Exam Details

Subject civil engineering
Paper paper 1
Exam / Course indian forest service
Organization union public service commission
Exam Date 2003
City, State central government,

Question Paper

Answer any four of the following:
A gladder of length 6m and weight 3kN rests against a smooth vertical wall.Its lower end is in Contact with smooth floor. The ladder is prevented from slipping by means of a 3m long string, which connects the ladder to the junction of the wall and the floor. If a man of weight 6 kN stands on one of the steps of the ladder which is 1.5 m from its lower end. find the reactions at the two ends of the ladder and also the tension in the string.
A flywheel of 1.5 m diameter, accelerates uniformly from rest to 2400 rpm in 24 seconds. Find the linear velocity and linear acceleration of a point on the rim of the flywheel, 2 seconds after its start from rest
State Alembert's principle .
.:kN 8kN
rtj 3m•ooo m . ... ......... oc:kN Rougll horizontal -plane
The above figure shows two weights of 1 kN and 8 kN connected by " 3 nt rope of negligible
weighL horizontally Tbey move along a rough hotizontal plane under the itttluence of a force
of 4 kN acti•1g ott S weighl. f1 0,3 at cotttatt surfaces, Find the ofthu blocks
and the rens1on in lhe rope. UseD' Jlemben's principle.

A 0.5 m diameter and 100 m loug pipe line car;ying 0.5 m discharge is lilted wi th a
valve at downstream end Calculate the rise of pressure caused within the plpe due to valve
closure in
one second. and
Take sonic velocity as 1430

Derive an expresSJon for discharge in terms of for a recqUlgular cbarutel with bed widrb
equal to 2.5 Limes its dept11 Take Manning's coeff. n • 0.0125 rutd bed slope of I in 400.

Design a lined cannaJ to carry 100m3/son a slope of I in 2500, The maximum permissible
velocity is 2 otis. Manning's n • 0.0 13 and side slopes arc 125

A Steel pipe of IS em diameter carries waler at the rate ofJO litres per second from poim A to
B along lhe pipe. the point B being 20 nt highor· than point A aud 600 m apa11 along the pipe
If the pressure at B is to be 2.8 kg/cm2
• what pressure must be maintained at A. if the ftic.tion
factor for the pipe is 0.024?

2 of'S
A fiver stretch 10 km long amt 850 m wide is Lobe modelk'tl fur fi t>Od studies ill a
hydraulic laboratory. where the available flume size of 2m width, 20m length and 70 em
height. fl is decided to use a depth scale of 10 rfthe peak flood in the river is 3000 cumec at
a depth of 6 m. find the suitable horizontal scale-to be adopted for the construction of 'the
model. Maximum available flow is 150 LPS in the laboratory Thchorizon!Jll scale should be
in multiple of 10 and such that lhe model is as big as possible, Delennine the model
dimension. dept.h and discharge. Assume tbe hydraulic depllt is same as the depth of flow in
both the model and prutotype.

A set of 4 point loads. I 0 kN. 16 kN, 12 k.N and 20 kl1 with 2 m spaci og. roll over a 20 ru
simple girder fromleJ1to l'iglll.
(i)using inflveoce line metl10d. tind the max. B.M at a section 8 m from tl1e Jell suppon
Find also the max B M under the l61a'l load Indicate its position

A simplo beam AB 10m, as shown above is subjected to a clockwise cotJple
I 00 k.Nru at 6 m Jrom A Find the slope at 1 Md the defl ection at C. fi11d also the position
and value of maximum deOection. Use Macaulay's melltod.
l'ake El 4 lOll Nmm'.
fully plastic moment.,
pl astic section modulus,
sbape factor
Find the shape factor for a plane circolar section.

A 3 hinged parabolic arch nf 30m span and om rl>c carries a u.d.l. ul'20 kN/m overthe right
half-span of I he arch, Find B M nomiallhmst· and radial shear at the lefl quarter span of the
A river 50 m 1ide and 4 m deep has natural bed and surface of slope I in 10,000 Compute
the length of back water curve produced by an afllux of3 m
Take Manning's n 0.03
5 Answer any tovr of01e following
A ISWB 600 at I 337 kN/m 3540 x IOl In 106198 5 x 104 mm•, II 2
mm, 2 1.3mni and h 600 mm) is used as a simple beam to support a u,d.l of 44 k.N/m,
over an effective span of 8 01. Check for its safety in beoding only.
In a rooflruss. an equal angle ISA 60 mm x 60 rum x 8 mm@ 0.070 kN/m. is used as a tiemember
It Is Cl)nnected to the gussel plate by one leg only by IS mm dia rivets, in one chain
line along the length of the tle-1nember. Find its capacity.

J of'M
Tlu·"" point of64. 16 aud 20 1 m aprut in a st1-aight limo aclal the surface of soil

C'ulculate the resulta11t stress produced m a depth or J 5 111 l>elow the C>4 t IC)8d. The
Boussinesq illtlueuce values r" for depth Z 1.5 m are giveu below with respect to distance
hHiepth ratios.
z z[. lo
0 0.4775 l.aO 0.025
0.67 0.19 10 2.00 0.0085
0.76 o. 1561i 2,67 0.0025
l.333 0.0374 3.00 0.0015
The above figu re shows the results of a labomtory test, Calculate
Degree of saturati()n of 0. C and G Z. 7


area ratio. and
inside clearance and state their si!lliticance
For a split spoon sampler (outside diu 50 mm and inside dia 35 ll11ll}. find the area ratio
and comment about the type of soil sample obtained. What test can be done on the sample?
The void rutio of clay decreased from 0,5 72 to 0,505 under a cha11Se in pressure from 12
to IS kNim' The void ratio of day B decreased from 0.612 to 0597 under the same
lncremcm of pressure .. The thickness of sample A was 1.5 times that of B Nevertheless, the
Hme required for 50% was three rimes longer lor sample B than the sample A.
What is the ratio of the coefficient of pem1eabi lity of A to that
In a direet shear test on a medium de1IS<' sand a shearing strM> of b kN/m2 is recorded at
fai lure. If the tiicrion angle of the soil is 38", what was the normal stress on thefhilure plane?
A Trianial tcsJ on the srune sand at tile same void ratio. was conducted with cell pressure of 8
At what acldilional a.x1al •tress would you expect failure to jake pl Deri ve IJ1e
if any, used
tc) g1'oup of sixteen piles arranged in a square patteru is to bt proportioned in a deposi t of soFt
satllrilled cl,ay 1ssuming lite piles to be sq11are (with side 300 nun) a.ud l2 long work out
the spacing of piles for 100 per cent etliciency of pile group. Take mobilisation factor ofO S
and consider both t>oint hearing and skin friction.

7 Design a RCCT-beam for which the following data is available:
Clear span 10m. dist. be1ween .suppon centres= 10.5 itt, T-beam rib spacing 3 Ill c to
I ood Intensity= 4 slab (flange) thickness= I 50 mot,

Use m-1 5 concrete rihbe<llor steel.
Give detail fQr bending only.
SkotciLLhc rcinforcomonls.
1 ur R
l l1e side wolls f a RCC stjuntc wnttr taok fo• u cupadty uf is tu be
de<;igne<l The dota >voil>blo depth stnrage 2.8 froe-bourd 0.2 m. Use
cnncrete (jude t •te.:l. Limit tho stress in steel to 100 Nlrnro' 125 Nlmm' ror
inner outer face reinJorccmcnts respeclivaly. Sl.ctch reinJ'orcomcnt details.

l'hc footing of • w:.ll i;. i .5 m "ide at the bnse and is in a homogeneous co"nsive •oil
at a depth of lm hclow C.L. 'fhe soil has r 17.6 kN1m1
C 36 kJ-..;/m2 20".
Assuming the soil suf whicb is likely to fail und(.T local shear dotcrmine tbc salt:
capacity per metre lengtl• ortbe footing.
20". 17. Nq 7. -1.5. 13.6" 11, -1. Nr 1.6)

Up to 11hal depth an excnv>li.on c;m be made without support In a cohesiw soil
with c • 30 kNim1, ljl 10'. and 1 19 kN/m3• WllJil will be (he depth up lo wbioh tension
crock moy develop? If the tension crock develops, will obove computed doptb uf
the different loss"" in prestressing force nnd iodicolc how they are in the
de<ign of PSC

A PSC heom of 10 m span :md mm 720 mm cro .. ..,uction supporu • ILd. l. of6 kJ'Iim.
The eftec1i'e prestress ing fore,. is kN. Locat·e th" cable zone limils such lhol no tension
dev.,lops anywhere in the beam. Assumo s iJnp lesupports.

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