Exam Details

Subject Electronics
Exam / Course Diploma in Civil Engineering (DCLE)
Department School of Engineering & Technology (SOET)
Organization indira gandhi national open university
Exam Date June, 2016
City, State new delhi,

Question Paper

Select the correct answer from the given options.

Avalanche breakdown in a diode occurs when

forward current exceeds a certain value

reverse bias crosses a certain value

depletion layer becomes more wide

None of these

To obtain a p-type semiconductor, the impurity added to a pure semiconductor is




None of these

When transistors are used as a switch, they usually operate in the

active region

breakdown region

linear region

saturation and cut-off region

DC current gain in common emitter configuration is





Base of Binary Number system is





Ratio of latching current to holding current in SCR is

less than one

more than one

equal to one

less than or equal to one

IDSS can be defined as

the minimum possible drawn current

the maximum possible current with VGS held at volt

the maximum possible current with VGS held at 0 volt

None of these

State true or false against the given statements.

At absolute zero temperature, the conduction band of a semiconductor is totally empty.

Electric field inside the depletion layer is very high of the order 10^5 volts per metre.

Common Base configuration has very high input impedance.

For half wave rectifier, ripple factor is 81.2%.

A zener diode is operated In the breakdown region.

In UJT, the emitter is lightly doped.

Strain gauge is an active transducer.

Explain the working of an electrical humidity transducer.

What are the various techniques used in a Digital Voltmeter Discuss Ramp type DVM.

Explain the block diagram of C.R.O.

How does digital frequency meter work? Discuss with a block diagram.

Explain the circuit of a full subtractor.

Discuss the working of RS Flip-Flop.

What is Scanning? How is it done in T.V.

Explain the working of superheterodyne receiver.

Discuss the working of a bridge rectifier. What is ripple factor?

Explain the working of a capacitor filter with the help of a waveform.

Explain the construction and working of UJT.

Explain the working of zener diode as regulated power supply.

8. Write short notes on any two of the following:

Synchronous Motor

Piezoelectric Transducer




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  • Advanced Survey
  • Applied Mechanics
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Basics
  • Concrete Technology
  • Construction Drawing
  • Construction Technology- I
  • Construction Technology- II
  • E/M Engineering
  • Electrical Technology
  • Electronics
  • Elementary Civil Engineering
  • Elements of Survey
  • Engineering Drawing
  • Engineering Materials
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Estimating & Quantity Surveying- I
  • Estimating & Quantity Surveying- II
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Heat Power Technology
  • Industrial Management
  • Machine Drawing
  • Mathematics-I
  • Mathematics-II
  • Physics
  • Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning
  • Strength of Materials
  • Theory of Structures- I
  • Theory of Structures- II
  • Workshop Technology