
  • telangana state public service commission: hyderabad
  • telangana state public service commission


  • librarian degree college (women)
  • physical director (degree college)
  • veterinary assistant surgeon in category (4) of class-a
  • veterinary assistant surgeon in category (4) of class-b
  • inspector of boilers
  • deputy surveyors in survey settlement and land records dept.
  • staff nurse in telangana tribal welfare residential educational institution society.
  • staff nurse in telangana residential educational institution society.
  • staff nurse in telangana minorities residential educational institution society.
  • staff nurse in mahatama jothiba phule telangana backward classes welfare residential educational institutions societies.
  • staff nurse in telangana social welfare residential educational institutions societies.
  • principal degree college in telangana social welfare residential degree colleges(women).
  • librarian
  • assistant professor (tree breeding and improvement dept)
  • assistant professor (silvi culture & agro forestry dept)


  • hyderabad


  • telangana