| Terna Dental College | maharashtra | 46 | |
| Territorial Army | delhi | 13 | |
| Textiles Committee | maharashtra | 4 | |
| Tezpur University | assam | 102 | |
| Thapar University | punjab | 59 | |
| THDC India Limited | uttarakhand | 217 | |
| THDC India Limited | delhi | 45 | |
| The Asiatic Society | west bengal | 7 | |
| The Co-operative City Bank Ltd | assam | 2 | |
| The Cotton Corporation of India Limited | telangana | -- | |
| The Cotton Corporation of India Limited | andhra pradesh | 3 | |
| The Cotton Corporation of India Limited | punjab | -- | |
| The Cotton Corporation of India Limited | delhi | 1 | |
| The Cotton Corporation of India Limited | madhya pradesh | -- | |
| The Cotton Corporation of India Limited | maharashtra | -- | |
| The Cotton Corporation of India Limited | karnataka | -- | |
| The Cotton Corporation of India Limited | rajasthan | -- | |
| The Cotton Corporation of India Limited | gujarat | -- | |
| The Cotton Corporation of India Limited | gujarat | -- | |
| The Deputy Commissioner | himachal pradesh | 3 | |
| The Gauhati High Court | arunachal pradesh | 1 | |
| The Haryana Cooperative Development Federation Limited | haryana | 15 | |
| The Infantry School | madhya pradesh | 10 | |
| The Kerala Agro Industries Corporation Limited | kerala | 6 | |
| The Mehsana Urban Co-op Bank Ltd | gujarat | 12 | |