Exam Details

Subject Personality Development
Exam / Course B.Sc Fashion Merchandizing & Retail Management (BSCFMRM)
Department School of Engineering & Technology (SOET)
Organization indira gandhi national open university
Exam Date June, 2016
City, State new delhi,

Question Paper

No. of Printed Pages: 2 IBFW-024I
Term-End Examination
June, 2016

Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70
Note: Answer any seven questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Define 'communication'. Elaborate the process of communication with the help of a neat diagram. 10

2. What is an 'interview' Discuss different types of interviews. 10

3. What is split personality Describe briefly the traits of multi-faceted personality. 10

4. Discuss the characteristics and role of a good counsellor. 10

5. How does behaviour and attitude work in making a powerful impact on the individual's personality? 10

6. What are the specific requirements for the development of personality? 10

7. Differentiate with suitable examples between passive personality and aggressive personality. 10

8. What are the essential qualities required in a person to be successful in an interview? 10

9. How will you create a business presentation Discuss some ways to reduce stage fright. 10

10. Discuss with suitable examples various aspects of 'e-mail etiquettes'. 10


  • Centre for Corporate Education, Training & Consultancy (CCETC)
  • Centre for Corporate Education, Training & Consultancy (CCETC)
  • National Centre for Disability Studies (NCDS)
  • School of Agriculture (SOA)
  • School of Computer and Information Sciences (SOCIS)
  • School of Continuing Education (SOCE)
  • School of Education (SOE)
  • School of Engineering & Technology (SOET)
  • School of Extension and Development Studies (SOEDS)
  • School of Foreign Languages (SOFL)
  • School of Gender Development Studies(SOGDS)
  • School of Health Science (SOHS)
  • School of Humanities (SOH)
  • School of Interdisciplinary and Trans-Disciplinary Studies (SOITDS)
  • School of Journalism and New Media Studies (SOJNMS)
  • School of Law (SOL)
  • School of Management Studies (SOMS)
  • School of Performing Arts and Visual Arts (SOPVA)
  • School of Performing Arts and Visual Arts(SOPVA)
  • School of Sciences (SOS)
  • School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
  • School of Social Work (SOSW)
  • School of Tourism & Hospitality Service Sectoral SOMS (SOTHSM)
  • School of Tourism &Hospitality Service Sectoral SOMS (SOTHSSM)
  • School of Translation Studies and Training (SOTST)
  • School of Vocational Education and Training (SOVET)
  • Staff Training & Research in Distance Education (STRIDE)


  • Applied Science
  • Business Communication-I
  • Business Communication-II
  • Business Economics
  • Computer Science
  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Elements of Fashion
  • Financial Management
  • Franchising
  • Fundamentals Of Management
  • Fundamentals of Retail-I
  • Fundamentals of Retail-II
  • Import Export Documentation
  • International Retailing
  • Introduction To Manufacturing Technique
  • Mall Management
  • Managerial Economics
  • Manufacturing Technique - I
  • Manufacturing Technique - Ii
  • Marketing Management
  • Non-Store Retailing
  • Personality Development
  • Principles Of Management
  • Product Knowledge - I
  • Product Knowledge / Material Foundation
  • Product Knowledge-Ii
  • Retail Banking
  • Retail Communication
  • Retail Merchandising-I
  • Retail Merchandizing - II
  • Retail Merchandizing - Iii
  • Retail Operations - Ii
  • Retail Operations-I
  • Retail Organization - I
  • Retail Organization Ii
  • Retail Planning & Site Selection
  • Retail Strategy
  • Seles Management
  • Supply Chain Management