- goa public service commission
- child development project officer/social welfare officer
- assistant stores officer
- stores officer
- assistant chemist
- librarian in government college of arts, science & commerce, quepem
- assistant professor in physical chemistry in government college of arts, science & commerce, quepem
- assistant professor in organic chemistry in government college of arts, science & commerce, quepem
- assistant professor in maths in government college of arts, science & commerce, sanquelim
- assistant professor in konkani in sant sohirobanath ambiye government college of arts & commerce, pernem …… 1 post
- principal in government college of arts, science & commerce, quepem
- principal in government college of commerce, margao
- principal in sant sohirobanath ambiye government college of arts & commerce, pernem
- principal in government college of arts, science & commerce, khandola
- principal in government college of arts, science & commerce, sanquelim
- police prosecutor
- goa