Exam Details
Subject | High Voltage Engineering | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | B.Tech. VIEP- Electrical Engineering III (BTCSVI/BTECVI/BTELVI) | |
Department | School of Engineering & Technology (SOET) | |
Organization | indira gandhi national open university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | December, 2015 | |
City, State | new delhi, |
Question Paper
With the help of a suitable diagram, explain the working of a cascaded voltage multiplier circuit for high voltage generation.
Derive an expression for ripple in a cascaded voltage multiplier circuit.
2. A Rogowski coil is to be designed to measure the impulse current 10 kA having a rate of change of current of 10 A/sec. The current is read by a VTVM as a potential drop across the integrating circuit connected to the secondary. Estimate the value of mutual inductance and capacitance to be connected, if the meter reading is to be 10 V for full scale deflection. Resistance has to be selected as 2 x 10^3 ohms.
Explain a typical series resonance circuit for the production of high voltage.
Explain a typical wave shaping circuit with the help of a simple diagram.
4. Explain the principle and working of hall generator used for the measurement of high direct current with the help of a neat sketch.
5. With the help of a neat labelled diagram, explain the construction and working of an electrostatic voltmeter.
6. What is dielectric loss Explain in detail a method for measuring the dielectric loss of a solid dielectric.
7. Explain Townsend's theory of discharge in a gaseous dielectric. Define Townsend's first and second ionization constant.
8. How does Streamer theory remove the limitations and drawbacks of Townsend's theory?
Define Paschen's law. Give the mathematical expression of Paschen's law. Where is this law used?
Explain how the radio interference can be measured with the help of a simple circuit diagram.
How are high voltage measurements done on circuit breakers and surge diverters
10. Write short notes on any two of the following:
Thermal Breakdown
Schering Bridge
Voltage Doubler
Van de Graaff Generator
Derive an expression for ripple in a cascaded voltage multiplier circuit.
2. A Rogowski coil is to be designed to measure the impulse current 10 kA having a rate of change of current of 10 A/sec. The current is read by a VTVM as a potential drop across the integrating circuit connected to the secondary. Estimate the value of mutual inductance and capacitance to be connected, if the meter reading is to be 10 V for full scale deflection. Resistance has to be selected as 2 x 10^3 ohms.
Explain a typical series resonance circuit for the production of high voltage.
Explain a typical wave shaping circuit with the help of a simple diagram.
4. Explain the principle and working of hall generator used for the measurement of high direct current with the help of a neat sketch.
5. With the help of a neat labelled diagram, explain the construction and working of an electrostatic voltmeter.
6. What is dielectric loss Explain in detail a method for measuring the dielectric loss of a solid dielectric.
7. Explain Townsend's theory of discharge in a gaseous dielectric. Define Townsend's first and second ionization constant.
8. How does Streamer theory remove the limitations and drawbacks of Townsend's theory?
Define Paschen's law. Give the mathematical expression of Paschen's law. Where is this law used?
Explain how the radio interference can be measured with the help of a simple circuit diagram.
How are high voltage measurements done on circuit breakers and surge diverters
10. Write short notes on any two of the following:
Thermal Breakdown
Schering Bridge
Voltage Doubler
Van de Graaff Generator
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