- central electronics limited
- icar-indian veterinary research institute
- indian veterinary research institute
- national institute of open schooling
- national council for hotel management and catering technology
- inland waterways authority of india
- central employment exchange
- the national institute lor entrepreneurship and small business development (niesbud)
- national institute for entrepreneurship and small business development (niesbud
- assistant technical manager-project management consultancy
- junior research fellow
- e.d.p. supervisor
- assistant audit officer
- deputy director (accounts)
- deputy director(administration)
- secretary
- lower division clerk (ldc)
- librarian
- assistant
- director (studies)
- hydrographic chief
- artist-cum-photographer
- executive director/general manager-hr, general manager- r&d, assistant general manager/ chief manager-hr, assistant general manager- product development, assistant general manager-security surveillance group, chief manager-microwave, chief man
- director (outreach, research & advocacy)
- bareilly
- noida
- ghaziabad
- uttar pradesh