Regional Station, Kayamkulam, Krishnapuram-690 533, Kerala Phone No.0479-2442 104, 2442160, E-Mail-headcpcri@yahoo.co.in Website:http://www.cpcri.gov.in/


Written test and lnterview for the below mentioned assignment on contract basis, will be held at ICAR-CPCRI Regional Station, Kayamkulam as per the details furnished below:

01 Name of the post :Project Executives.
02 Name ofthe Scheme Project entitled "Technology support for coconut hybridization/production of semi tall
varieties programme of the department of agriculture"

03 Place of work ICAR-CPCRI, Regional Station, Kayamkulam 04 Number of posts ThreeJ03) 05 Essential qualification : 01) M.Sc. (Agriculture/Hort.)/Botanyequivaltmt

02) Two year experience in research/development projects. 06Desirable :Proficiency inuseofcomputers. 07 Upper Age limit 30 years for men and 35 years for women as on the date of interview (Relaxable

to SC/ST/OBC candidates as per rules) 08 Duration : Upto 31.03.2018 (likely to be extended for two years)

09 Remuneration Rs. 25,000.00 +HRA per month.

10 Date oflnterview 27.11.2017 (10.00 AM)

The candidates fulfilling the above eligibility criteria (qualification) may attend the Written Test and Walk in interview. They should bring with them original certificates in proof of educational qualifications, age, experience driving license etc. Those who qualify in written test only will be permitted to attend the interview. No TA willbepaidforthejourney forattending interview.

NB:-01)Theprojectinvolvesextensivetravelandstayforfieldworkindifferentsouthern districtsinKeralaState and hence, interested candidates willing to perform these activities only need to apply.

02) ICAR-CPCRIRegional Station, Kayamkulam is located at Krishnapuram, Mukkada Junction (alongside NH47)about3.5kmfromKSRTCBusStand,Kayamkulamand5kmfromKayamkulam RailwayStation.

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Regional Station, Kayamkulam, Krishnapuram-690 533, Kerala Phone No.0479-2442104, 2442160, E-Mail-headcpcri@yahoo.co.in



Written test and Interview for the below mentioned assignment on contract basis, will be held at ICAR-CPCRI, Regional Station, Kayamkulam as per the details furnished below:

! 01 Name of the post 02 Name ofthe Scheme : PROJECT FELLOW : Project entitled "Technology support for coconut hybridization/production varieties programme of the department of agriculture" of semi tall
03 Place of work : ICAR-CPCRI, Regional Station, Kayamkulam

04 Number of post One

OSEssential qualifications 01) M.Sc. (Agriculture/Hort.)lBotanylBiotechnology/equivalent 02) One year experience in research projects.

06 Desireable Proficiency in use of computers.

07 Age 30 years for men and 35 years for women as on the date of interview (Relaxable to SC/STIOBC candidates as per rules)

08 Duration Upto 31.03.2018 (likely to be extended for two years)

09 Remuneration Rs. 16,000.00 't HRA per month.

IODate ofInterview 04.12.2017 (10.00 AM)


01 Name of the post . FIELD ASSISTANT 02 Name of the Scheme Project entitled "Technology support for coconut hybridization/production of semi tall

varieties programme of the department of agriculture" 03 Place of work ICAR-CPCRI, Regional Station, Kayamkulam. 04 Number of post Three (03)

OSEssential qualifications 1othe pass 06 Desirable : Experience in climbing coconut palms (FoCT trained). 07 Age : 30 years for men and 35 years for women as on the date of interview (Relaxable

to SC/STIOBC candidates as per rules) 08 Duration Upto 31.03.2018 (likely to be extended for two years) 09 Remuneration Rs. 12,000.00+ HRA per month. IODate of Interview 05.12.2017 (10.00 AM)

The candidates fulfilling the above eligibility criteria (Qualifications) may attend the Walk in interview. They should bring with them original certificates in proof of educational qualifications, age, experience, driving license etc. Those who qualify in written test will only be permitted to attend the interview. No TA will be paid for the journey for attending interview.

NB:-01) The project involves extensive travel and stay for field work in different southern districts in Kerala State and hence, interested candidates willing to perform these activities only need to apply.

02) CPCRI Regional Statio, Kayarnkulam is located at Krishnapuram, Mukkada Junction (alongside NH-47)about 3.5 km from KSRTC Bus Stand, Kayamkularn and 5 km from Kayamkulam Railway Station.

Principal Investigator

Important Dates

Start Date End Date
Interviews 04-Dec-2017

Notification Issued By

  • Organization : Central Plantation Crops Research Institute
  • Organization City, State : , kerala
  • Organization Website : http://cpcri.gov.in

  • Notification
  • General Information
  • Important Dates
  • How To Apply
  • Applications
  • Exam Fees
  • Eligibility
  • Educational Qualifications
  • Age Limits
  • Reservations
  • Posts / Positions / Services
  • Job Vacancies List
  • Examination Centres
  • Plan Of Examination
  • Exam Syllabus
  • Exam Instructions
  • Previous Question Papers
  • Interview Questions
  • Interview Experience
  • Results