- indira gandhi national open university
- fundamentals of hearing, hearing impairment & audiological management
- fundamentals of speech and speech teaching
- curricular strategies and adaptations of lessons for children with hearing impairment
- family, community and the hearing impaired child
- content and methodology of teaching science and mathematics
- content and methodology of teaching social science
- implications of visual impairment
- teaching of plus curricular activities
- teaching social studies - content-cum- methodology
- education of children with low vision
- g e n e r a l s c i e n c e , c o n t e n t c u m m e t h o d o l o g y
- education of visually impaired children with additional disabilities
- s t a t e l a n g u a g e a n d e n g l i s h c o n t e n t - c u m - m e t h o d o l
- integrated and inclusive education
- t e a c h i n g o f m a t h e m a t i c s f o r v i s u a l l y i m p a i r e d c h i l
- new delhi