- office of the development commissioner
- staff selection commission, north western region
- department of animal husbandry, dairying and fisheries
- department of agriculture and cooperation
- department of animal husbandry, dairying & fisheries
- directorate general medical services
- national crime records bureau
- directorates of census operations
- town & country planning organisation
- directorate of millets development
- archaeological survey of india
- department of horticulture
- central fertiliser quality control & training institute
- national centre of organic farming
- regional drugs testing laboratory
- carpet training officer
- stockman(junior grade)
- draughtsman grade-iii
- technician
- occupational therapist
- data processing assistant
- geographer
- planning assistant
- senior technical assistant
- assistant archaeologist
- foreman
- laboratory attendant
- laboratory assistant
- field-cum-laboratory attendant
- junior scientific assistant
- ajmer
- new delhi
- jaipur
- faridabad
- panchkula
- jammu and kashmir
- rajasthan
- delhi
- central government
- haryana
- chandigarh