- indira gandhi national open university
- b.ed special education (bedse)
- certificate in early childhood special education enabling inclusion cerebral palsy (cesehi)
- m.ed special education in mental retardation(medse)
- curriculum and teaching strategies
- introduction to the education of visually impaired children
- educational perspectives on visual impairment
- instructional methods
- early childhood special education for children with cerebral palsy
- early childhood special education for children with mental retardetion
- early childhood special education for children with visual impairment
- early childhood special education for children with hearing impairment
- foundation of early childhood development and disability
- identification and assessment of children with mental retardation
- curriculum and teaching strategies for persons with mental retardation
- psycho-social and educational implication of children with visual impairment
- curriculum and teaching strategies for children with visual impairment
- aural rehabilitation of children with hearing impairment
- curriculum and teaching strategies for children with hearing impairment
- new delhi