Exam Details

Subject Development in Dairy Processing
Department School of Agriculture (SOA)
Organization indira gandhi national open university
Exam Date December, 2015
City, State new delhi,

Question Paper

1. What are sorption isotherms? How are they helpful in predicting shelf life and storage behaviour of foods? What are intermediate moisture foods? Give examples of low-moisture, intermediate-moisture and high-moisture dairy foods.

2. What are probiotic foods? How they differ from symbiotic foods? Suggest a technical programme complete with list of ingredients and technology for formulating a symbiotic beverage.

3. What are the recent trends in cleaning and sanitation in food industry? What do you understand by biofilms? Describe a protocol to prevent the formation and for the destroyal of biofilms.

4. Explain the principles of high pressure processing and retort processing. How do they compare with UHT? What are their limitations? 10+5+5

5. What are the principles of bactofugation and bactotherm process? Explain the principles of microfluidization of milk and its application.

6. What are the common additives used in formulated foods? Explain their application in formulation of foods with one example for each.

7. What are the bio-protective factors present in milk? How do they help in preservation of raw milk? Explain the most suitable method for preserving raw milk.

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  • School of Agriculture (SOA)
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  • School of Extension and Development Studies (SOEDS)
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