- kerala state biodiversity board boars
- kerala state biodiversity board
- sree chitra tirunal institute for medical sciences & technology
- sree chitra tirunal institute for medical sciences and technology
- indian institute of science education and research thiruvananthapuram
- indian institute of science education and research
- kerala state road transport corporation
- regional cancer centre
- kerala road fund board thiruvananthapuram.
- kerala road fund board
- sree chitra tirunal institute for medical sciences & technology biomedical technology wing, poojappura, trivandrum
- kerala road fund board invites
- assistant programme co-ordinator
- senior programme co-ordinator
- technician (mrac)
- project assistant (jrf)
- project engineer (civil)
- laboratory technician
- office assistant - 1 no
- project scientist - professional
- project scientist
- office assistant
- thiruvananthapuram
- kerala