- railway board secretariat stenographers service
- staff selection commission
- armed forces headquarters stenographers service
- stenographers cadre of indian foreign service (b)
- central secretariat stenographers service
- 27 mtn div ord unit
- 27 mtn div ord unit c/o 99 apo
- registrar general of india
- central board of excise and customs(cbec)
- central board of direct taxes(cbdt)
- central govt. offices/ministries other than cscs cadres
- offices under controller general of accounts(cga) & others
- offices under comptroller and auditor general of india(c&ag)
- offices under controller general of defence accounts(cgda)
- m/statistics & prog implementation
- stenographers
- tradesman mate
- compiler
- tax assistant
- upper division clerk
- accountant/ junior accountant
- auditor
- statistical investigator gr.ii
- central government