Exam Details
Subject | Computer Applications | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | B.Tech. Civil (Construction Management) / (Water Resources Engineering)/ (Aero Space Engineering) BTCM-BTWRE | |
Department | School of Engineering & Technology (SOET) | |
Organization | indira gandhi national open university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | December, 2015 | |
City, State | new delhi, |
Question Paper
Write the appropriate MS-DOS commands for the following actions
To list a directory and order the files according to the date of creation.
To move files with extension txt to a new folder.
Define and describe a word processor.
What are the components of an operating system?
List the ways of dimensioning in AutoCAD drawings.
How do you use cell formatting in Lotus
List the common applications of electronic spreadsheet.
What is the function of FORMAT command? Explain with examples.
List and explain the different types of storage devices.
What is interactive computer graphics How is it useful in CAD
Describe the different types of hardwares useful in CAD system.
How is the spell check used in WordStar Explain its role.
Explain the working of mail merge in WordStar with an example.
How will Lotus display July 30, 2012 entered in a cell, if the cell is formatted to
What is a field, record and database in DBMS? Explain with examples.
Describe the screen layout of the dBase display that appears when we issue the Create command. Describe the important ones among them.
Explain the steps involved in copying a structure PQR.DBF to XYZ.DBF.
7. Explain briefly commands: the following AutoCAD
To list a directory and order the files according to the date of creation.
To move files with extension txt to a new folder.
Define and describe a word processor.
What are the components of an operating system?
List the ways of dimensioning in AutoCAD drawings.
How do you use cell formatting in Lotus
List the common applications of electronic spreadsheet.
What is the function of FORMAT command? Explain with examples.
List and explain the different types of storage devices.
What is interactive computer graphics How is it useful in CAD
Describe the different types of hardwares useful in CAD system.
How is the spell check used in WordStar Explain its role.
Explain the working of mail merge in WordStar with an example.
How will Lotus display July 30, 2012 entered in a cell, if the cell is formatted to
What is a field, record and database in DBMS? Explain with examples.
Describe the screen layout of the dBase display that appears when we issue the Create command. Describe the important ones among them.
Explain the steps involved in copying a structure PQR.DBF to XYZ.DBF.
7. Explain briefly commands: the following AutoCAD
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