| State Institute Of Hotel Management Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition | bihar | 1 | |
| State Insurance Corporation Hospital, ESI Hospital | delhi | 13 | |
| State Mission Directorate, Urban Local Bodies Directorate | uttar pradesh | 1 | |
| State Project Implementation Unit | assam | 2 | |
| State Project Implementation Unit | bihar | -- | |
| State Project Implementation Unit | uttarakhand | 1 | |
| State Project Implementation Unit | madhya pradesh | 2 | |
| State Project Implementation Unit | himachal pradesh | 2 | |
| State Project Implementation Unit | chhattisgarh | 1 | |
| State Project Implementation Units | delhi | 148 | |
| Station Headquarters Chandimandir, C/o 56 APO | haryana | 6 | |
| Station Health Organisation | gujarat | 5 | |
| Station Health Organisation | jharkhand | 3 | |
| Station Workshop EME | himachal pradesh | 4 | |
| Station Workshop EME | tamil nadu | 4 | |
| Station Workshop EME, Kirkee, C/o 56 APO | maharashtra | 5 | |
| Steel Authority of India Limited | delhi | 558 | |
| Steel Authority of India Limited | west bengal | 366 | |
| Steel Authority of India Limited | tamil nadu | -- | |
| Steel Authority of India Limited | odisha | 9 | |
| Steel Authority of India Limited | jharkhand | 331 | |
| Steel Authority of India Limited | chhattisgarh | 10 | |
| Steel Research And Technology Mission Of India | delhi | 1 | |
| Stree Nidhi - Credit Cooperative Federation Ltd | telangana | 27 | |
| Stree Nidhi Credit Cooperative Federation Limited | telangana | 144 | |