- office of the indian institute of handloom technology
- staff selection commission, central region
- agriculture & cooperation
- office of the joint secretary (trg) & chief administrative officer
- director general of quality assurance
- office of the director general of quality assurance
- office of the joint secretary(trg) & chief administrative officer
- department of agriculture and cooperation
- legislative department
- department of higher education
- department of animal husbandry , dairy & fisheries
- national seed research & training, centre
- department of national museum of natural history
- workshop superintendent
- laboratory assistant
- assistant map curator
- scientific assistant -gentex
- scientific assistant(chemistry)
- junior engineer (quality assurance)
- artist retoucher
- junior chemist
- ferro printer
- copy holder
- assistant scientific officer (chemistry)
- agriculture assistant
- tube well attendant
- junior seed analyst
- storekeeper-cum-caretaker
- varanasi
- ghaziabad
- new delhi
- sawai madhopur
- uttar pradesh
- delhi
- central government
- rajasthan