- state health society national health mission state family welfare bureau directorate of health services
- state health society
- goa public service commission
- counselor (sdh/chc ncd clinic) (npcdcs)
- gnms (district ccu/icu & cancer care) (npcdcs)
- counselor for district ncd cell (npcdcs)
- iec supervisor (iec prog.)
- gnms for district ncd clinic
- data assistant
- computer assistant
- general physician (npcdcs)
- panchakarma therapist (ayush) (01 male & 01 female)
- district programme coordinator (npcdcs)
- asst. nutrition officer (nutrition prog.)
- child development project officer/social welfare officer
- junior anaesthetist in esi hospital, margao
- assistant professor in marathi in government college
- junior scale officer of goa civil service
- panaji
- goa