- mumbai metro rail corporation limited
- telecom disputes settlement & appellate tribunal
- telecom disputes settlement and appellate tribunal
- tata institute of social sciences
- krishi vigyan kendra
- airports economic regulatory authority of india
- national commission for minorities
- office of the competent authority and administrator, smugglers and foreign exchange manipulators
- office of the competent authority and administrator
- indian council of medical research
- committee of parliament on official language
- appellate tribunal for electricity
- lnjn national institute of criminology and forensic science
- national institute of criminology and forensic science
- rashtriya sanskrit sansthan
- desert medicine research centre
- mineral exploration corporation limited
- assistant
- mumbai
- new delhi
- deoghar
- rohini
- jodhpur
- nagpur
- maharashtra
- delhi
- jharkhand
- rajasthan