- cantonment board dehuroad
- cantonment board
- bharat electronics limited
- andhra pradesh public service commission
- savitribai phule pune university alumni association
- savitribai phul pune university
- savitribai phule pune university
- bank of maharashtra
- earth system science organization (esso)
- indian institute of tropical meteorology
- broadcast engineering consultants india ltd
- broadcast engineering consultants india limited
- csir unit for research and development of information products
- csir- unit for reaserch and developmnet of information products
- mason
- staff nurse
- lab technician
- jr. supervisor (security)
- office assistant
- office coordinator
- project assistant
- part time sub staff- on 1/3rd scale wages
- iitm research fellows
- iitm research associates
- assistant project director (apd)
- project assistant -i a14
- project assistant -ii (comp/it) a13
- pune
- maharashtra