Exam Details
Subject | civil engineering | |
Paper | paper 1 | |
Exam / Course | civil services main optional | |
Department | ||
Organization | union public service commission | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2010 | |
City, State | central government, |
Question Paper
CS (MlIN) EXAM, 2010
81.. No. 156 C-DTN-K-DFA
ITime Allowed Three Hours I IMaxiITlurn Marks: 300 I
Each question is printed both l.n Hindi and in English.
Answers must be written in the medium specified in the Adm.ission Certificate issued to which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer-book in the space provided for the purpose. No marks will be given for the ansLUers turitten in a rnediuT7t other than that specified in the Admission Certificate.
Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1. and 5 which are com.pulsory? and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each Section.
The number of marks carried by each question
is indicated at the end of the question. Notationsltenns used have their usual meanings;, unless othenvise indicated.
If any data is considered assum.e suitable value and indicate the same clearly.
Newton may be to kg using the equality 1 kilonewton kN) 100 iffound necessary.
Uotl ....
1.(a)Determine the centroid of the Angle
section shown in Fig.1. 10
Fig. 1 A beaITl of length 5 ITl and of uniforIIl rectangular section is supported at its ends and carries a uniforITIly distributed load over the entire length. Calculate the depth of the section if the rnaxinluITl permissible bending stress is ION rnIl1 2 and central deflection is not to exceed 12 mITl. AssuIne the value of E 1 . 2 x 104 N ITlm. 2 10 A beam as shown in Fig. 2 t is fixed at A and is siInply supported at B. Draw qualitative diagram. for influence line of vertical reaction at A. 10 B
Fig. 2
C-DTN-K-DFA/41 2
1. fu"5I" 1 it Cf?ruT CfiT CFit I 10 40 )olE 40
20 20
r l{2h'ft4 ctl Cf} eH 5 rn t:Gt 1 Q8
fi:rit Ifto '8101 fd w l0flB !Ol H
"Rt(1fh1 cnT Cfl{dl tl "5rklfifcl ION :mm 2 t C'f;..s{1.....
12 ITIITl it ciT q c#it j 1130
JI0I'.... 1citl E 1· 2 X 104 N nun 2 B I 10 2 it TIm A "tR q A D:9r Cf)l I 10 B C L .¥......
C-DTN-K-DFA/41 3 P.T.G.
r A Pitot tube was used to ITIeasure
the quantity of v.rater flowing in a pipe
of O·3 ill diarrleter_ The "vater was raised
to a height of 0·25 m above the centre of
pipe in a vertical tube_ If the mean
velocity is 0·78 tiITles the velocity at the
centre and the coefficient of Pitot tube is
0-98, find the quantity of water in litre
per second. Static pressure head at the
centre of the pipe is 0·2 ITL 10 A water main of concrete pipe 3200 In
long, 0-3 Ill. diameter discharges into a
reservoir at the rate of lOx 106 litres
per day. If this pipeline is gradually
closed by operating a valve at the end
of reservoir in 16 is there
any possibility of pipe burst? The safe
pressure of concrete pipe 1S
245·25 kN 111 2 10 A water wheel has a number of
hemispherical vanes equally spaced on
the periphery. A jet of diaITleter of
300 mIll having a velocity of 16 Ill/sec
iITlpinges on the vanes which have
tangential velocity of 6 In/sec.
Determine the work done on the wheel. 10
C-DTN-K-DFA/41 4
(tJ) 0-3 m 041f1 fFft ciit 11T3I1 "'ilqZl q;y SI'41 J r It qr;ft Cfil 0-25 In 33141 ti lR cfit O·78 t 3fR ..:flit enI "!lUIjCf) 0-98 mqr;ft '11m 1rRt 11 Cfitl 0-2 m I 10 qr;ft Cf1T 3200 m clJ:lilI q
0·3 rn Ol:IlfI if 10 X 10 6 "!Jffi c#it qr;ft W Cfil, ft.R CfiT 6fi(4; tffi:-dft 16 ilCfio:s "if <it Sf cfit CflT Wa.ft GPif 245·25 kN rn 2 10 l:fftfu c#iT Ffil 300 mUl 'CfiT 16 m/sec 6 Cfi'Pi ctn <tit I 10
C-DTN-K-DFA/41 5
• P.T.D.
2. A hearn-column frame as shown in Fig. is rigidly jointed at B. End A is end C is laterally and rotationally restrained but free to move vertically. The column supports a horizontal load of 800 kg at midpoint. Both bearrl and column are of SaIne cross-section throughout. Analyse the frarrle uSIng nlOll1ent distribution tTlethod and draw the bending moment diagram.
800 kg--..t
A B rn---....".Ic
Fig. 3
The expressIon for streanl function is described by tV x3 -3.x:y2 . Indicate whether the flow 1S rotational or irrotational. Determine the value of velocity potential if it exists. 15
A rapid streanl has a depth of flow 1 m and velocity of flow 3·7 rn/sec. Find the height of suppressed diversion weir which VJould be constructed across stre8.IIl to raise the water level on the upstream to a depth of 3 In. Take coefficient of discharge for free weir 0·58 and for submerged portion ofweir as 0-8. 15
e-DTN-K-DFA/41 6
2. 3 "ImJ ABC, B 'ii9dl it tr fuu A t,"fun q mn -if rem -if ChTHQ, l:ft 800 kg CflT Cf'iH1J q CfiT<i tT CfiT 3Rt" oq; q I.... M t I Frltl qiT CfiT
• I
<fit Giq;....
C 3Trn
A B l 'qRf ttic:tH 0li"ilCf'i qit II x3 -3xy2 7p.JT IitdlQ: t CflT l:fR mo cnl, mar tr 15 mu if SleUe; c€t Jli5<lf 1 ID q Sli1lit CfiT 3-7 rn/ sec tJ di:4cl CfiT 3 In c#il 116(1$ oq; mf15141(i 1R 3"d14 mu <it €ldlet aecQ lWft I 'f4f'ft(O.-!!oJiiifi cft<R 0-58 3i1.: ..
C-DTN-K-DFA/41 7 P.T.G.
3. A rigid jointed tower fra.m.e, as sho'Wll in Fig. has hinged support at F and fixed support at G. The pinnacle A carries a vertical load of 80 t. Calculate all components of reactions at F and G. 30
In a free cylindrical vortex of water, the tangential velocity at radius of lTI from. the axis of rotation is found to be 10 rnlsec and the intensity of pressure is 196.2 kN I In 2. Find the pressure intensity at a radius of 0·2 III frolTl the axIS. 15
A pipe 0·6 In In dianleter takes off from a reservoir 150 nl high above the datuITl. The pipe is 5000 ITl long and is laid cOnlpletely at the datum level. For the iast 1200 Ill, water is draW'n by service pipes at a uniform rate of
o .1 In3 sec per 300 ro. Find the head lost in the last 1200 In length of the
. fLV 2
plpe. Use f 0 04 and h f ..:....-_
Velocity is zero at the dead end. 15
C-DTN-K-DFA/41 8
3. 4 it fa,@l<tll TplT (lj"oq I F 1R. 3"1 rclJ:ii4 t·3ftl: G 3i
81.. No. 156 C-DTN-K-DFA
ITime Allowed Three Hours I IMaxiITlurn Marks: 300 I
Each question is printed both l.n Hindi and in English.
Answers must be written in the medium specified in the Adm.ission Certificate issued to which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer-book in the space provided for the purpose. No marks will be given for the ansLUers turitten in a rnediuT7t other than that specified in the Admission Certificate.
Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1. and 5 which are com.pulsory? and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each Section.
The number of marks carried by each question
is indicated at the end of the question. Notationsltenns used have their usual meanings;, unless othenvise indicated.
If any data is considered assum.e suitable value and indicate the same clearly.
Newton may be to kg using the equality 1 kilonewton kN) 100 iffound necessary.
Uotl ....
1.(a)Determine the centroid of the Angle
section shown in Fig.1. 10
Fig. 1 A beaITl of length 5 ITl and of uniforIIl rectangular section is supported at its ends and carries a uniforITIly distributed load over the entire length. Calculate the depth of the section if the rnaxinluITl permissible bending stress is ION rnIl1 2 and central deflection is not to exceed 12 mITl. AssuIne the value of E 1 . 2 x 104 N ITlm. 2 10 A beam as shown in Fig. 2 t is fixed at A and is siInply supported at B. Draw qualitative diagram. for influence line of vertical reaction at A. 10 B
Fig. 2
C-DTN-K-DFA/41 2
1. fu"5I" 1 it Cf?ruT CfiT CFit I 10 40 )olE 40
20 20
r l{2h'ft4 ctl Cf} eH 5 rn t:Gt 1 Q8
fi:rit Ifto '8101 fd w l0flB !Ol H
"Rt(1fh1 cnT Cfl{dl tl "5rklfifcl ION :mm 2 t C'f;..s{1.....
12 ITIITl it ciT q c#it j 1130
JI0I'.... 1citl E 1· 2 X 104 N nun 2 B I 10 2 it TIm A "tR q A D:9r Cf)l I 10 B C L .¥......
C-DTN-K-DFA/41 3 P.T.G.
r A Pitot tube was used to ITIeasure
the quantity of v.rater flowing in a pipe
of O·3 ill diarrleter_ The "vater was raised
to a height of 0·25 m above the centre of
pipe in a vertical tube_ If the mean
velocity is 0·78 tiITles the velocity at the
centre and the coefficient of Pitot tube is
0-98, find the quantity of water in litre
per second. Static pressure head at the
centre of the pipe is 0·2 ITL 10 A water main of concrete pipe 3200 In
long, 0-3 Ill. diameter discharges into a
reservoir at the rate of lOx 106 litres
per day. If this pipeline is gradually
closed by operating a valve at the end
of reservoir in 16 is there
any possibility of pipe burst? The safe
pressure of concrete pipe 1S
245·25 kN 111 2 10 A water wheel has a number of
hemispherical vanes equally spaced on
the periphery. A jet of diaITleter of
300 mIll having a velocity of 16 Ill/sec
iITlpinges on the vanes which have
tangential velocity of 6 In/sec.
Determine the work done on the wheel. 10
C-DTN-K-DFA/41 4
(tJ) 0-3 m 041f1 fFft ciit 11T3I1 "'ilqZl q;y SI'41 J r It qr;ft Cfil 0-25 In 33141 ti lR cfit O·78 t 3fR ..:flit enI "!lUIjCf) 0-98 mqr;ft '11m 1rRt 11 Cfitl 0-2 m I 10 qr;ft Cf1T 3200 m clJ:lilI q
0·3 rn Ol:IlfI if 10 X 10 6 "!Jffi c#it qr;ft W Cfil, ft.R CfiT 6fi(4; tffi:-dft 16 ilCfio:s "if <it Sf cfit CflT Wa.ft GPif 245·25 kN rn 2 10 l:fftfu c#iT Ffil 300 mUl 'CfiT 16 m/sec 6 Cfi'Pi ctn <tit I 10
C-DTN-K-DFA/41 5
• P.T.D.
2. A hearn-column frame as shown in Fig. is rigidly jointed at B. End A is end C is laterally and rotationally restrained but free to move vertically. The column supports a horizontal load of 800 kg at midpoint. Both bearrl and column are of SaIne cross-section throughout. Analyse the frarrle uSIng nlOll1ent distribution tTlethod and draw the bending moment diagram.
800 kg--..t
A B rn---....".Ic
Fig. 3
The expressIon for streanl function is described by tV x3 -3.x:y2 . Indicate whether the flow 1S rotational or irrotational. Determine the value of velocity potential if it exists. 15
A rapid streanl has a depth of flow 1 m and velocity of flow 3·7 rn/sec. Find the height of suppressed diversion weir which VJould be constructed across stre8.IIl to raise the water level on the upstream to a depth of 3 In. Take coefficient of discharge for free weir 0·58 and for submerged portion ofweir as 0-8. 15
e-DTN-K-DFA/41 6
2. 3 "ImJ ABC, B 'ii9dl it tr fuu A t,"fun q mn -if rem -if ChTHQ, l:ft 800 kg CflT Cf'iH1J q CfiT<i tT CfiT 3Rt" oq; q I.... M t I Frltl qiT CfiT
• I
<fit Giq;....
C 3Trn
A B l 'qRf ttic:tH 0li"ilCf'i qit II x3 -3xy2 7p.JT IitdlQ: t CflT l:fR mo cnl, mar tr 15 mu if SleUe; c€t Jli5<lf 1 ID q Sli1lit CfiT 3-7 rn/ sec tJ di:4cl CfiT 3 In c#il 116(1$ oq; mf15141(i 1R 3"d14 mu <it €ldlet aecQ lWft I 'f4f'ft(O.-!!oJiiifi cft<R 0-58 3i1.: ..
C-DTN-K-DFA/41 7 P.T.G.
3. A rigid jointed tower fra.m.e, as sho'Wll in Fig. has hinged support at F and fixed support at G. The pinnacle A carries a vertical load of 80 t. Calculate all components of reactions at F and G. 30
In a free cylindrical vortex of water, the tangential velocity at radius of lTI from. the axis of rotation is found to be 10 rnlsec and the intensity of pressure is 196.2 kN I In 2. Find the pressure intensity at a radius of 0·2 III frolTl the axIS. 15
A pipe 0·6 In In dianleter takes off from a reservoir 150 nl high above the datuITl. The pipe is 5000 ITl long and is laid cOnlpletely at the datum level. For the iast 1200 Ill, water is draW'n by service pipes at a uniform rate of
o .1 In3 sec per 300 ro. Find the head lost in the last 1200 In length of the
. fLV 2
plpe. Use f 0 04 and h f ..:....-_
Velocity is zero at the dead end. 15
C-DTN-K-DFA/41 8
3. 4 it fa,@l<tll TplT (lj"oq I F 1R. 3"1 rclJ:ii4 t·3ftl: G 3i
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