- university of delhi -maitreyi college
- andaman and nicobar administration
- national capital region planning board
- central drugs standard control organisation
- central drugs standard control organization
- brahmos aerospace
- odisha staff selection commission
- vardhman mahavir medical college
- aadhaar project
- (university of delhi)-shaheed bhagat singh college
- shaheed bhagat singh (evening) college, university of delhi
- assistant professor hindi
- assistant professor english
- assistant professor economics
- assistant professor computer sc.
- assistant professor commerce
- assistant professor chemistry
- assistant professor botany
- assistant director (project finance & procurement)
- joint director (tech.)
- director (vigilance) deputation (including short-term contract)
- executive assistant (commercial)
- assistant professor(teaching sub cadre of chs) on contract basis
- computer lab.attendant- m.t.s.
- lab.attendant(geog.) m.t.s.
- library attendant m.t.s
- new delhi
- delhi