4TH FLOOR, MOHTA BUILDING, 4, BHIKAJI CAMA PALACE, NEW DELHI - 110066, PHONE: 011-26701400, FAX: 011-26180729 |
A-11, SECTOR -24, NOIDA - 201301 DISTT. GAUTAM BUDH NAGAR, U.P. PHONE: 0120-2412294, 2412445, FAX: 0120-2412397 |

Advertisement No.: 01 (RFCL)/2018 Dated: 10.01.2018
Ramagundam Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited (RFCL) is a Joint Venture Company formed by National Fertilizers Limited (NFL), Engineers India Limited (EIL) and Fertilizers Corporation of India limited (FCIL) to take forward the revival of Ramagundam Unit of FCIL by setting up of gas based Ammonia - Neem Coated Urea complex at existing Ramagundam site of FCIL, District Karim Nagar, Telangana-505210. The project is in advanced stage of execution.
National Fertilizers Limited (NFL), a Mini-Ratna, Central Public Sector Undertaking, has been engaged as Manpower Management Consultant by RFCL. Online applications are invited from young, dynamic & result oriented professionals for the position of Management Trainees in following disciplines for Ramagundam Project of RFCL:
CTC (IN THE PAY SCALE OF Rs. 16400 - 40500) |
UR |
SC |
ST |
PwBD $ |
01 |
Rs. 7.53 lakh per annum |
19 |
05 |
02 |
09 |
01 OH |
OH: OA, OL |
02 |
10 (TEN) |
07 |
01 |
- |
02 |
01 HH |
03 |
08 (EIGHT) |
05 |
01 |
- |
02 |
- |
04 |
08 (EIGHT) |
05 |
01 |
- |
02 |
- |
MT - Management Trainee;GATE Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering; CH,- Chemical Engineering; ME- Mechanical Engineering; EE- Electrical Engineering; IN- Instrumentation Engineering; UR - Unreserved; SC - Scheduled Caste; ST - Scheduled Tribe; OBC (NCL) - Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy Layer); ExSM - Ex Serviceman; PwBD - Divyangjan or Persons with Benchmark Disabilities; OH - Orthopedically Impaired; OA - One Arm affected; OL - One Legaffected; HH - Hearing Impaired.
# The number of vacancies are tentative and may increase or decrease at the absolute discretion of RFCL and in compliance of the Presidential Directives on reservation at the time of appointment. Accordingly, RFCL reserves the right to cancel/restrict/enlarge/modify/alter the requirements advertised, if need so arises, without any further notice or assigning any reason therefor. In addition to the notified vacancies a panel of candidates shall also be created for unforeseen vacancies, including but not limited to vacancies caused by cessation of service of selected candidates, arising within one year from date of empanelment. Posts shall be filled according to reservation position. Accordingly, SC/ST/OBC//PwBD/ExSM category candidates are encouraged to apply. Further, RFCL also reserves the right to raise/relax the minimum eligibility standards and to fill/ not to fill all or any of the above positions.
$ PwBD reservation is applied on horizontal inter-locking basis in either of UR/SC/ST/OBC(NCL) vacancies. Refer to Clause No. F(8) of this advertisement.
@ The PwBD categories identified for above posts are as per the latest list of Group A - Posts identified for Persons with Disabilities (New) available on the website of Office of The Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India at http://www.ccdisabilities.nic.in as on the date of advertisement. Please refer to Clause No. F(9) of this advertisement in this regard also.
// 02 //
Sl. No. |
Post Code |
Post Name |
Maximum Age |
Minimum Educational Qualification |
1 |
01 |
27 years |
Full time regular Bachelors Degree in Chemical Engineering or Technology with not less than 60% marks (50% for SC/ST), taking average of all Semesters / Years irrespective of weightage given to any particular semester / Year by the University/ Institute along with valid GATE 2016Score in Chemical Engineering (CH) Paper. |
2 |
02 |
Full time regular Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Technology with not less than 60% marks (50% for SC/ST), taking average of all Semesters / Years irrespective of weightage given to any particular semester / Year by the University/ Institute along with valid GATE 2016 Score in Mechanical Engineering (ME) Paper. |
3 |
03 |
Full time regular Bachelors Degree in Electrical Engineering or Technology with not less than 60% marks (50% for SC/ST), taking average of all Semesters / Years irrespective of weightage given to any particular semester / Year by the University/ Institute along with valid GATE 2016 Score in Electrical Engineering (EE) Paper. |
4 |
04 |
Full time regular Bachelors Degree in Instrumentation or Instrumentation & Electronics with not less than 60% marks (50% for SC/ST), taking average of all Semesters / Years irrespective of weightage given to any particular semester / Year by the University/ Institute along with valid GATE 2016 Score in Instrumentation Engineering (IN) Paper. |
Note: Candidate having valid GATE-2016 Score in relevant discipline can only apply.
The cut-off date for determining eligibility criteria in respect of minimum educational qualification, and age shall be31.01.2018and will remain unchanged irrespective of any reason whatsoever.
Non - refundable application fee of Rs. 700 plus additional bank processing charges is to be paid online.The application fee is not applicable for SC/ST/ExSM/PwBD.
- i. Candidates are required to apply online providing details regarding age, date of birth, qualification, division and percentage of marks obtained, year of passing, respective School/College/University, work experience if any, GATE 2016 Registration Number, Roll No. and GATE 2016 Score card. Candidates are also required to upload their scanned copy of GATE-2016 Score Card, recent coloured photograph and signature without which their application may not be accepted.
- ii. Candidates fulfilling the prescribed eligibility criteria should apply online through NFL website:www.nationalfertilizers.com . No other means/mode of application shall be accepted. The relevant link for submission of online application will be available from 1000 hours on 10.01.2018 under the head Careers RFCL recruitment - Management Trainees in Technical Discipline 2018 Apply Online and submission of application will be allowed on the website upto 1730 hours on 09.02.2018, unless otherwise changed.
- iii. The candidates should ensure that the details entered in online application are correct. On submission of duly filled-in application online & making the prescribed payment, candidate is required to download the Application Form generated by the system with unique registration number. Candidates should keep printout of their application form along with unique registration number and reference number of application fee paid for future reference
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- iv. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility before paying the registration fee.
- v. Candidate should ensure that the GATE-2016 registration No. which is mentioned on his/her GATE Admit Card is filled up correctly. Name should also be filled up as appearing in the GATE Admit Card. No request for change in any data entered by the candidate will be entertained once the application is submitted successfully. If GATE score other than the year 2016 is given by the candidate his/her candidature shall stand invalid and void.
- i. Based on the GATE 2016 Score, category and discipline, candidates will be shortlisted for Personal Interview in the ratio of 01 (One):05 (Five) i.e. 05 candidates for 01 post.
- ii. It may be noted that candidates will be called for personal interview provisionally on the basis of information submitted by them in online application form and their candidature will be considered vis--vis eligibility criteria for the post applied for as mentioned in the advertisement. Candidates not meeting the eligibility criteria or not in possession of complete requisite documents will not be allowed to attend the personal interview and no TA will be paid to them. Further, no queries shall be entertained in this regard.
- iii. The candidates called for personal interview will be reimbursed to and fro single 2ndAC Class Rail (Mail/Express trains, excluding Rajdhani/Duronto/Shatabdi)/ Bus fare from the nearest railway station of the correspondence address to the place of interview by the shortest route on production of necessary receipts.
- i. Separate merit list will be drawn for UR/SC/ST/OBC/PwBD candidates with reference to the number of available vacancies for each category. Merit list of suitable candidates shall be prepared on the basis of GATE 2016 Score as well as personal interview. The followingweightages shall be assigned:
S. No. |
Parameter |
Weightage of marks obtained in each parameter |
1 |
GATE - 2016 SCORE |
80%(rounded off to 02 decimal places) |
2 |
Personal Interview |
20% (rounded off to 02 decimal places) |
Total |
100% |
- ii. Candidates are required to qualify in the Personal Interview separately with minimum 50% marks in interview.
- iii. In case, total marks (upto two decimals) of two or more candidates after personal interview are same, percentage of marks in the qualifying examination would be considered for drawing up merit list. In case percentage of marks (upto two decimals) are also equal in the qualifying examination, the date of birth of the candidates will be considered for preparing merit list i.e. the candidate born earlier will be considered as senior in the merit list.
- 1. PAY & PERKS
RFCL offers one of the best pay packages in the Fertilizer industry. The selected candidates shall undergo one year training at various Units/Offices of NFL or RFCL and will be placed in the pay scale of Rs. 16400 - 3% - 40500 (under revision w.e.f. 01.01.2017) on Basic Pay of Rs. 16400 during one year training period. On successful completion of training period and on clearance of minimum standards, such candidates will be considered for regularization as Engineer in the pay scale of Rs. 16400-3%-40500 at a basic pay of Rs. 16,900/-.Besides Basic Pay, candidates will also be paid Industrial Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance / Company Accommodation and will also be entitled for other perquisites &allowances / benefits such as Leave, Medical Facilities, Contributory Provident Fund, Gratuity, Contributory Superannuation Benefit Fund Scheme, Group Personal Accident Insurance etc. as per RFCL rules in force from time to time during training / after regularization.
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All selected candidates will be required to execute a service agreement bond to serve the company for at least 03 years after successful completion of the training. The amount of the service bond agreement to be executed is Rs.80,000/- (Rupees Eighty Thousand only) for UR/OBC(NCL) candidates and Rs.20,000/- (Rupees Twenty Thousand only) for candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwBD categories.
The candidate should have sound health. The selected candidates before joining will be required to get Medical Fitness Certificate from Civil Surgeon of any Central/State Government Hospitals. The offer of engagement as Management Trainee will be provision and subject to verification of Character & Antecedents and Caste certificate/PwBD Certificate from the concerned District Authorities/Competent Authorities. Selected candidates during their training may be posted in any plants of NFL or Ramagundam Plant of RFCL at any point of time at the discretion of the Management. However, after regularization selected candidates will be posted at Ramagundam site.
- 1. Relaxation for SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PwBD/Ex-SM categories candidates will be as indicated at Clause No. F.12 to F.15.
- 2. Category {SC/ST/OBC/PwBD/Ex-SM} once submitted in online application form will not be changed and no benefit of other category will be admissible later on.
- 3. SC/ST/OBC candidates can be considered under general standards of merit against the un-reserved posts provided no relaxation in age, qualification etc. is availed of/extended to them.
- 4. For claiming relaxation, the reserved category candidates should submit copy of Caste/PwBD certificate(s), in the Proforma prescribed by Govt. of India, issued by the Competent Authority, alongwith application form. If the certificate has been issued in a language other than English/Rajbhasha (Hindi), the candidates should submit a self- certified translated copy of the same either in English or Rajbhasha (Hindi).
- 5. Only those communities that are mentioned in the common list of OBC notified by Government of India shall be treated as OBC for the purpose of reservation for employment under Central Government. Relevant list can be viewed at http://www.ncbc.nic.in.
Accordingly, for claiming the benefit of OBC (NCL) category applicable for purpose of reservation in appointment to posts under Govt. of India/Central Government /Public Sector Undertaking, the candidate shall submit& subsequently produce his latest caste certificate in the proforma prescribed by Government of India, as contained in DoPT Memo No.36036/2/2013-Estt/(Res.) dated 30.05.2014 from a Competent Authority issued in the last six months from the cut-off date i.e. 31.01.2018.Further the OBC (NCL) candidates will have to give a self-declaration, at the time of documents verification indicating that they belong to OBC (NCL).
- 6. Candidates belonging to OBC category and falling in creamy layer are not entitled to OBC reservation benefits. Such OBC candidates shall be treated as Un-reserved candidates. Accordingly such candidates may choose to apply for the advertised positions provided they meet the age criteria applicable to UR candidates and indicate their category as UR.
- 7. Relaxation in age limit by 05 (five) years for ExSM and Commissioned Officers (including ECOs/ SSCOs) will be subject to rendering of minimum 05 years military service and fulfillment of other conditions as per Government of India guidelines.
- 8. Prescribed reservations for PwBD and/or ExSM/Dependent of those killed or disabled in action will be applied on horizontal inter-locking reservation system basis as per Government of India guidelines. Candidates belonging to PwBD category shall be considered only against the identified positions
// 05 //
- 9. Section 2(r) of The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016, defines person with benchmark disability as a person duly certified by the certifying authority with:
- a. not less than 40% of a specified disability where specified disability has not been defined in measurable terms and;
- b. a disability where specified disability has been defined in measurable terms.
The candidates are required to submit a Disability Certificate issued by Competent Authority as per the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights & Full Participation) Amended Rules, 2009, failing which their candidature as PwBD candidates will not be considered.
Thus, in line with The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016 with regard to reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) in the posts/services under Central Government, only "person with benchmark disability" would be eligible for reservation in posts/services with not less than forty per cent of a specified disability where specified disability has not been defined in measurable terms and includes a person with disability where specified disability has been defined in measurable terms, as certified by the certifying authority. A candidate who wants to avail of benefit of reservation will have to submit a Disability Certificate in the Proforma prescribed by Government of India, issued by the Competent Authority, alongwith application form, failing which their candidature as PwBD candidates will not be considered. If the certificate has been issued in a language other than English/Rajbhasha (Hindi), the candidates should submit a self- certified translated copy of the same either in English or Rajbhasha (Hindi). Format for PwBD Certificate is available on the website.
- 10. SC/ST/PwBD/ExSM candidates are exempted from payment of application fee at the time of online registration.
- 11. SC/ST candidates with at least 50% marks in qualifying degree examination (B.Tech./B.E.) are eligible to apply.
- 12. Relaxation in age will be allowed upto 05 (five) years for SC/ST and 03 (three) years for OBC(NCL) candidates considered against reserved positions.
- 13. UR PwBD candidates will be allowed age-relaxation upto 10 years, upto 15 years for PwBD- SC/ST and upto 13 years for PwBD-OBC(NCL) candidates, if considered against reserved vacancies.
- 14. Upper age is relaxed by 05 (five) years for the candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the state of Jammu & Kashmir from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989.
- 15. The maximum age of the applicant, after giving relaxations under Clause No. F.12 to F.14 (standalone or in combination thereof), should not exceed 56 years on 31.01.2018.
- 1. Before applying, candidates should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria. Their registration will be provisional as their eligibility will be verified only in case they are shortlisted for selection. Mere issuance of call letter for interview shall not imply acceptance of candidature. Candidature of a registered candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or even after joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or not in conformity with the eligibility criteria at any stage.
- 2. Eligible and interested candidates would be required to apply online only through Careers page on NFLs website: www.nationalfertilizers.com .
- 3. Before registering their application on the website, the candidates should keep the following ready:
- i. Valid e-mail ID;
// 06 //
- ii. Candidates should have latest passport size coloured photograph in white background of size 200 X 230pixel (jpg or jpeg file only upto 50KB), clear photograph of signatures in white background of size 150 X 60 pixel (jpg or jpeg file only upto 20KB) and GATE 2016 Score card (jpg or jpeg or pdf file only upto 100 KB) for uploading in the application form;
- iii. Supporting documents as detailed in the foregoing at para D (1);
- iv. Provision to pay examination fee of Rs. 700 plus bank processing charges for UR and OBC candidates. Candidates can opt to pay through internet banking/ credit/ debit card.
- 4. The registration process involves following steps:
www.nationalfertilizers.com Careers RFCL recruitment - Management Trainees in Technical Discipline 2018 Apply Online New Candidate Registration Enter personal details Unique login id & temporary password generated & mentioned on screen/sent electronically to your registered email id Re-login with unique login id & temporary password Change your password & save Re-login with unique login id & changed password Fill in the various information correctly as asked for and upload the requisite documents Click on Submit button Preview your application form Check declaration & agree Click on Proceed to Payment button, if applicable Complete the payment, if applicable using hyperlinkPrint duly filled-in online application form for record.
- 5. The registration process has also been detailed on the opening page of New Candidate Registration for perusal of the candidates.
- 1. Candidates are advised to go through the advertisement carefully and ascertain their eligibility before submitting their applications.
- 2. While applying the candidates should mention their full name as it appears in GATE 2016 Score card. Certificate issued by a Board of Secondary Education for passing Matriculation shall be the only acceptable document in support of proof of age.
- 3. No manual / paper application shall be entertained.
- 4. The prescribed minimum educational qualifications should be completed on full time regular basis with minimum 60% marks (50% of SC/ST) from a University/Institute recognized by AICTE.
- 5. No claim of possession of a qualification equivalent to the prescribed qualification shall be entertained.
- 6. Minimum percentage of marks in the minimum educational qualification as indicated above shall be aggregate of all semesters/years to be calculated taking average of all semesters/years, irrespective of the weightage given to any particular semester/year by the Institute/University.
- 7. Wherever CGPA/OGPA or letter grade in a degree is awarded; equivalent percentage of marks should be indicated in the application form as per norms adopted by the University/Institute. Where no norms have been specified, the CGPA/OGPA will be presumed to have been provided on a 10 point scale. Candidates having CGPA/OGPA or letter grade in a degree, however, shall invariably produce a copy of these conversion norms/no norms with respect to his/her University/Institute at the time of Interview.
- 8. Candidates employed in Central/State Government/Quasi-Government/Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous Bodies shall either forward their application through Proper Channel (printout of duly filled-in online application) or shall produce No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their present employer at the time of interview failing which his/ her candidature will not be considered and he/she will not be allowed to appear in the interview.
// 07 //
- 9. The age limit and minimum educational qualification are the minimum criteria and mere possession of the same by the candidate does not entitle him/her for participating in the selection process. NFL/RFCLs decision regarding eligibility & shortlisting of applications shall be final & binding and no queries or correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.
- 10. Details once submitted in the online application form will be final and request for any change including change in correspondence address/email address/mobile number/ category shall not be entertained.
- 11. Candidates should possess a valid email ID as the same is mandatorily required for registration for online applications. Candidates are also advised to keep the email ID active for at least one & a half year from cut-off date i.e. 31.01.2018. No change in the email ID will be allowed once submitted. All information/communication regarding participating in the selection process shall be provided through email to the candidates, found prima-facie eligible, based on the online application data. Responsibilities of receiving and downloading of information/communications, etc. will be of the candidate. RFCL will not be responsible for any loss of email sent, due to invalid/wrong email ID provided by the candidate and no correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
- 12. The candidature of all applicants would be provisional and subject to subsequent verification of GATE-2016 Score, Degree certificates/testimonials, Caste / PwBD/ Ex-SM etc. Candidates, if shortlisted for personal interview, are required to bring in original all certificates along with GATE-2016 SCORE CARD as received from IISc., Bangalore at the time of interview.
- 13. The names of candidates called for personal interview will be displayed on NFLs website www.nationalfertilizers.com under head Careers. Candidates are advised to visit the website regularly for the latest information in this regard. Only short listed candidates who are prima-facie found eligible based on the information submitted in their online application will be called for participating in the selection process and will be intimated through electronic mode for personal interview and RFCL/NFL will not be responsible for any delay or non-delivery of such intimation.
- 14. In case the applicant does not receive any communication within 90 days from the date of publication of this advertisement, it may be presumed that he/she has not been short listed for the selection process. Accordingly, candidates are advised to regularly visit Careers head on website - www.nationalfertilizers.com for the updated information on the selection process.
- 15. Mere admission to the selection process does not imply that Company (RFCL) is satisfied about candidates eligibility. The candidates should ensure that the details mentioned in the application form are correct and are in conformity with the eligibility criteria for the post applied for, as mentioned in the advertisement. In case it is detected that a candidate does not fulfill any of the advertised eligibility criteria or has given false declaration or suppressed any material fact or information having any bearing on his candidature, he/she shall render himself/herself ineligible for consideration at any stage of selection and for termination at any time during employment, if recruited.
- 16. Further, RFCL reserves the right to cancel/restrict/enlarge/modify the recruitment/selection process of advertised posts without any further notice or assigning any reasons whatsoever.
- 17. Any revision/clarification/corrigendum/addendum/errata in respect of this advertisement shall be displayed only on NFLs website www.nationalfertilizers.com under the head Careers. No further press advertisement will be issued. Hence prospective applicants are advised to visit NFL website regularly for latest update with regard to this advertisement.
- 18. Court of jurisdiction for any dispute pertaining to any issue arising out of this recruitment process will be at Delhi only to the exclusion of all other Courts.
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- 19. Candidates should retain their copy of Pay in e-receipt and Registration Slip / Application Form for future reference as they can be asked to produce it.
- 20. Format of caste certificate for SC/ST/ OBC and for PwBD is available on the website.
- 21. Canvassing in any form shall be considered a disqualification for employment in the Company.
- 22. Recruitment is for RFCL. Candidates recruited against this advertisement shall not have any claim including employment against NFL.
Sl. |
Details |
1. |
Cut-off date of reckoning eligibility shall remain 31.01.2018. |
2. |
On-line registration of application commences from 1000 hours (10:00 AM) on 10.01.2018 and closes on 1730 hours (5:30 PM) on 09.02.2018, unless change in date is notified. |
3. |
The link to the online registration of the application has been hosted on the website www.nationalfertilizers.com |
4. |
Canvassing in any form is liable to render a candidate ineligible. |
Dy.GM (P&HR)
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 10-Jan-2018 | |
Applications | 10-Jan-2018 | 09-Feb-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : National Fertilizers Limited
- Organization City, State : noida, uttar pradesh
- Organization Website : www.nationalfertilizers.com
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results