71. Re.??ln Is extr,u,ted from
Papaya C.!J Pinc Rubber Banyan
72. A corm non plan I found In tropic.a
l rainforest Is
Orchid (41
73. Which of the fol lowing vitamins
Is necessary for dolltng
74. lnfluenza virus contains
RNA only
DNA only
Both RNA and ON.' in equal
(41 DNA With very small proportion
of RNA.
71S. Lung fish is a link between
Amphibia and Birds
(2J lkpllles and llirds
Amphibia and Reptiles
Rep tiles and Manuual•
76. Green .'(land is U,c cxr.retory
or!!an of
Earthworm Cockroach
Prawn House-Oy
77, pressure ts fnC"r. the boiling polnt,ol: \:ater
Increases "JJ.1
rema ins Lhc sam e
depends on the volume or vapour formed,
78. In the treatment of skin disease
Lhc radto isotope used is
ll Rad10 phosphorous R-odio iodine
(31 Radio lead
Radio coba.lt
79. Flreaci tn hs toawte hmase n:t hoose uicor111
red hl(ht as il.s outcr-mo$t
colou r towards sky
red light as lb, Inner-most
colour towards carU,
vi ol c,1 light Its Inner ·
most colour towards earth
curvature bent towards
80. A cyrlt??t i n circ-ular" molic.m
should lea11
Sineways tow:,.rds the centre
Sid<:way from the c entre
81. The monitor of a coaipulcr is
(ll an input de,icc
un output
a stora.ge de,1ce
a processing deV'ic.!
82. 1s a collection of
Ummgh whfch data is trans
milted from one part of a computer
lo another part. Port Channel
Bus (41 Add on card
83. Amalgam is an alloy in which the base melal
Copper Zinc
Alurnlniwn Merctuy
84. physical meth,xl cnmJJ1tmly
useci ro purity sea wa
ter is
J Rvaporauon
85. The chenucal name of ·ou of
vltrlor is
(ll Phosphoric acid
(21 Nilnc ac1d
Sulp huric acid
Mydrochloric, acid
Etti. C1iU1odc rays are
Elo:clmrnagnetlc waves
Slrcwn of ,x-partldr."
f4) Strea,ri of electron??
87, The National Park Vallr.y of
Flowers· Ue-.s in the State of
Himao:hal Pradesh
Jammu Ka•hmir
88, Bhopnl Gas Tragedy was caused by
Methy l i•o??yanite
89- The example of a secou<.l:ary
pollutant. is
J Cf'C (Chloro lluoro carbon)
PAN (Peroxy acetyl nitn:ite)
CH, (Methan
90. In bi.I( cities. air pollution
mainly cine to
burn1ng of fossil Ii.tel
Lhcrmal power plant
suspended parUcle.s
91. wTihleh term Is associated
l:!admJnton Chess
J-lockey l4) Football
92. The oral polio ,·accine was
disC'O·ered by
Alexander F1ernmiug
Edmond Fischr.r
Joseµh E. Murray
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93. Who of U1e following Nobel
Laureates for t heu· l'elentless
??truggk for pt",ace, was awarded
20 l O Nobel Pnze
Barack H. Obama
Liu Xlaobu
Martll Aht1i<aart
94, The Umirun Hyde Project dam
is localed a few kilomclrCM
north of
Kohima Imphal
96. The expenses of the Govemrncnl
uf lndil, we lhc blgl11J1>L
on a0<.'<lunt of subsidy on
Feruli2ets Oil
LPG (41 Food
96. In acxordance w11h the dlrec·
lions of RBI. ban kif.?? facilities
are required to be prov;ded al
all places ha'tng population of
than 2000 by the end of
11) March 2015
March 2014
March 2013
March 2012
97. Bodoland Terrllorlal Council
(BTC). on autonomous self·
go,·em1ng body, was created
11>ilhm U1e State of
p J N•galoud M??ghalayi,
Assam Mizoram
98. 'Simla Pact' belweeu India
and Pal<Jstan was stgoed tn the
1965 1971
197'2 2001
99, In which of the following
Slates are CttrO iu1d Klia•l
trtbt's found
Ill Anmachal Pradesh
12) Na,l(alaud
100. Manipur has common bour,dartes
with lhe group of States
Ill :'olttg,dand. A••um ttnd Ml·
l2) Nagaland. Meghalaya and
Kil ){eghala.ya. Mtzorrun and
14) Nagaland, Mizoram and
DlrecUODS (101-1101 In the
questions. some parts
the sentences have errors and some
have none. Ftncl out which part or
a se.nten?? has an error. The number
of that part the answe.r. Your
aru,wcr t,i I.e. Nu error.
1· 01. I am Utinking to 11,Ttle my at.itoblop;raphy. error
14) .•
102- YQ1.ir
tn mine. No 14).
103. The Ganges has overflowed
its banks and each of the
four ,•1ll<1,11;es w-e nooded.
Ko error
104. What ,·ou do In the
evenings? No emr
106. Lasl r.ighL you returned
laiely. No error (4)·.
100. I !cit sure Ill/ he would die
and ihat his money would go to
hts daogh1cr. No error 11).
107. Orc:10<:•. skirt,, .md children·,.
clothmg(I)/ an, actve.rtJsed
al gr>:al rcduct:d price•.
i08. Vijay. having t'inished his paper.
he left the e>.'aJU·
lnatto,-. hall. No error 14).
109. anti Lwo are equal to
four. No error (4J.
110, She wonder?? how was he
to manage .if he
couldn't ,iet n Job. No er
ror 141,
Dln:ction• (171-175) In lhc
following quP.Sltons?? sentences are.
wilh bl..rika to be ftllcd in "ilh
appropriate word(sl. F'our alten1a·
tl'CS arc SUAACStcd for each question.
Choose the correct alternative
out of the four.
111,My rather home la•L
left off wenl back
made out
112. lleas.sented
111 came dO,n
mypropos- 1
113. I .,,ume before she ar-
hll<i left left
13) have left has left
114. You will have lo your
pay to
IS) pay off
pay for
115. The thie.-es In a slo•
· {lJ m.'d.e out made up
13) made off made over
DlrectiODS In the
following question.,, out or the four
allc:matlves. choose the one which
best expressu the meaning or the
given word.
l UI. Flatter
Ill hate
13) love
117. l"'raglle
t3J la.sung
118. linique
119, lne-itable
CZI common
ll) optional 121 ne«ssa,y
countable enviable
120. llondage
11) !lavery
l3J d:Wns
(21 fetter&
Directions (121-126) In the
following quc,tlon8, choo•e the
word oppusle in m??llll.( to the Jl)ven
121. ??tertle
II) lively
122. Prominent
(21 furgclfulm:,t•
13) Ignorance
l4) Indifference
lll Lolcrote
125, lndu.striOUS
ti) industrial
!2J refuse
ܱ©²´±¿¼ Ú®±³ æ ¸¬¬°æññ½°±®¬¿´ò·²
ܱ©²´±¿¼ Ú®±³ æ ¸¬¬°æññ½°±®¬¿´ò·²
Duectloaa (128-130) In the
following questions. four altemaUvcs
are given for llie idioms/phrdS•
es. Choose the alternative which
· expresses the meaning of the
· ·126. Like wildfire
(LJ here and there
.. l4J paruauy
127. A tlerculean task
A task wluch requires lit·
lk effort
A task which requires a lot
of patience
A lask which requires
cnonnous courage
A task which requires great
i28. To make light of
to bring light into life
(21 to treat as unimportant
to make candles
. . to light a llre
129. To took into
lo observe
to search
to peep
ti) 1nvr..st1g.,1??
130. To egg on
to urge to adv.ise
lo ask to warn
Directiom (131-135) In the
folloWlng questtons, the llrst and
l,e last parts of the sentences are
numbered 1 and 6. The rest ls split
into four parts and named P. R
'·and These four parts are not giv·
in their proper order. Read the
· sentence and flnd out which of the
four combinations ls correct.
131. 1. n,e Leeds University
P. a number
Q. offers
R. to lnttmati<>nal
s. ur scholarships
6. students
13) QPSR PQRS ..
· -132. l. Academicians
P. who have been involved In
·· • the debate
g. Including former Vice·
R. that the legislation can
help providing a uniform
S. on a coo1mon unjvtrsi.ty
law. think
6. to the universlly bodies
such as senate syndicate
133. I. There IS
P. as the gifi ·"
Q. and love for antly
R. no such thtng _11 •• S. of brotherhood ... 6. in this world.
134. I. The World Health Organ!·
P. the g,eatest ,11Jrun
Q. has pointed .out
R. Is
S. the tobacco
6. fn the history of human·
135. I. My friend's protest
P. ncry
Q. turned out to be
R. Injustice
s .
6. in the wilderness
Directions (136-145) In the
following questions. a sentence has
been gi ven in Active Voim/Passlvc
Voice. Out or the four alternatives
suAAesv.ed. sele<:t the one which best
expresses the same sentence In Passive/
Active Voice.
136. We should meet all our needs.
t I Our needs should be met.
!21 All our needs are to be
by IS.
(31 All our needs should be met
All or us should meet our
137. The reccnliy damaged roads
:.re h,.lng hy tht:m.
(lJ The repaired the recenUy
damaged roads.
They have repaired the recently
damaged roads.
ThL-y are repairing the
r.ntly damnged roads.
The recently damaged
roads were repaired by
136.A method has been de,1sed
01em to solve this problem.
l )They have devised a method
to solve that problem.
They have de,;scd a melh·
od lo solve lh,s problem.
They have solved the problem
They have solved the problem
by a method.
139. She cannoL manage the s1!uation
01 The situation cannot be
managed by her
The sltualion ts unman··
ageable for her
lier situation cannot be
Managing the situation I.S
not possible by her.
14-0. The officer will convene a
meeting ol his subordinates.
$Ubordtnates wm l>c
convened for a meeling by
the officer.
The orncer will convene his
subordinates for a m<:cling.
The orncer would convene
a meeting of his subordi·
A meeting of his subordinat.s
will be conven,d b,y
the officer.
141. Our hosts treated us very
We got kind treatment
from our hosts.
We were treated very kind·
ly by our hosts.
We were kindly treated by
hosts. Our treatment was kind.
142. Who painted the wall
Ill whom had the wall
been paJnted
By whom was the wall
ey whom is Lhe wall been
Fly whom has the wall been
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ܱ©²´±¿¼ Ú®±³ æ ¸¬¬°æññ½°±®¬¿´ò·²
14$. The ministry will have Instructed
the s,:c:urfty <'11:Cncles.
II J The security agencies will
h,we been lnstruc!cd the
(21 9':cur11y agencies will
have been by the
131 The lllslrurtton?? were itiv·
by the mJnlsLry Lu the
141 The iu strucllons were t.lk-
1,n by the secunty agc:ndcs
from ministry.
144. He was given I.he details oflus
uncle's ,..111 by the lawy<:r.
1 J His uncJe ·s will waa given
to him by his lawyer.
(21 The lawyer gave him the
details his uncle' s wtll.
His unc1 .e· s Will and its de·
tails were giv(.'Tl by the la.w·
The dct,ills of the will
given by hts lawyer.
Your little boy bmke my kltcch·
en window I.hi s morrung.
My kitchen winduw gol
broke by your little boy.
1'hls morning the kitchen
w1n<1o,v wns broke Uy
little boy.
131 My ht!le boy broke your
kitchen wtndow 111um•
My kitchen window was
brokrn by your Utile boy
this morning.
Dtttctloos (146-155) In the
folloWing questions. a part or the
l<l'ntence is p,inlcd In bold. Below
are gi,tn alternatives to the bold part
at (2j and which may improve
the SCl1lcnm. Choose the correct allcrnatl,
·e. In case no improvement is
needed your answer IS
146. Strangely enough (IIJldJ.
. dates restricted themselves
to small rallies and kept aw"y
from some rura.J areas.
111 the condiJage" re&trlcted
Uie candldates were re,trtL'l·
ed to lhemseh•cs
the candidates have restriclc:cl
No Improvement
147. The man who wt1l score the (21 passed away
maximum point.a, W!ll c.-my 1:11 took ofT
the lJ·uph)', 14) impmvemenl
(ll who scores the ma??lmum Dlffct.loua (Ul6-16f>I ln the
points i rt1 ?iowtng QUtSUOt??O. ii St:nlt:tv·e t1 os
Ct) who tl1e maxlrnum ponies- · bttn !{lsen fn Ulrec!/lntlil·ect form.
:,cores Out ot the lour alternative" sugge.st-
who would score ,lie maJ<1- ed. select I.he one which best ex·
mum po1.ni.,, the same seutcrn:P. In ln dl·
No improvt:mcnt rcc:t/DJrect form.
148.Japanese armies effort to de· 156. The srr??er 9aid, T. an you
etroy the Alhed forces al show me the
lmphru and lnvack lndfa, but I 1'11e :llran(lcr SJid whctler l
were driven back into Bunna. can .show him th e way.
11) attempted to destroy n,r . ??!ranger asked whcih-
1Jcr1memed to desJ·oy er he could •how me the
strengthened to desJ'Uct ·
No impro,·ell'l<!nt TI,e stranger asked wlwth·
149, li1d1a Is one of the vi• er l could shuw him the
brant democraciea of the w11y.
world. 141 The stranger said I
m i;,rJgblc:1t df.mocracy could "how him the way.
(21 vibrant democracy 157 · "Do the st.arr have any problem
the man,.,er askL-d. lively democracies
14) No Improvement manager inquired
whether the st,,ff ha,•c had
1110. He stOPIJt:11 to work o.n hour ""Y probl em. ago. The uurnager inquired worked -.1ether the staff have. had
to have work<.'tl hau tl.tiy problem.
(31 working (31 The mauager Inquired
tmprwemenl whr.ther the staff bad had
UU. My teacher is the lliDdcr of all. any problem
kind (4)The man.:1.1ter inquired
kindl y whether U1c st aff had any
kindest pmb lem .
No Improvement 158. She said to him. "Who 11rc
152. The ae<:Jdcnt oc:c:urrcd tn the you Who arc you looking
ceiitre uf the road fo r
J middle She a,,kcd him who he was
path who he """ looking
13) way She questioned hilll who he
No ilnprove.ment was and who was he look-
UIS. I la.'"<lly hnd l reached the S1'l· 1ug for.
tlon when the tnun started. 13) She asked him who was he
then and who was he looking ior.
(21 Ullin She a•kcd him who a.re you
C'io improve ment
154. He iS wilful to help you.
Nu improvement
155. His father died ,.-hen he was
very young,
broke dQWr,
am who ;:u·e you luoklng for .
159. Shreyas said ro his brother
"Are y01.1 feel in. g better r
Shreyll.S asked his bl'Othcr
if was feeling better.
(21 Shreyas told his brother are
you feeling better. ·
Shreyli• told that he
:elfng better.
Shrcyas asked his brotl1tT
are you feellrig better.
ܱ©²´±¿¼ Ú®±³ æ ¸¬¬°æññ½°±®¬¿´ò·²
ܱ©²´±¿¼ Ú®±³ æ ¸¬¬°æññ½°±®¬¿´ò·²
160. Good Momlng. Fathtrr Baby
w::mld call qat
when she saw him.
(II Baby Koch.xmmo would
call oi.11 to Father in the
morni.ug when !ilhc: saw
121 Bnby Kochrunma would tt.11
b;m It was moming when
·. • sl1e saw him.
(31 When Baby Kochanuna
saw h1m. she would w,sh
the Father a good morning.
(41 Baby Kochamma would
call Father wh .n. sh" saw
ht.-n In t..,c morning.
16. 1., . "What a beautiful gift!" my friend said. .
My (r!eod retorted that the
1 gill was beau ti I ul.
(21 My friend said that tt iS a ·• beautiful glfl. ·
·· My friend explained that the g)fl was heaullful.
• (41 My friend exclaimed that
·, the gift was hP-autlful.
"lire there no prisons r asked
ll Scroo.;e mquJred about the
status of prisons.
(21 Scrooge wanted to know If
lh,:re wcte no pn.;«m,;.
Scrooge asked if thett wc,·c
(4}Scrooge i<ald if there were
110 prisons.
lAHe compltmentec:t tha she
had done ,·ery well.
He said to her, "Alas I.You
did very well
12) He said lo her. ·-very good,
she has done very well.·
131 He said to her. ·uow
should you do so well
14) Hr satc:t to her, "Very (luod,
you have done very well!"
UK'. She said that she really liked
the furniture. III "She rwlly liked ;hi6 fur- o.iture.· she snid.
· 12) "She had really liked Lhis
furniture.· she smd,
··' · 13) ·1 really ltke this furni· · ture: she said.
"1 hyave really liked this
fumlture. • she sntd.
165. The mother exclaimed adml.r-
1n.11ly Lhnt it wrui very clever of
h1m lq havt-: solved lhc puzzle
so qwcld)•,
arc a c1evcr.
why you sol,t-d the puale
quickly: said the mother.
Th" mother said, "How
cleverly yon solved the pu-
-mother sa1d, -vou
solved lhc puz??lc very
-How clever of Lo have
solv?? the puule so qu!Ck·
ly r·, said the mother
Direcdoaa In the
following two passages some of the
worcls have been left out: ??lrst tt.ad
the passages over and try·to unde,·stamt
what tt ts about. Then llll In
the hiani<s wilh the help the altemanvcs
IQuutlo11 Noe, 166 to 175)
Man worked with his small
tools unlll the advent of modem
machtr1ery UJl§l t,y steam and
clectnc11y. The Sfflllll tools
defeat from the machines. as
tliifil hands had to the hands
.ll.ZQI with tools. These mac.lunes·
operate only aver large UZ!J. ofland
aml corrsidcrableuz.al arc needed
for and use. But
if therefore we give up all (W1 sayIng
U101 our peasantry cru,not U'.Ml
them, It will simply mean
166. Ill drtven
12) movL-d
167. 11 agn;t:d
131 allowed
(41 permilted
168. (ll irce
(31 bare
169. succeeded
170. (l)full
121 equipped
14) painted
(21 weak
(41 strong
l:JI tracts (41 dM&lon&
172, Ill sums moneys
(31 funds 1 costs
173, I ti hope 12) expeot:1t1on
(31 Intention ambition
174. ll manage afford
enable Inspire
175. a!,klng requiring
pleading lm•1tlng
(Qae11tJo:o Nos. 176 to 185)
Elephants are In lndla
and in Jfnca. ihe Uill elephant
dJffers In some points the
Indian, beinglargerwiltsL!Zil lusk
and blgp;er ears. Ill fact. the two are
considered to be different UHi- In
both couritnes. they live In U§ll
in the jungles and are naturally
flS2l animals that keep away from
!1A3). Ek·µhanls are fine adv<:rlist.....
ment for U.M.l tor hey l!ve Lim
011 leavt:9. grass w,d roots.
176, l I available
177. (JJ African
(21 Korean
110. (lI lnrgcr
180. vancttes
1111.(ll groups
(31 crowds
182, ll I ferociouo
(31 shy
183. UI U1e world
,he water
the ciUes
(21 henls
Mi slnglc&
12) fear11ome
1114. 8p1riitualb1m
• communism
14) capltal!Mm
185. lJ entirely
12) partially
ܱ©²´±¿¼ Ú®±³ æ ¸¬¬°æññ½°±®¬¿´ò·²
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Dlncdoou (186-200) You
have two brief.passages wttb 5 to
lO questions folk,v.1ng each pas·
sage. the passages CHICfully
and choo!IC the best answtr to
question out of the four al tern a·
(Qu.eatioa Noe. 186 to 195)
In November 1918. he join??d
Sydenham C.ollei.e as a professor of
political economics and worked
there for two vears. With his llUle
savings. some"help from the Mahar3Ja
of Kolhapur. and "ilh a loan
of five thousand nipecs from !us
friend. N,wal Bhathcna, he left for
England 1n 1920 to complete hts
studic:s tn Law am! EconomiO!. He
n;,rumed his studies at the London
&:hoot of Eco110,n1cs and kept his
le""" at Grays lrustitute of Law. He
turned lus attention lo the Londoq
Museum where foe relics of Uic
saint!" and IK:lt.-nl!Oc thoughts. are
preserved, where the Nlns of lhe
antique wurld are displayed and
where Karl lviarx. Mru:zlnl. Lenin
and Savarkar had rtug for kn0,1edJ!e
and digested It. In the Museum, he
poura:I over books from mmnL'lg till
evening. Tlme was an irnpurlant factor
with hi,n. To s:we beth money
and time. would go without
lunch. All.er thJg. U-.e seC<Jnd round
of reading begins at hls residence.
The cndlus re.tding would go oH lill
early morning. He lold bls room•
mate that hls poverty and wan l of
time rnquire him co llnish his studies
as early as possible.
Durir.,1( these studks Jn London
for his ac,,demic eminence. he ha<l
not forgotten lhe real.aim 1n his life.
He could not for a minute forget lhe
dumb faces of the u'ntou.chables In
India. He took up this matter with
tl1e Secretai:,·, State for Ind;a and
also held diiit,usslon with Mr. VHh·
albhai P..uel In l.ondon. Neither he
r.m1lt,1 fo;gft allt.,, plllillc::ol realHies
of !he nation. In a paper read
before the Studen.ts and also
in his famous thesis. "The Problem
of the Rupees•, he e:xposcd the hollowness
of the Brtt1??h policies In
India. which caused a slir In the
academic world of London and
Ambedkar we Suspe<:ted to be an
Indian Revolutionary.
186. Where did Dr. Ambedk.ar
London School ofEconom·
Sydenham College
London Museum
Institute of Law
187. Dr. Ambedkar was a teacher of
??olltic,al EconQTf!Wl;
(4f. ??kllJlcal Sctence
188. Wll,o. lllongst the follnwing
Ambedkar. s benefactor
z .
Raja of Kathiawar
Queen of Engl.awl
13) Raja of Kulhapur
Lord Gray
189. Name Dr. s friend
who helped hJm to go to England.
Nawal K.1shore
Karl Marx
Naval 1:!hathen:t
190. Why did Dr. Ambedkar try to
finish hls studies early as
due to Illness
for la.ck of resour<:cs and
(31 due to adverac climate
due to nostalgia
191. What was Dr. Ambedkar's real
ai«r in life
Uplifunentofthe downtrod·
den caste
UpUftmcnt of his family
Academic eminence
Succr.s.sful ca,eer as a lawyet"
192. Whal was the core slogan
raised by Dr. l'unbcdkar?
Self-awareness amongst
the oppte89cd
(2f Open revolt
Pa,:lficalion of the untouchables
Revolt of the oppressors
193 . Where did Dr. Ambedkar spend
most of h1s ttme tn London
. (??)Courtrooms
India House
13) Royal Palace
London Museum
194. How many year(sJ did Dr.
."anbedkar work as a teacher In
1 yeo.r 2 ycaTl:I
3 years 4 yean
195. W'ha.t d1d Dr. Ambedkar expose
in hlli
11 Ma.rgft•-'lity of the rulers
Infallibility of che Brtllsh
Universal laws of broU1erhood
HOlJO\ness of the Engltsri.
policies iJl fndla
(Qa.eatlOll Noa. 196 to 200)
Although speech IS tbe most
advanced form of communication,
there are many way, of nommuntcat1ng
v.1thout using speech. SlgIlll.ls,
signs. symbols and gestures
m<1y be found in every known Cl.!·. ture. The basic function of a sfgrlal
ts lo impln?? 11pnn tJ1t: em.-tronmenl
1.n such a v.'8.y tbal it attracts at·
tentlon, as. for example. tbe dots
and ·d..,,hcs of a telegraph circuit
Coded toreierto .;pccch, the potenUaJ
for comrnunicaUou 1s very great.
Less adaptable to the codification
of words. signs also cont::t.fn
In and of themselves. A stop
sign. for example. conveys mean.itlg'
quickly and conveniently. Symbols
are more dlflk-ull to describe than
either signals or sig)ls because of
their Intricate rclalionshlp with the
receiver's culturlll percepUons. In
some cultures. applauding in a theQtre
provides performers With an
audltE>I)' S}'ITlbol of approval. Gestures
such as waving Md handshaking
also cornmuntccate certaln c>11.,,tural
bots w1d gestures are very useful.
they do have a major disadvantage.
They usually do not allow Ideas to
be shared without the sender being
directly adjacent to the recei1·er. s
a resull, means of communication
Intend«! to be used for long dislanc·
ܱ©²´±¿¼ Ú®±³ æ ¸¬¬°æññ½°±®¬¿´ò·²
ܱ©²´±¿¼ Ú®±³ æ ¸¬¬°æññ½°±®¬¿´ò·²
es and extended periods are based
upon speech. Rndlo. television and
lhe telephone are only a few ofsuch
196.Accordlng to the passage.
what Is sign.ii
A furm of communication
used across long dlslances.
The cultural pcrct.-ption of
13) A type or communication
that ,merrupts the environment..
14) A compU??ted lorm of communication
to describe.
197. Choose the correct statement
Speech ls the most advanced
form of commurllcation.
Speech Is the real form of
13) Speech IS u,e basiS for oommuntcauon
to occur.
14) Speech IS dependent upon
the advances mo.de by In·
198,Choose lhe most appropriate
l!Ue for the passage.
lJ Signs and signals.
Gestural communication
13) Speech ,•ai1at1ons
Mcar1M of curnmunlcallon
UHi. Why were the I.cir.phone, ra·
dlo and TV Invented
provide new form& of
12) It was believed that signs,
slgnals and symbols were
13) It was difficult to under•
stand ,iymbQl,i.
14) People. "''3Jlted to communicate
across long distance&,
200. This pas:,agc explains that_
ll Symbols are the easiest to
Sw,als. s1gns. sym,ols and
gestures are forms of communica..t:
13) Signlncance of wa,'ing and
ha11d??haklng Is difforcnl In
different cultu??.
Different cultures have di(·
fcrent signs and symbols.
Dlreetions 1 Jn the l'ollo"
ing questions. select the rel<>ted
wortl/lcllcrs/numbcr frurn Lhc given
l. Bus Road Tratn
(l),Juncl.lnn (2j Ji,ill
2. Pollcc: Constable Class
. Student
[Pl Monitor
3. Bird Feather
Tree: Leaves
Lady Dress
13) Fish Scrues
Sktn Man
4. fipri-ng Rltt??UCity
Pe.rson Whims
Cl) Wool Wam:lth'
Ratlio BrmulCID!L
6. on:o TSRQ KJ!H
ll) PQRS .Ji.!JK
7. 9 26 81
90 12) 99
2·12 729
8. 124
ll) 15 12)
17 24
9. 4 27 9
12 64
32 (41 16
Directions In Uie following
questions. ·Select the 011e
which is <lifferen L Crum Lhc olhcr
thrtt r,sponse.??.
10. !:iquare metre
12) Square feel
Square inc:h .
l 4 Squru-e l'OOt
ll. (IJ Stjuarc Cone
(31 Triangle Redan.t:(le
I J zxyzy
yzxyx 14) XV'"Y
12, lfard . Soft Direction• Ilic fol-
121-lro.inled Blunt
Swetl -Sour
Long -High
lowing questlon s 1 choo.sc: the cor·
reel nltrrnnuve from the i(lven ones
U1at Viii complete !-4t:rks.
13. fil l>J<.J. QPO
(31 wus
15. Li (21 nml.1<
(31 glED TSuv
16. 36.!7 48. 21
:$6.25 68,31
23. MES. LDR. KCQ. 1.-.0
24. !KMO. TVXZ. . LMNO
l :BCD 12i CE9li
131 14) GIKM
25.,1, )411.400.900.1764
1 1 1 25 2 1 !lo
4H 14) I 00
17. 225
1 26. I ...:L
18. (li.82, I
28 · . 44 Directions In the fol I
lowiug quCsl'ions, which of c.he
given responses would be a mean- I
inirul order of the followi11!( wunl?? I
1n ascending order'?
19. 1. Collc:,::lor
2 . Governor
3. Chic( Sccrcuuy
4 . President
5. cierk
I. 2. 3. 5
I. 2. 4i
3. 2
5. I. 4. 3. 2
20. l. Weekly
3 . Monlhly
5. B1monrhly
2 . Dally
4 . Forlnighll)'
21. Which on,. of the follow1ng
words wlll appear foUJ U1 in the
EugUsh tJtcUunary
1 En cradle Encourage
Encroach Encounlcr
22. Which one set of letters when
sequentially placed at the gapi
i n the given lctler S<..:rics sha1l
complete It
-ey -zyx-xy
I J 1:.lO
14) I :15
27. Fmtl LJ1cwn.mg11umbcr in the
given senes.
(LJ !2i 9
l!Jl 19 Mi GI
28. f'athirn.' whik introducing
Muswfo lo her husband srud.
bn>lher·i< r:athi:r .is I he: only
son or my grandfather. How is
Fat.him?? rcla.1.c<l Muslafa
.um Sister
(3J Niec:e 14) M0tltcr
29. i8 iJn.: cubt: or a
Vhok number. It w a s square
of another 11un1ber two
ago. IJ ow Jong he m.1tsl
Tut before ht$ (tgt 1s :.tgi.lin Llu.!
cub...: of a Vhol<.: number?
2 ycar8 12) IO yt;ars
37 years 14) 39 years
30. F'rom the ??iven ollernattves.
fhr word which r:an be
formed usi11g I he letters of the
givenw ord.
11 ASSlHi??; !l-1ANTU•:
MASTb:H 14) !;;U.VIMIT
31. r'l'Olll the gi,.,en allen1ativc::;.
select the word which cannot
be fomied usiujl the ·!dter?? of
Lht given word.
ܱ©²´±¿¼ Ú®±³ æ ¸¬¬°æññ½°±®¬¿´ò·²
ܱ©²´±¿¼ Ú®±³ æ ¸¬¬°æññ½°±®¬¿´ò·²
(31 TONl,R (41 RELATE · 32. If In a CP.rtain code, DAUGH. ·
TER IS written
how will APTlTUDE be
in that code
3 3. ff GERMANY ts wi1tten as
L8. 13. 1. 14. 25. how can
FR<NCE be wr1tten In thal
6;3.18.14, I
8. l(U4.3, l.5
Duectious In the fol
lov.'lng quesf.ionis. llnd the mtsstng
IiJmbe,· from the given responses.
34. 60
40 :.10 20
AO 50 40
30 140 ·20 36, 7 9 10
4 8 6 2 4
14 15
32 3tl. FollowtngtquuUv11?? wt: wived
on the basts of a certain sys•
tem. On the same .basls. find
out the corrttt answer for thf!
w1solved equation.
8+5 3·=358, 3 7+6s673,
476 {21674
764 746 $7. Select the ccrrect r.omblnalion ·
vf 111athemaucal sign& to .re·
place • mgns and to balance
the glve·n equation.
X X 38. lf A stands for M for
·Multiplication·. D for ·01V1-
sfon·, G fr.rr ·crcaler than' and
Lfor 'Lesser U1an'. then which
of the following ullernntiveo
will be l-0g1cally correct
J 8D6A8L4A6D2
39. V!jet walks km towards
SuuUi, then he wnik& 3 km
turning to right. Again he
turns t.o his anJ walks 5
km. lie then turns to his kfl
am.I wall(S 5 km. How far iS he
now from the starting fK>inl
3 km 5 km 8 km 6 km
40. A lllWl S· I.arts from a·point and waJka a km soUChwurd.a.
then he lums lelt and walks
6 km. ln which direction is he
from the starting p(lint
South West
South East
South •
41. p·s age ts equal tn R is
younger than S. T Is younger lhoan R but elder than P.
Which one Is the oldest
p Q
13) R (41 S
42. C ts to the West of B and
Solth-West of A. D Is lo the
North-West of A and North of
C .:u1d ln line with A n. rn
whfc:h dircclior, Crom the poUlt
of A. B is located
l North-Enst
(2.J South-Ea??I,
{31 North-West
14) South-Wesr
Direction• In the fol· lowing questions, two statements
are given followed.by two-conclusions
I and ll. You hc,ve to ??onstder
Lhc slalcments to be true even ff
they seem to be at variance from
commonly knuwn facts. You are to
decide which of Lhe g1vr.n conclu· ·
aions. if any, follow from the given
43. Sutement. I. All are doctors.
2. Some doctors are actors.
l. Some doctors arc players as
well as actors, JI. All 3.ctors are doclora.
Only conclusion I follow.s,
Only conclusion II follows.
Both conclusions J am! II
Neither conclusion I nor II
44. Sl.!Lcin,ent:s Cla6$1cal nl·us.tc
ls ctMne. T:ilentPrl people 1:>111
learn classical music easily.
n1ose who learn classical
music become great.
II. Only talenled po.nplc can
leant c!Msieal mirstc.
(11 Only concluston I follows.
(21 Only conc.luslc;n ll follows.
Both cOnduaion:;, I und n follow.
Neither conclusion l nor 11
45, Whl<:h one of the following
diag.=s best depicts the. n,lactonship
among Elephants.
Wolves anc1 An!mals
l,..... ,l.
46. h answer figure wlll mm·
plclc the pattern Ill U1e question
??eation Figure
Ans-r Flfarea
J l
47. Select the answer figure in
which the question figure is
hidden/ embedded.
Quutloo. Flpn;
ܱ©²´±¿¼ Ú®±³ æ ¸¬¬°æññ½°±®¬¿´ò·²
ܱ©²´±¿¼ Ú®±³ æ ¸¬¬°æññ½°±®¬¿´ò·²
Answer Flgmes
48. A piec? of paper ts folded and
cul as shown below In the
question ngures. From the giv·
en answer :figures. Indicate
how I t will oppcitr when
Queetlo,; Fteuns
Answer Figures
·.· :.·.
. . . . . . ..
ii) (2j
49. Wh1r.h of the answer Ogure Is
exactly the mirror Jmageofthc
g1vco Ogure, when lhe mirror
IS held on the line AB
Question ll'i,gure
!50. A word is represented by only
one s e t of numbers as given l n
sm y one of t h e alternatives. The
sets of numbera gtvcn in U,e
alternatives are represen?? by
two classes of alphabets as In
two matr1ces given below. The
columns and rows of Malrix I
a.re from O to 4 and
that ofMalrlx II are numbered
rrom 5 to 9. A letter frorr. these
matrices can be represented
first by ils row and next by ils
column, e.g .. can be repre·
sentcd by 02, 14. 33, etc. ,md
can be rcpre&cnted by 57,
88, etc. IdenUl'y the set for
lhe word SOAP.
0 I 2 3
0 R s A C
I C N R s
2 s A C N
3 N R s A
4 A C N R
5 6 7 8
5 0 13 K
6 E p 0 B
7 B E p
8 p 0 B K
9 K E p 0
0 1,56.2,67
32. 56, 20, 66
20,56,?.1 ,66
51. The pre.s??,it monetary system
In lndla t s . managed by
Nationalized Banks
The State Bani< of India
(3)The Central Finance Min-
. Isby
(41 The Reserve Bank of lndla
52, What ts a Mulunauonal Com·
A Joint venture among more
than two countries
A company set up with foreign
A com:,a.ny havtng operabans
In many countries.
A company holding a monopoly
over the sale of a
certain commodity t n several
53. Explicit Implicit Costs
Private Costs
Accourtllng Costs
Economic Costs
Social Costs
54. WhJch of the follow!ng Is not
relevant Lo Human Resource
Women and Chtld Development
Caste system
Youth Affairs and Sports
55. A Cycle consists of
Thre,e Phases
Four Phases
Flve Phases
SLx Phases
56. The K h ilafat Movement was
organt2ed to protest against
rellgl.ous Interference by the
Russian Revolution
cu??membennent ofTurkey
suppression of Pathans
57, Planning Commission was e s tabliibed
in ihc year
1980 1970
1950 1960
58, India witnessed single party
dominauon till
1962 1967
1971 1977
59. Whtch part of the const1tut1on
of lndta has been descrtbcd as
the soul of the Constitution?
11) Fundamental Rights
12) DlrecttvePrtnctples of Slate
60. Constltueni Assembly adopt ed
the Consutuucin on
15th Augu??t 194 7
26th November 1949
26th January 1950
30thJanuouy t948
61. rustless lron Pillar at Me·
hraull (Delhi) was erected by
(IJ Mau ryas Kushans
Gu pus
62. the famous 'Guyatri Mantra'
has been taken from
Rlgveda Samaveda
Atharvaveda .
83. The Rajput King who was defeated
by Babur in the battle
of Khanwa was
(lJ Udal Singh
Rana Pratap Stngh
Rana Sanga
(4J RudTa Deva
64. Who was the founder of the
Ramakrishna Mission
Ll Sri Ramakrishna
Swami Shracldhananda
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Kesha b Chandra
Swam i Vivekananda
65. Who led the Mutiny at Kan
I J HP..gum llazrat Mahal
Kana Sahib
Tantia Tope
Raul Laxrntbat
66. 'M1lch 'Wattr Body' separates
Andaman and Nicobar Jslo.nds?
lJ Andrunan Sea (21 Bay of Bengal
Ten Degree Channel
Eleventh Degree Cham,d
67. State Highways are m ainLaincd
Irn.lM<.Jue.J SlatP.S
Central Covo:mment
mCe.,nnttrsa jl nainndl yS tate Govern(
4i Pn,·atc part1e6 selected by
the State Oovern,nmls
68. The first port develoJ.'Cd after
Independence was
Xhava Sheva
Kl) New
Ml Mumb<ai
69. lTn!)de ian eighbouring couully of v,:hich has ??mflllf"SI
area is
Sri l. anka
70. Kazirnnga Wild Ufe Sanctu-
1uy in the State vf
Blhar Ta,nil Na<.lu
Assam Rer??a
71. Re.??ln Is extr,u,ted from
Papaya C.!J Pinc Rubber Banyan
72. A corm non plan I found In tropic.a
l rainforest Is
Orchid (41
73. Which of the fol lowing vitamins
Is necessary for dolltng
74. lnfluenza virus contains
RNA only
DNA only
Both RNA and ON.' in equal
(41 DNA With very small proportion
of RNA.
71S. Lung fish is a link between
Amphibia and Birds
(2J lkpllles and llirds
Amphibia and Reptiles
Rep tiles and Manuual•
76. Green .'(land is U,c cxr.retory
or!!an of
Earthworm Cockroach
Prawn House-Oy
77, pressure ts fnC"r. the boiling polnt,ol: \:ater
Increases "JJ.1
rema ins Lhc sam e
depends on the volume or vapour formed,
78. In the treatment of skin disease
Lhc radto isotope used is
ll Rad10 phosphorous R-odio iodine
(31 Radio lead
Radio coba.lt
79. Flreaci tn hs toawte hmase n:t hoose uicor111
red hl(ht as il.s outcr-mo$t
colou r towards sky
red light as lb, Inner-most
colour towards carU,
vi ol c,1 light Its Inner ·
most colour towards earth
curvature bent towards
80. A cyrlt??t i n circ-ular" molic.m
should lea11
Sineways tow:,.rds the centre
Sid<:way from the c entre
81. The monitor of a coaipulcr is
(ll an input de,icc
un output
a stora.ge de,1ce
a processing deV'ic.!
82. 1s a collection of
Ummgh whfch data is trans
milted from one part of a computer
lo another part. Port Channel
Bus (41 Add on card
83. Amalgam is an alloy in which the base melal
Copper Zinc
Alurnlniwn Merctuy
84. physical meth,xl cnmJJ1tmly
useci ro purity sea wa
ter is
J Rvaporauon
85. The chenucal name of ·ou of
vltrlor is
(ll Phosphoric acid
(21 Nilnc ac1d
Sulp huric acid
Mydrochloric, acid
Etti. C1iU1odc rays are
Elo:clmrnagnetlc waves
Slrcwn of ,x-partldr."
f4) Strea,ri of electron??
87, The National Park Vallr.y of
Flowers· Ue-.s in the State of
Himao:hal Pradesh
Jammu Ka•hmir
88, Bhopnl Gas Tragedy was caused by
Methy l i•o??yanite
89- The example of a secou<.l:ary
pollutant. is
J Cf'C (Chloro lluoro carbon)
PAN (Peroxy acetyl nitn:ite)
CH, (Methan
90. In bi.I( cities. air pollution
mainly cine to
burn1ng of fossil Ii.tel
Lhcrmal power plant
suspended parUcle.s
91. wTihleh term Is associated
l:!admJnton Chess
J-lockey l4) Football
92. The oral polio ,·accine was
disC'O·ered by
Alexander F1ernmiug
Edmond Fischr.r
Joseµh E. Murray
ܱ©²´±¿¼ Ú®±³ æ ¸¬¬°æññ½°±®¬¿´ò·²
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93. Who of U1e following Nobel
Laureates for t heu· l'elentless
??truggk for pt",ace, was awarded
20 l O Nobel Pnze
Barack H. Obama
Liu Xlaobu
Martll Aht1i<aart
94, The Umirun Hyde Project dam
is localed a few kilomclrCM
north of
Kohima Imphal
96. The expenses of the Govemrncnl
uf lndil, we lhc blgl11J1>L
on a0<.'<lunt of subsidy on
Feruli2ets Oil
LPG (41 Food
96. In acxordance w11h the dlrec·
lions of RBI. ban kif.?? facilities
are required to be prov;ded al
all places ha'tng population of
than 2000 by the end of
11) March 2015
March 2014
March 2013
March 2012
97. Bodoland Terrllorlal Council
(BTC). on autonomous self·
go,·em1ng body, was created
11>ilhm U1e State of
p J N•galoud M??ghalayi,
Assam Mizoram
98. 'Simla Pact' belweeu India
and Pal<Jstan was stgoed tn the
1965 1971
197'2 2001
99, In which of the following
Slates are CttrO iu1d Klia•l
trtbt's found
Ill Anmachal Pradesh
12) Na,l(alaud
100. Manipur has common bour,dartes
with lhe group of States
Ill :'olttg,dand. A••um ttnd Ml·
l2) Nagaland. Meghalaya and
Kil ){eghala.ya. Mtzorrun and
14) Nagaland, Mizoram and
DlrecUODS (101-1101 In the
questions. some parts
the sentences have errors and some
have none. Ftncl out which part or
a se.nten?? has an error. The number
of that part the answe.r. Your
aru,wcr t,i I.e. Nu error.
1· 01. I am Utinking to 11,Ttle my at.itoblop;raphy. error
14) .•
102- YQ1.ir
tn mine. No 14).
103. The Ganges has overflowed
its banks and each of the
four ,•1ll<1,11;es w-e nooded.
Ko error
104. What ,·ou do In the
evenings? No emr
106. Lasl r.ighL you returned
laiely. No error (4)·.
100. I !cit sure Ill/ he would die
and ihat his money would go to
hts daogh1cr. No error 11).
107. Orc:10<:•. skirt,, .md children·,.
clothmg(I)/ an, actve.rtJsed
al gr>:al rcduct:d price•.
i08. Vijay. having t'inished his paper.
he left the e>.'aJU·
lnatto,-. hall. No error 14).
109. anti Lwo are equal to
four. No error (4J.
110, She wonder?? how was he
to manage .if he
couldn't ,iet n Job. No er
ror 141,
Dln:ction• (171-175) In lhc
following quP.Sltons?? sentences are.
wilh bl..rika to be ftllcd in "ilh
appropriate word(sl. F'our alten1a·
tl'CS arc SUAACStcd for each question.
Choose the correct alternative
out of the four.
111,My rather home la•L
left off wenl back
made out
112. lleas.sented
111 came dO,n
mypropos- 1
113. I .,,ume before she ar-
hll<i left left
13) have left has left
114. You will have lo your
pay to
IS) pay off
pay for
115. The thie.-es In a slo•
· {lJ m.'d.e out made up
13) made off made over
DlrectiODS In the
following question.,, out or the four
allc:matlves. choose the one which
best expressu the meaning or the
given word.
l UI. Flatter
Ill hate
13) love
117. l"'raglle
t3J la.sung
118. linique
119, lne-itable
CZI common
ll) optional 121 ne«ssa,y
countable enviable
120. llondage
11) !lavery
l3J d:Wns
(21 fetter&
Directions (121-126) In the
following quc,tlon8, choo•e the
word oppusle in m??llll.( to the Jl)ven
121. ??tertle
II) lively
122. Prominent
(21 furgclfulm:,t•
13) Ignorance
l4) Indifference
lll Lolcrote
125, lndu.striOUS
ti) industrial
!2J refuse
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Duectloaa (128-130) In the
following questions. four altemaUvcs
are given for llie idioms/phrdS•
es. Choose the alternative which
· expresses the meaning of the
· ·126. Like wildfire
(LJ here and there
.. l4J paruauy
127. A tlerculean task
A task wluch requires lit·
lk effort
A task which requires a lot
of patience
A lask which requires
cnonnous courage
A task which requires great
i28. To make light of
to bring light into life
(21 to treat as unimportant
to make candles
. . to light a llre
129. To took into
lo observe
to search
to peep
ti) 1nvr..st1g.,1??
130. To egg on
to urge to adv.ise
lo ask to warn
Directiom (131-135) In the
folloWlng questtons, the llrst and
l,e last parts of the sentences are
numbered 1 and 6. The rest ls split
into four parts and named P. R
'·and These four parts are not giv·
in their proper order. Read the
· sentence and flnd out which of the
four combinations ls correct.
131. 1. n,e Leeds University
P. a number
Q. offers
R. to lnttmati<>nal
s. ur scholarships
6. students
13) QPSR PQRS ..
· -132. l. Academicians
P. who have been involved In
·· • the debate
g. Including former Vice·
R. that the legislation can
help providing a uniform
S. on a coo1mon unjvtrsi.ty
law. think
6. to the universlly bodies
such as senate syndicate
133. I. There IS
P. as the gifi ·"
Q. and love for antly
R. no such thtng _11 •• S. of brotherhood ... 6. in this world.
134. I. The World Health Organ!·
P. the g,eatest ,11Jrun
Q. has pointed .out
R. Is
S. the tobacco
6. fn the history of human·
135. I. My friend's protest
P. ncry
Q. turned out to be
R. Injustice
s .
6. in the wilderness
Directions (136-145) In the
following questions. a sentence has
been gi ven in Active Voim/Passlvc
Voice. Out or the four alternatives
suAAesv.ed. sele<:t the one which best
expresses the same sentence In Passive/
Active Voice.
136. We should meet all our needs.
t I Our needs should be met.
!21 All our needs are to be
by IS.
(31 All our needs should be met
All or us should meet our
137. The reccnliy damaged roads
:.re h,.lng hy tht:m.
(lJ The repaired the recenUy
damaged roads.
They have repaired the recently
damaged roads.
ThL-y are repairing the
r.ntly damnged roads.
The recently damaged
roads were repaired by
136.A method has been de,1sed
01em to solve this problem.
l )They have devised a method
to solve that problem.
They have de,;scd a melh·
od lo solve lh,s problem.
They have solved the problem
They have solved the problem
by a method.
139. She cannoL manage the s1!uation
01 The situation cannot be
managed by her
The sltualion ts unman··
ageable for her
lier situation cannot be
Managing the situation I.S
not possible by her.
14-0. The officer will convene a
meeting ol his subordinates.
$Ubordtnates wm l>c
convened for a meeling by
the officer.
The orncer will convene his
subordinates for a m<:cling.
The orncer would convene
a meeting of his subordi·
A meeting of his subordinat.s
will be conven,d b,y
the officer.
141. Our hosts treated us very
We got kind treatment
from our hosts.
We were treated very kind·
ly by our hosts.
We were kindly treated by
hosts. Our treatment was kind.
142. Who painted the wall
Ill whom had the wall
been paJnted
By whom was the wall
ey whom is Lhe wall been
Fly whom has the wall been
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14$. The ministry will have Instructed
the s,:c:urfty <'11:Cncles.
II J The security agencies will
h,we been lnstruc!cd the
(21 9':cur11y agencies will
have been by the
131 The lllslrurtton?? were itiv·
by the mJnlsLry Lu the
141 The iu strucllons were t.lk-
1,n by the secunty agc:ndcs
from ministry.
144. He was given I.he details oflus
uncle's ,..111 by the lawy<:r.
1 J His uncJe ·s will waa given
to him by his lawyer.
(21 The lawyer gave him the
details his uncle' s wtll.
His unc1 .e· s Will and its de·
tails were giv(.'Tl by the la.w·
The dct,ills of the will
given by hts lawyer.
Your little boy bmke my kltcch·
en window I.hi s morrung.
My kitchen winduw gol
broke by your little boy.
1'hls morning the kitchen
w1n<1o,v wns broke Uy
little boy.
131 My ht!le boy broke your
kitchen wtndow 111um•
My kitchen window was
brokrn by your Utile boy
this morning.
Dtttctloos (146-155) In the
folloWing questions. a part or the
l<l'ntence is p,inlcd In bold. Below
are gi,tn alternatives to the bold part
at (2j and which may improve
the SCl1lcnm. Choose the correct allcrnatl,
·e. In case no improvement is
needed your answer IS
146. Strangely enough (IIJldJ.
. dates restricted themselves
to small rallies and kept aw"y
from some rura.J areas.
111 the condiJage" re&trlcted
Uie candldates were re,trtL'l·
ed to lhemseh•cs
the candidates have restriclc:cl
No Improvement
147. The man who wt1l score the (21 passed away
maximum point.a, W!ll c.-my 1:11 took ofT
the lJ·uph)', 14) impmvemenl
(ll who scores the ma??lmum Dlffct.loua (Ul6-16f>I ln the
points i rt1 ?iowtng QUtSUOt??O. ii St:nlt:tv·e t1 os
Ct) who tl1e maxlrnum ponies- · bttn !{lsen fn Ulrec!/lntlil·ect form.
:,cores Out ot the lour alternative" sugge.st-
who would score ,lie maJ<1- ed. select I.he one which best ex·
mum po1.ni.,, the same seutcrn:P. In ln dl·
No improvt:mcnt rcc:t/DJrect form.
148.Japanese armies effort to de· 156. The srr??er 9aid, T. an you
etroy the Alhed forces al show me the
lmphru and lnvack lndfa, but I 1'11e :llran(lcr SJid whctler l
were driven back into Bunna. can .show him th e way.
11) attempted to destroy n,r . ??!ranger asked whcih-
1Jcr1memed to desJ·oy er he could •how me the
strengthened to desJ'Uct ·
No impro,·ell'l<!nt TI,e stranger asked wlwth·
149, li1d1a Is one of the vi• er l could shuw him the
brant democraciea of the w11y.
world. 141 The stranger said I
m i;,rJgblc:1t df.mocracy could "how him the way.
(21 vibrant democracy 157 · "Do the st.arr have any problem
the man,.,er askL-d. lively democracies
14) No Improvement manager inquired
whether the st,,ff ha,•c had
1110. He stOPIJt:11 to work o.n hour ""Y probl em. ago. The uurnager inquired worked -.1ether the staff have. had
to have work<.'tl hau tl.tiy problem.
(31 working (31 The mauager Inquired
tmprwemenl whr.ther the staff bad had
UU. My teacher is the lliDdcr of all. any problem
kind (4)The man.:1.1ter inquired
kindl y whether U1c st aff had any
kindest pmb lem .
No Improvement 158. She said to him. "Who 11rc
152. The ae<:Jdcnt oc:c:urrcd tn the you Who arc you looking
ceiitre uf the road fo r
J middle She a,,kcd him who he was
path who he """ looking
13) way She questioned hilll who he
No ilnprove.ment was and who was he look-
UIS. I la.'"<lly hnd l reached the S1'l· 1ug for.
tlon when the tnun started. 13) She asked him who was he
then and who was he looking ior.
(21 Ullin She a•kcd him who a.re you
C'io improve ment
154. He iS wilful to help you.
Nu improvement
155. His father died ,.-hen he was
very young,
broke dQWr,
am who ;:u·e you luoklng for .
159. Shreyas said ro his brother
"Are y01.1 feel in. g better r
Shreyll.S asked his bl'Othcr
if was feeling better.
(21 Shreyas told his brother are
you feeling better. ·
Shreyli• told that he
:elfng better.
Shrcyas asked his brotl1tT
are you feellrig better.
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ܱ©²´±¿¼ Ú®±³ æ ¸¬¬°æññ½°±®¬¿´ò·²
160. Good Momlng. Fathtrr Baby
w::mld call qat
when she saw him.
(II Baby Koch.xmmo would
call oi.11 to Father in the
morni.ug when !ilhc: saw
121 Bnby Kochrunma would tt.11
b;m It was moming when
·. • sl1e saw him.
(31 When Baby Kochanuna
saw h1m. she would w,sh
the Father a good morning.
(41 Baby Kochamma would
call Father wh .n. sh" saw
ht.-n In t..,c morning.
16. 1., . "What a beautiful gift!" my friend said. .
My (r!eod retorted that the
1 gill was beau ti I ul.
(21 My friend said that tt iS a ·• beautiful glfl. ·
·· My friend explained that the g)fl was heaullful.
• (41 My friend exclaimed that
·, the gift was hP-autlful.
"lire there no prisons r asked
ll Scroo.;e mquJred about the
status of prisons.
(21 Scrooge wanted to know If
lh,:re wcte no pn.;«m,;.
Scrooge asked if thett wc,·c
(4}Scrooge i<ald if there were
110 prisons.
lAHe compltmentec:t tha she
had done ,·ery well.
He said to her, "Alas I.You
did very well
12) He said lo her. ·-very good,
she has done very well.·
131 He said to her. ·uow
should you do so well
14) Hr satc:t to her, "Very (luod,
you have done very well!"
UK'. She said that she really liked
the furniture. III "She rwlly liked ;hi6 fur- o.iture.· she snid.
· 12) "She had really liked Lhis
furniture.· she smd,
··' · 13) ·1 really ltke this furni· · ture: she said.
"1 hyave really liked this
fumlture. • she sntd.
165. The mother exclaimed adml.r-
1n.11ly Lhnt it wrui very clever of
h1m lq havt-: solved lhc puzzle
so qwcld)•,
arc a c1evcr.
why you sol,t-d the puale
quickly: said the mother.
Th" mother said, "How
cleverly yon solved the pu-
-mother sa1d, -vou
solved lhc puz??lc very
-How clever of Lo have
solv?? the puule so qu!Ck·
ly r·, said the mother
Direcdoaa In the
following two passages some of the
worcls have been left out: ??lrst tt.ad
the passages over and try·to unde,·stamt
what tt ts about. Then llll In
the hiani<s wilh the help the altemanvcs
IQuutlo11 Noe, 166 to 175)
Man worked with his small
tools unlll the advent of modem
machtr1ery UJl§l t,y steam and
clectnc11y. The Sfflllll tools
defeat from the machines. as
tliifil hands had to the hands
.ll.ZQI with tools. These mac.lunes·
operate only aver large UZ!J. ofland
aml corrsidcrableuz.al arc needed
for and use. But
if therefore we give up all (W1 sayIng
U101 our peasantry cru,not U'.Ml
them, It will simply mean
166. Ill drtven
12) movL-d
167. 11 agn;t:d
131 allowed
(41 permilted
168. (ll irce
(31 bare
169. succeeded
170. (l)full
121 equipped
14) painted
(21 weak
(41 strong
l:JI tracts (41 dM&lon&
172, Ill sums moneys
(31 funds 1 costs
173, I ti hope 12) expeot:1t1on
(31 Intention ambition
174. ll manage afford
enable Inspire
175. a!,klng requiring
pleading lm•1tlng
(Qae11tJo:o Nos. 176 to 185)
Elephants are In lndla
and in Jfnca. ihe Uill elephant
dJffers In some points the
Indian, beinglargerwiltsL!Zil lusk
and blgp;er ears. Ill fact. the two are
considered to be different UHi- In
both couritnes. they live In U§ll
in the jungles and are naturally
flS2l animals that keep away from
!1A3). Ek·µhanls are fine adv<:rlist.....
ment for U.M.l tor hey l!ve Lim
011 leavt:9. grass w,d roots.
176, l I available
177. (JJ African
(21 Korean
110. (lI lnrgcr
180. vancttes
1111.(ll groups
(31 crowds
182, ll I ferociouo
(31 shy
183. UI U1e world
,he water
the ciUes
(21 henls
Mi slnglc&
12) fear11ome
1114. 8p1riitualb1m
• communism
14) capltal!Mm
185. lJ entirely
12) partially
ܱ©²´±¿¼ Ú®±³ æ ¸¬¬°æññ½°±®¬¿´ò·²
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Dlncdoou (186-200) You
have two brief.passages wttb 5 to
lO questions folk,v.1ng each pas·
sage. the passages CHICfully
and choo!IC the best answtr to
question out of the four al tern a·
(Qu.eatioa Noe. 186 to 195)
In November 1918. he join??d
Sydenham C.ollei.e as a professor of
political economics and worked
there for two vears. With his llUle
savings. some"help from the Mahar3Ja
of Kolhapur. and "ilh a loan
of five thousand nipecs from !us
friend. N,wal Bhathcna, he left for
England 1n 1920 to complete hts
studic:s tn Law am! EconomiO!. He
n;,rumed his studies at the London
&:hoot of Eco110,n1cs and kept his
le""" at Grays lrustitute of Law. He
turned lus attention lo the Londoq
Museum where foe relics of Uic
saint!" and IK:lt.-nl!Oc thoughts. are
preserved, where the Nlns of lhe
antique wurld are displayed and
where Karl lviarx. Mru:zlnl. Lenin
and Savarkar had rtug for kn0,1edJ!e
and digested It. In the Museum, he
poura:I over books from mmnL'lg till
evening. Tlme was an irnpurlant factor
with hi,n. To s:we beth money
and time. would go without
lunch. All.er thJg. U-.e seC<Jnd round
of reading begins at hls residence.
The cndlus re.tding would go oH lill
early morning. He lold bls room•
mate that hls poverty and wan l of
time rnquire him co llnish his studies
as early as possible.
Durir.,1( these studks Jn London
for his ac,,demic eminence. he ha<l
not forgotten lhe real.aim 1n his life.
He could not for a minute forget lhe
dumb faces of the u'ntou.chables In
India. He took up this matter with
tl1e Secretai:,·, State for Ind;a and
also held diiit,usslon with Mr. VHh·
albhai P..uel In l.ondon. Neither he
r.m1lt,1 fo;gft allt.,, plllillc::ol realHies
of !he nation. In a paper read
before the Studen.ts and also
in his famous thesis. "The Problem
of the Rupees•, he e:xposcd the hollowness
of the Brtt1??h policies In
India. which caused a slir In the
academic world of London and
Ambedkar we Suspe<:ted to be an
Indian Revolutionary.
186. Where did Dr. Ambedk.ar
London School ofEconom·
Sydenham College
London Museum
Institute of Law
187. Dr. Ambedkar was a teacher of
??olltic,al EconQTf!Wl;
(4f. ??kllJlcal Sctence
188. Wll,o. lllongst the follnwing
Ambedkar. s benefactor
z .
Raja of Kathiawar
Queen of Engl.awl
13) Raja of Kulhapur
Lord Gray
189. Name Dr. s friend
who helped hJm to go to England.
Nawal K.1shore
Karl Marx
Naval 1:!hathen:t
190. Why did Dr. Ambedkar try to
finish hls studies early as
due to Illness
for la.ck of resour<:cs and
(31 due to adverac climate
due to nostalgia
191. What was Dr. Ambedkar's real
ai«r in life
Uplifunentofthe downtrod·
den caste
UpUftmcnt of his family
Academic eminence
Succr.s.sful ca,eer as a lawyet"
192. Whal was the core slogan
raised by Dr. l'unbcdkar?
Self-awareness amongst
the oppte89cd
(2f Open revolt
Pa,:lficalion of the untouchables
Revolt of the oppressors
193 . Where did Dr. Ambedkar spend
most of h1s ttme tn London
. (??)Courtrooms
India House
13) Royal Palace
London Museum
194. How many year(sJ did Dr.
."anbedkar work as a teacher In
1 yeo.r 2 ycaTl:I
3 years 4 yean
195. W'ha.t d1d Dr. Ambedkar expose
in hlli
11 Ma.rgft•-'lity of the rulers
Infallibility of che Brtllsh
Universal laws of broU1erhood
HOlJO\ness of the Engltsri.
policies iJl fndla
(Qa.eatlOll Noa. 196 to 200)
Although speech IS tbe most
advanced form of communication,
there are many way, of nommuntcat1ng
v.1thout using speech. SlgIlll.ls,
signs. symbols and gestures
m<1y be found in every known Cl.!·. ture. The basic function of a sfgrlal
ts lo impln?? 11pnn tJ1t: em.-tronmenl
1.n such a v.'8.y tbal it attracts at·
tentlon, as. for example. tbe dots
and ·d..,,hcs of a telegraph circuit
Coded toreierto .;pccch, the potenUaJ
for comrnunicaUou 1s very great.
Less adaptable to the codification
of words. signs also cont::t.fn
In and of themselves. A stop
sign. for example. conveys mean.itlg'
quickly and conveniently. Symbols
are more dlflk-ull to describe than
either signals or sig)ls because of
their Intricate rclalionshlp with the
receiver's culturlll percepUons. In
some cultures. applauding in a theQtre
provides performers With an
audltE>I)' S}'ITlbol of approval. Gestures
such as waving Md handshaking
also cornmuntccate certaln c>11.,,tural
bots w1d gestures are very useful.
they do have a major disadvantage.
They usually do not allow Ideas to
be shared without the sender being
directly adjacent to the recei1·er. s
a resull, means of communication
Intend«! to be used for long dislanc·
ܱ©²´±¿¼ Ú®±³ æ ¸¬¬°æññ½°±®¬¿´ò·²
ܱ©²´±¿¼ Ú®±³ æ ¸¬¬°æññ½°±®¬¿´ò·²
es and extended periods are based
upon speech. Rndlo. television and
lhe telephone are only a few ofsuch
196.Accordlng to the passage.
what Is sign.ii
A furm of communication
used across long dlslances.
The cultural pcrct.-ption of
13) A type or communication
that ,merrupts the environment..
14) A compU??ted lorm of communication
to describe.
197. Choose the correct statement
Speech ls the most advanced
form of commurllcation.
Speech Is the real form of
13) Speech IS u,e basiS for oommuntcauon
to occur.
14) Speech IS dependent upon
the advances mo.de by In·
198,Choose lhe most appropriate
l!Ue for the passage.
lJ Signs and signals.
Gestural communication
13) Speech ,•ai1at1ons
Mcar1M of curnmunlcallon
UHi. Why were the I.cir.phone, ra·
dlo and TV Invented
provide new form& of
12) It was believed that signs,
slgnals and symbols were
13) It was difficult to under•
stand ,iymbQl,i.
14) People. "''3Jlted to communicate
across long distance&,
200. This pas:,agc explains that_
ll Symbols are the easiest to
Sw,als. s1gns. sym,ols and
gestures are forms of communica..t:
13) Signlncance of wa,'ing and
ha11d??haklng Is difforcnl In
different cultu??.
Different cultures have di(·
fcrent signs and symbols.