- indian council of agricultural research
- national dairy research institute
- bidhan chandra krishi viswavidyalaya
- division of entomology, indian agricultural research institute
- indian council of medical research
- national institute of malaria research
- motilal nehru national institute of technology
- school of planning and architecture
- regional medical research centre
- national institute of technology
- mother teresa women’s university
- mother teresa women's university
- panjab university
- anna university
- macs-agharkar research institute
- project assistant
- karnal
- nadia
- new delhi
- allahabad
- bhopal
- bhubaneswar
- tiruchirappalli
- kodaikanal
- chennai
- pune
- haryana
- west bengal
- delhi
- uttar pradesh
- madhya pradesh
- odisha
- tamil nadu
- chandigarh
- maharashtra