| Indira Gandhi National Centre For The Arts | assam | 4 | |
| Indira Gandhi National Centre For The Arts | karnataka | 5 | |
| Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts | delhi | 112 | |
| Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy | uttarakhand | 8 | |
| Indira Gandhi National Open University | delhi | 357 | |
| Indira Gandhi National Open University | assam | 1 | |
| Indira Gandhi National Tribal University | madhya pradesh | 133 | |
| Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya | madhya pradesh | 23 | |
| Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Academy | uttar pradesh | -- | |
| Indo French Centre For The Promotion Of Advanced Research | delhi | -- | |
| Indo German Tool Room | maharashtra | 35 | |
| Indo Tibetan Border Police | delhi | 2048 | |
| Indo-U.S. Science And Technology Forum | delhi | -- | |
| Indraprastha College For Women | delhi | 47 | |
| Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology | delhi | 92 | |
| Industrial Consultancy & Continuing Education, National Institute Of Technology | odisha | 21 | |
| Industrial Development Bank of India | central government | 760 | |
| Industrial Research & Development Unit, Indian Institute Of Technology | delhi | 277 | |
| Information and Library Network Centre | gujarat | 1 | |
| Information Kerala Mission | kerala | 12 | |
| Infotech Promotional Society | chhattisgarh | 43 | |
| Inidian Aviation Academy | delhi | 3 | |
| Inland Waterways Authority of India | delhi | 2 | |
| Inland Waterways Authority of India | uttar pradesh | 212 | |
| Inspector General Of Police | maharashtra | 105 | |