- national institute of technology
- nagaland rural bank
- institute of banking personnel selection
- department of school education
- 55 coy asc (sup) type 'c'
- 50 coy asc (sup) type 'c'
- 54 coy asc (sup) type 'c'
- 53 coy asc (sup) type 'c'
- 52 coy asc (sup) type 'c'
- 51 coy asc (sup) type 'c'
- 50 coy asc (sup) type ‘c’
- pin-905050, c/o 99 apo
- assistant
- assistant project engineer
- national level workshop on “application of matlab in electrical engineering”
- office assistant (multipurpose)
- officers scale i
- graduate teacher (gt)
- carpenter
- barber
- equipment repairer
- fire fitter
- tin smith
- cook
- fireman
- mazdoor
- dimapur
- chumukedima
- kohima
- nagaland