As per the directions of the Member Secretary, Tamil Nadu State Legal Services
Authority, Chennai, the applications are invited to fill up the following posts in the District Legal
Services Authority of Karur District from the eligible candidates having the undermentioned
eligibility criteria. The eligible candidates may apply for the undermentioned posts in the
prescribed format with copies of all the testimonial and certificates duly self attested by the
applicants along with self addressed cover with a stamp of Rs.50/-. The applications shall be
submitted through Registered post with Acknowledgement. The eligible candidates will be invited
for interview after due certificate verification through the Principal District Court's website.
Age as on 01.07.2017
Sl. Category of candidates Minimum age limit Maximum age limit No.
1 Scheduled Caste/Schedules Caste Below 35 years (Arunthathiyars), Scheduled Tribes and Destitute Widows of all castes
2 Most Backward Classes/De notified 18 Communities Backward Classes and Back years completed Ward Classes (Muslims)
3 Others i.e. (Candidates not belonging to SC, SC(A), ST, MBC/DC, BC and BC(M) Age relaxation concession will be made with reference to the existing Government Rules / Government Orders.
I. Name of the post : Junior Administrative Assistant - 1 post
Scale of Pay : Rs.19,500-62,000 (Pay Matrix) (p.m.)
Educational Qualification:-10+2 / HSC Passed
Roster Turn for the vacancy (1) General Turn
II. Name of the post : Junior Administrative Assistant (Computer Operator) - 1 post
Scale of Pay : Rs.19,500-62,000 (Pay Matrix) (p.m.)
Educational Qualification:-10 + 2 / HSC Passed alongwith a Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation / Diploma in Computer Applications
Roster Turn for the vacancy (1) General Turn
III. Name of the post : Office Assistant -1 post
Scale of Pay : Rs.15,700-50,000 (Pay Matrix) (p.m.)
Educational Qualification:-VIII Std Passed. Candidates having Light Vehicle
- -Driving License in force will be given preference
Educational Qualification:-VIII Std Passed. Candidates having Light Vehicle
Roster Turn for the vacancy (1) Backward Class
Last Date : -
All the applications with passport size photos affixed on the right margin of the application in the space provided, as mentioned should be submitted along with self attested copies of all the testimonials, certificates on or before 20.11.2017 till
5.30 P.M. to the under mentioned address through Registered post with Acknowledgment.
The Chairman / Principal District Judge, District Legal Services Authority, Combined Court Building, Thanthonimalai, Karur - 639 007.
(The applications received after the above mentioned last date will not be entertained under any circumstance) The Chairman / Principal District Judge, District Legal Services Authority, Karur has vested powers conferred under section 9(5) of the Legal Services Authorities Act 1987. The applicants are strictly instructed to follow the instructions issued along with this notification. Failure in following the instructions will lead to the rejection of the application. The post of Junior Administrative Assistant written test and oral interview and for the post of Junior Administrative Assistant (Computer Operator) both skill test, written test and oral interview and for the post of Office Assistant only oral interview will be conducted. All the communications in this regard will be communicated through the Principal District Court, Karur's website www.ecourts.gov.in/tn/karur .
To The Chairman / Principal District Judge, District Legal Services Authority, Karur.
Respected Sir,
Sub:-District Legal Services Authority -Recruitment -Application for the Post of Junior Administrative Assistant / Junior Administrative Assistant (Computer Operator) / Office Assistant -Submitted -Regarding.
I am herewith enclosing my Application for the Post of Junior Administrative Assistant / Junior Administrative Assistant (Computer Operator) / Office Assistant in the prescribed proforma with self attested copies of Documents / Certificates.
I may be given an opportunity to serve in the Legal Services Institutions.
Thanking You, Yours faithfully,
(____________) Place : Date :
Application for the post of
Name : Father Name : Date of Birth :
(Certificate to be enclosed) Age (as on 01.07.2017) : Sex : Nationality : Religion : Community and caste :
(Certificate to be enclosed)
Education Qualification
(Certificates to be enclosed)

Technical Skills (if any) (Proof to be enclosed) | : | |
Employment Registration Number and Date (Proof to be enclosed) | : | |
Languages known | : | |
Permanent Address (Proof to be enclosed) | : | |
Criminal Cases (If any) | : | |
Contact No | : | |
E-Mail ID (If any) | : | |
List of Documents / Certificates enclosed | : | 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) |

I, __________________________ S/D/C/o ________________________, do hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place: | Yours faithfully, |
Date: | |
(____________) |
Instructions to Applicants
- The applicants are instructed to fill the applications, preferably in their own hand writing by using Black / Blue Ball pens (or) by Computer typed.
- The applicants should specifically mention the post for which the application is submitted.
- Separate applications to be submitted for each post.
- A self addressed postal cover with stamp for Rs.50/-to be enclosed along with all the applications without fail.
- The Minimum age for all categories is completion of 18 years as on 01.07.2017.
- The maximum age limit for Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe is 35, for Most Backward classes and Backward classes is 32, and for Open Category is 30 as on 01.07.2017.
- The minimum Educational qualification prescribed for the post of Office Assistant is a pass in VIII Standard. Preference will be given to the persons having valid LMV driving license.
- The minimum Educational qualification prescribed for the post of Junior Administrative Assistant is a pass in 10 + 2/HSC.
- The minimum Educational qualification prescribed for the post of Junior Administrative Assistant (Computer Operator) is a pass in 10 + 2/HSC along with a Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation / Diploma in Computer Applications.
- The self attested copies of following Documents / Certificates to be enclosed alongwith

the application.
a) Proof for Date of Birth and Age
b) Proof of Community
c) Proof of Educational Qualification d) Proof for Technical Skills
e) Proof of Employment Registration number and date f) Proof of Permanent address
Birth Certificate / VIII / S.S.L.C / HSC Certificate
Community Certificate issued by Competent Authority
VIII / S.S.L.C / HSC / Degree / Diploma Certificate.
Certificates issued by the Institutes / Driving License.
Copy of Employment Registration card
Ration Card / Voter ID / Aadhar Card / Passport.

- The rule of Reservation (Statewide) will be followed for the total post of every category. The Member Secretary of this Authority may transfer any of the Staff members of this Authority across the State on Administrative exigency.
- The duly filled in applications should reach the office of the Principal District Judge, Karur / Chairman, District Legal Services Authority, Karur District on or before
20/11/2017 @ 05.30 P.M.
- The applications received after 20/11/2017 @ 05.30 P.M. (or) not duly filled (or) without enclosures will be rejected summarily.
- The applicants are hereby informed that mere submission of application to any of the post does not render any right to claim an appointment so that post.
- The Member Secretary, Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority is empowered to cancel (or) Postpone the process of recruitment / appointment without any notice.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 06-Nov-2017 | |
Applications | 20-Nov-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : District Legal Services Authority
- Organization City, State : thoothukudi, tamil nadu
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results