No.HHC/Admn.2(31)/87-IV-Dated: 31.10.2017.
The High Court of Himachal Pradesh invites online applications from the eligible desirous candidates for filling-up the following existing vacancies on the Establishment of High Court :-
Sl. No. | Particulars of the vacancies | Total Number of vacancies | Pay Band/Pay Scale & Grade Pay etc. | Educational Qualification/ Eligibility Criterion |
1. | Translator | 02 (Two) UR | Rs.10300-34800 + Rs.4400/-Grade Pay + Rs.900/-Secretariat Pay plus usual allowance | The candidate must be a Graduate with 50% marks in English and also having studied Hindi as subject at the Graduation Level AND Urdu or Punjabi in matriculation examination Desirable qualification : The candidate having proficiency in Urdu will be given preference. |
The number of vacancies for aforesaid category may increase or decrease in future, due to administrative exigencies.
The applications are acceptable only in online mode. The desirous candidate(s) may use the link provided on our website i.e. http://hphighcourt.nic.in at the Tabs Recruitment/Results or Announcement on or before its last date i.e. 24.11.2017, upto 11.45 p.m.
For detailed information with regard to the Important Instructions, Rules, Regulations, Syllabus, fee structure, examination schedule and mode of payment etc., the candidates are advised to read carefully the relevant information with utmost care which is annexed with the Advertisement Notice on our website before applying in online mode.
The applying candidates must have to send the print-out of duly filled-in Acknowledgement, given at last page of annexed Instructions alongwith eReceipt, in original, in support of payment deposited by them through either mode i.e. paid online or deposited in cash or challan, as the case may be, on or before 30.11.2017, by Regd./Speed Post or by Hand, failing which their candidature is liable to be rejected straightway.
The eligible candidates will ONLY be informed through SMS alerts on their registered mobile numbers about the examination schedule etc. besides uploading their list on our website. No separate call letters will be sent in offline mode. Therefore, the candidates are advised to fill-up their correct mobile number(s) while applying online. How ever, the each candidate must have to bring along the duly filled-in ADMIT CARD, as per the prescribed format given at our website, at the time of appearing in the exams./test as shall be conveyed to him/her through SMS alerts.
Note:-For any query contact Establishment Branch of High Court through the following telephone numbers : 0177-2650111, 2658831, 2658456 and 2804319.
By Order
(Rajeev Bhardwaj)
Registrar General
Endst.No.HHC/Admn.2(31)/87-IV-Dated: 31.10.2017. Copy forwarded to:
All the District & Sessions Judges in H.P., with a request to get the copy of the aforesaid Advertisement Notice displayed on the Notice Boards of their respective Courts.
- Shri Ajay Sharma, Systems Analyst, NIC at High Court. He is requested to upload the above advertisement Notice alongwith its annexures on the High Court Website today itself.
3. Notice Board of High Court of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla - 171 001.
4. Shri Vikrant Janartha Proprietor, Janartha Advertising. Near Local Bus Stand, Sanjauli, Shimla, with a request that the above advertisement-notice may be got published in the daily Hindi News Paper AmarUjala(Himachal Edition) and English Newspaper The Tribune, at the earliest. He is also re quested to send a copy of the papers containing the advertisement to this High Court Registry for record and further necessary action.
(Registrar Estt.)
INSTRUCTIONS for filling-up online application
Visit the official website of Honble High Court of Himachal Pradesh
i.e. http://hphighcourt.nic.in thereafter click on the tab Recruitment/Results or Announcement.
:: GUIDELINES :: As How To Fill The Online Form (with pictorial illustration) :-
To apply, the desirous/eligible candidates shall have to access the website of SBI Collect at url https://www.onlinesbi.com/prelogin/icollecthome.htm and thereafter click on proceed button.

After ticking the check box, the candidate would be directed to next page having two options State of Corporate/Institution* and Type of Corporate/Institution*.

Under its first option, the candidate shall have to select the state
Himachal Pradesh and under its option, select Govt. Department and then click on Go button.
Next step is to select the only available option of Registrar Gen High Court HP available at next page and then click on Submit button.

It will lead the candidate to next screen having three different options under the Select Payment Category and the applicant has to select any one of the available options of his/her choice, as may be applicable in his/her case.
After completion of the all above steps, an online application form having several blank fields will be opened which is to be filled-up accurately till the candidate reaches at its final submission and on and after ensuring the correctness in respect of all fields including mandatory (denoted with asterisk * mark) as well as optional one, the he/she has to click on submit button.
After verification of all particulars/details as shall be got filled-up by the candidate while applying online, he/she has to click lastly on Confirm button but must have to ensure to take the print-out of the e-Challan or e-Receipt as shall be auto-generated by the online module of the Bank before closing the online procedure.
Fees Structure & Mode of Payment :-
The examination fee prescribed for the candidates, belonging to different categories, is given hereunder :
i. In case of General or un-reserved category = Rs.300/
ii. For all other reserved categories = Rs.150/-.
The candidates shall have to deposit the requisite fee either through E-Payment mode i.e. either by using Debit/Credit Card(s) etc. or through net-banking options, as are available at payment gateway or the requisite fee could also be paid through E-Challan which can be generated from the online web portal of SBI Collect and the requisite fee amount is to be deposited in cash at any branch of the SBI wherein all transaction details/particulars e.g. SBI Collect Reference Number, Journal Number etc. will be denoted by the payee bank. The candidate may also deposit the fee amount by directly paying through cashat any branch of SBI. After completing the payment process through any of the above mentioned modes, the candidate must have to take the print-out of E-Receipt and shall have to send it to the Registry by Regd./Speed post alongwith Acknowledgement on or before the date as specified above.
Please note that fee once deposited shall notbe refunded in any case. Moreover, any application received or submitted by the candidate without fees payment shall be liable to be rejected straightway.
General Instructions :
Before filling up the online application form, the candidates are advised to read carefully the Notification/Advertisement for the post(s)/Exam(s) and also ensure that he/she is eligible as per the criterion as prescribed in the Advertisement Notice.
- On and after successful completion of all steps of the online application module, the candidate shall have to send the following documents addressed to the The Registrar General, High Court of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla 171001 through Regd./Speed post with Name of the post super scribed on the mailing envelop :
- o The print-out of e-Receipt as shall be auto-generated at the SBI Collect web portal during the online filing process;
- o Duly filled-up and signed Acknowledgement , as annexed with Advertisement Notice having one duly attested recent passport size photograph by the competent authority affixed at the designated space;
- o The print-out of e-Receipt as shall be auto-generated at the SBI Collect web portal during the online filing process;
- On and after successful completion of all steps of the online application module, the candidate shall have to send the following documents addressed to the The Registrar General, High Court of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla 171001 through Regd./Speed post with Name of the post super scribed on the mailing envelop :
- The application received through any other mode (offline etc.) will not be accepted and summarily rejected.
- Online Application process must be completed (including Applying for Examination/Test and Submit Examination/Test Fee) before last date fixed for submission of online form as mentioned in the Notification/Advertisement, after which the weblink will be disabled and no subsequent correspondence will be entertained in that respect.
- After submission, request for change/correction in any particulars in the Application Form shall not be entertained under any circumstances. The H.P. High Court will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of furnishing any incorrect and incomplete details in the application or omission.
- The candidates applying for the examination/test should ensure that they fulfill all eligibility criterion as prescribed for admission to examination/test. Their admission at all stages of the examination/test will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions.
- H.P. High Court takes up verification of eligibility conditions with reference to original documents at subsequent stages of examination/test process.
- The select list of the candidates will be drawn firstly against the regular posts and thereafter against contractual posts in order of their merit.
- The benefit of reservation for various post(s) will be admissible only to the candidates, who are bonafide residents of Himachal Pradesh.
- The information with respect to the examination schedule such as roll number, date, timing and venue etc. will ONLY be sent through SMS alerts on registered mobile numbers of the eligible candidates besides uploading their list on our website. No separate call letters will be sent in offline mode. Therefore, the candidates are advised to fill-up their correct mobile number(s) while applying online. This apart, the eligible candidate must have to bring along the duly filled-in ADMIT CARD as per the prescribed format, given at out website, complete in all respect and duly attested by the competent authority, while appearing in the exams./test on scheduled date as shall be conveyed to him/her through SMS alerts. No candidate will be allowed to sit in the exams./test without ADMIT CARD.
- No TA/DA shall be admissible to the candidates called for Screening/Written Test(s)/Interview or Viva-Voce Test against any of the advertised post(s).
Rules & Regulation, Syllabus :
The Rules & Regulations and the syllabus as prescribed under Recruitment & Promotion Rules against the advertised posts are available at Annexure PART-F (Translator) and Amendment thereof dated, 12.05.2016. The candidates must read them carefully before applying for any of such advertised post(s) failing which or any application found non-complying with any of such rules, regulations, authorities and reservation, shall be liable to be rejected straightaway and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.
-Age of the candidate who are desirous of applying for the advertised vacancies should not be less than 18 years or more than 45 years as on 01.01.2017 (to be reckoned on first day of the calendar year). However, in case, the candidate belongs to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classes categories or if an Ex-Serviceman, relaxation in the upper age limit shall be allowed as may be prescribed by the State Govt. from time to time for entry into service for such candidates.
(To be filled-in by the candidate and to be sent to the High Court of H.P.)
Post Applied for : __________________________________________________ Name of the Candidate :___________________________________________
Affix your recent passport size photograph here duly
Father/Husbands Name : __________________________________________
attested by a Gazetted Officer
Mobile Number : ___________________________________________________
Date of Birth : _____________________________________ (DD/MM/YYYY) (in words) : _________________________________________________________________________
Category (General/SC/ST/OBC): ____________________________________
Specify, if any other _____________________________________ Amount of Fee paid : Rs.__________________/-, Dated : _________________________________ SBI Collect Reference No.
(as printed over E-Receipt/E-Challan) : ___________________________________________
Any other relevant references etc. ___________________________________________________
(Signature of the Candidate)
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 31-Oct-2017 | |
Applications | 30-Nov-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : High Court Of Himachal Pradesh
- Organization City, State : shimla, himachal pradesh
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results