Exam Details

Subject Social Science Research Related To Health
Exam / Course Post Graduate Diploma In Bioethics
Department School of Health Science (SOHS)
Organization indira gandhi national open university
Exam Date December, 2015
City, State new delhi,

Question Paper

1. 230 million youths are in the age group of 15 -20 years 10 -20 years 10 -19 years 15 -19 years

2. Which attribute of adolescent is not included in WHO definition Physical, social and psychological maturity, but not all at the same time Sexual maturity and the onset of sexual activity Experimentation Development of adult mental processes and adult identity from total socio-economic dependence to relative independence.

3. The Global Burden of Disease data for young people in South Asia shows that mental health problems, including suicide, account for Nearly 1/3rd of total burden of disease Nearly 1/4th of the burden of disease Nearly l/5th of the burden of disease None of the above

4. Which one is the leading cause of burden of disease in young people (15 to 24 years) among South Asian males Neuropsychiatric conditions Infectious and Parasitic diseases Intentional Injuries Cardiovascular diseases

5. Which one is the leading cause of burden of disease in young people (15 to 24 years) among South Asian females Infectious and Parasitic diseases Neuropsychiatric conditions Unintentional Injuries Intentional Injuries

6. "Emancipated Minor and Mature Minor". Part of Australian Federal Law Part of New Zealand Federal Law Part of US Federal Law Part of the UK Federal Law

7. CAB stands for Common American Board Casual Advisory Bureau Community Advisory Board Canadian Advisory Board

8. Which of the following cannot be offered to participant in community based research Goods and Services Information Tea/Snacks Referrals if Required

9. In case of emancipated minor and mature minor which type of waiver is given Peer group permission waiver Parental permission waiver Familial permission waiver Spousal permission waiver

10. The acronym LAR stands for: Liberal Adolescence Reform Local Adolescence Right Legally Authorized Representative Larger Authorized Representatives

11. Sex can be determined by the following traits: By Morphological differentiation of individuals By biological distinction among individuals By felling of an individual By means of physical strength

12. Gender can be understood by one of the following: It is just feeling of individuals It is a cultural attribute It is the recognition by the society of an individual It has nothing to do with cultural or social recognitions

13. Gender identity can be assigned based on one of the following facts Morphology of the individual After attaining adolescence/puberty Gender attributed after certain clinical operation It is the individual's feeling of gender irrespective of his or her biology

14. The third gender (hijra) has legal recognition in one of the following countries Nepal India Bangladesh Pakistan

15. Which of the following statement regarding transgender and transsexual is correct Synonymous terminology given at the birth These terminologies are used when there is confusion to decided sex/gender Transgender is not ready to accept the gender from birth itself Transsexual is one who changes the sex at birth

16. Sexual Orientation does not define which of the following? Individuals having desire for same sex but practice sex with opposite sex Individual having sex with same sex Individual who are heterosexual in identity but not in behaviour Many men in India have sex with other men, but do not think of themselves as being Homosexual

17. Which myth regarding homosexuality is not true? Lesbians are oversexed Gay men are effeminate Homosexuals are mentally ill Homosexuality is a genetic aberration

18. Responding to gay and lesbian rights-activists demands, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its list of disorders in the second edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM-II, in the year: 1970 1975 1973 1979

19. The acronym LGBTI stands for Libertine, Gay, Bohemian, Transgender and Illegal Lesbian, Gay, Bastard, Transsexual and Intersexed Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersexed Libertine, Goofy, Bohemian, Transgender and Intersexed

20. The APA opposes any psychiatric treatment, such as 'reparative' or 'conversion' therapy, that is based on the assumption that homosexuality per se is a mental disorder or is based on the a priori assumption that the patient should change his or her homosexual orientation. This declaration was issued in the year 1998 1999 1996 1997

21. The American Psychological Association issued its Guidelines for Psychotherapy with Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients. The Guidelines talk about the need for mental health professionals to provide mental health services that promote the well being of lesbian, gay and bisexual clients, and the ethical ways in which to do so, in the year: 2001 2000 1999 1998

22. Gay Affirmative Therapy is Giving the gay ECT treatment Gay is isolated in a room Gay is ostracized There is nothing wrong to be gay or lesbian

23. PFLAG is a website for: Poor, Frustrated, Lampoon, Alone and Gay Poor, Freak, Libertine, Alone and Goofy Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Parents, Frustrated, Friends, Lesbian and Gay

24. Homophobic are usually scared of Criminals and Destitute War Criminals Homosexuals Any type of individual

25. What percent of men are blind in the world? 50% 30% 36% 40%

26. What percent of women are blind in the world 60% 70% 50% 64%

27. The National Institute of Health Revitalisation Act required that women and members of racial and ethnic minority groups be included as subjects in each clinical study funded by the NIH: The act was promulgated in 1993 The act was promulgated in 1999 The act was promulgated in 1995 The act was promulgated in 1991

28. Gender based violence study is An indirect topic of research from ethical point of view A mixed kind of research from ethical point of view A direct topic of research from ethical point of view None of the above

29. Women living with abusive partners especially with limited access to leave those relationships: The study need to have element of benevolence The study need to have element of justice The study need to have element of confidentiality Essentially nothing is required but sympathy

30. It is important to state that the authors of the ethical guidance on research on domestic violence recommend that this guidance should be taken: In conjunction with, the CIOMS International Guidelines for Ethical Review of Epidemiological Research In conjunction with Helsinki Accord Signatory In conjunction with Belmont Accord Signatory Along with none of them

31. American Psychological Association has for the first time stated regarding cross cultural ethics in their publication in the year 2000 2005 2006 2010

32. Commenting on the British children leaving parental house after completion of their school A sign of doubting maturity of those children Lack of understanding (If cross cultural ethics Sympathizing with the deserted parents It is repulsion towards the behavior of the British teens

33. The drug use epidemiology is An expensive and time consuming research method An old technique of research A non invasive research causing no harm or benefit to participant Used to inform the police regarding drug users

34. Substance use in India is as old as 3rd Century AD 9th Century AD 13th Century AD 5th Century AD

35. Opium cultivation became state monopoly during the reign of which emperor: Mohd.Bin Tughlak Babar Akbar Shahjahan

36. The British East India Company had monopoly of production and sale of opium by the year: 1720 AD 1780 AD 1750 AD 1757 AD

37. NDPS Act stands for: New Designed Psychotropic Substance Act New Drug and Psychotropic and Suicidal Act National Drug and Psychotropic Substance Act Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act

38. Which of the following area of ethics is difficult to manage in research on addicts? Valid consent Confidentiality Justice Benevolence

39. When was alcoholic beverage use reported for the first time in India? 2000 BC 3000 BC 4000 BC 5000 BC

40. The term culture was scientifically defined for the first time by the following scientist:

(1) E.B. Tylor

(2) Clyde Kluckhohn

(3) A.B. Kroeber

(4) Ferdinand Tonnies

41. Emic and etic concept deals with the following trait: Cultural chauvinism Cultural xenophobia People's perception vis-a-vis perception of the viewer/researcher of a given culture. Egocentrism

42. "Critical Dimension of Community Structure" was dealt by Kenneth Pike John Mandeville Clyde Kluckhohn J.E. Topman

43. Sense of Community Scale is a number of item scale: 50 60 40 30

44. Ancient ethics was debated in various ways in detail in the following country Italy (Rome) Greece Germany Poland

45. Deontology judges: The morality of an action based on the action's adherence to a rule or rules. Simple ethical issues It deals with non ethical issues It is comprehensive/inclusive ethics

46. "Core value of Tolerance" is main component of

(1) Deontology ethics

(2) Virtue ethics

(3) Cultural relativism

(4) Applied ethics

47. Cultural relativism needs to be understood in order to gain insight into: Cultural acculturism Each culture in its own perspective without ethnocentrism

(3) Value of culture Supremacy of one culture is established over other of: Deontology ethics Virtue ethics Cultural relativism Applied ethics

48. Culture can be defined as Group of different people staying in same place Culture is a fluid identity Culture is a mental construct Culture is learned behaviour passed down from generation to generation

49. Geographic community does not indicate the following: Neighbourhood Suburb Village Recreation clubs

50. Modern day ethics scholars do not agree with which of the following Teleology Ethics Existential Ethics Deontology Ethics Virtue Ethics


Write short notes (in 200 -300 words) on each of the following. Each question carries five marks.

51. Virtue Ethics

52. Rights of "LGBTI" in the society

53. Ethical support for marginalized and vulnerable groups

54. Implementation of NDPS Act in the country


  • Centre for Corporate Education, Training & Consultancy (CCETC)
  • Centre for Corporate Education, Training & Consultancy (CCETC)
  • National Centre for Disability Studies (NCDS)
  • School of Agriculture (SOA)
  • School of Computer and Information Sciences (SOCIS)
  • School of Continuing Education (SOCE)
  • School of Education (SOE)
  • School of Engineering & Technology (SOET)
  • School of Extension and Development Studies (SOEDS)
  • School of Foreign Languages (SOFL)
  • School of Gender Development Studies(SOGDS)
  • School of Health Science (SOHS)
  • School of Humanities (SOH)
  • School of Interdisciplinary and Trans-Disciplinary Studies (SOITDS)
  • School of Journalism and New Media Studies (SOJNMS)
  • School of Law (SOL)
  • School of Management Studies (SOMS)
  • School of Performing Arts and Visual Arts (SOPVA)
  • School of Performing Arts and Visual Arts(SOPVA)
  • School of Sciences (SOS)
  • School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
  • School of Social Work (SOSW)
  • School of Tourism & Hospitality Service Sectoral SOMS (SOTHSM)
  • School of Tourism &Hospitality Service Sectoral SOMS (SOTHSSM)
  • School of Translation Studies and Training (SOTST)
  • School of Vocational Education and Training (SOVET)
  • Staff Training & Research in Distance Education (STRIDE)


  • Bioethics And Law
  • Clinical Ethics
  • Educational Technology And Communication
  • Introduction To Bioethics
  • Research Ethics - I
  • Research Ethics-Ii
  • Research Methodology
  • Social Science Research Related To Health
  • Special Issues In Research Ethics