| Machine Design | 4 | |
| machine learning | 2 | |
| malayalam | 1 | |
| management | 88 | |
| management information systems | 9 | |
| Management Of Development Organization | 3 | |
| management science | 0 | |
| Managerial Communication | 3 | |
| Managerial Economics | 77 | |
| Marketing | 8 | |
| Marketing Management | 60 | |
| Marketing of Services | 12 | |
| Marketing Research | 14 | |
| materials engineering | 6 | |
| Materials Science | 12 | |
| mathematical foundation of computer science | 3 | |
| Mathematical Methods | 0 | |
| mathematics | 33 | |
| mechanical engineering | 80 | |
| mechanics | 0 | |
| Mechanics Of Materials | 4 | |
| Mechatronics | 13 | |
| medical microbiology | 7 | |
| Metrology and Instrumentation | 7 | |
| micro economics | 10 | |