- indira gandhi national open university
- diploma in early childhood special education (mental retardation (decsemr)
- diploma in special education, autism spectrum disorder (dseasd)
- certificate course in prosthetic & orthotic technicians (cprort)
- diploma in education (special education) cerebral palsy
- diploma in civil engineering (dcle)
- diploma in nursing administration (dna)
- post graduate diploma in rural development
- curriculum and teaching strategies
- inter-disciplinary aspects in ecse
- human development and psychology
- b a s i c s c i e n c e ( a n a t o m y , p h y s i o l o g y )
- basic clinical science - (physical medicine and rehabilitation, surgery and orthopaedics)
- workshop practice machines and tools material
- orthotics
- prosthetic
- increasing participation of children with c.p.
- refrigeration & air-conditioning
- heat power technology
- machine drawing
- industrial management
- principles and practices of nursing administration
- childhood nutrition : basic concepts and physiological requirements
- new delhi