No. NHM/ Admn2 / 2867 / 2016 / SIMSU

N ? of Poe: chidEn6!d

Alplicrrions ue Dtkd lrm .li8ibl. dd oilublc offiqs fo. fill,ng up for the I{n oi 'Chi.f Engreq' (nor bdN rh. mnr ol r6riv. E.BjE ( Er sb i^ Carrl PSUO n dqrBrion b6ir i. S@ HaXh & rmily w.llr. Saidy,T.ivudrum.

Srarellslrh & Frm,ly wrlldeSoci.ry, Trlvin'l un' 1, craa@r i! civil EdgRina


2, 20ye6ol.xpaleleof,nuroIl0yearsin

Q ln.n,un & Exp.rien.P hrildi.S prcj(rs pr.I6ably in ll.alrh sErb.

impfumdlarion 6cluding Pl njnB. Murnrolog, CG ,nh PMC aRencies d( all ove Xe'rli for Healrh

ro.e Mision Dt(nr (NH\fl




.a $pli.atioN ol tiN oifi6 / . dida6 wil he ftBidsed, de rfl .d thrcu8h chand a shoLld be aomFei.d vnh Biodrk

.9 )totmpi6 or Fsibd Quarifiononappllcanh lor deptrrJion sholld b. ibm Shie / lltull Covc.nm depanments / orBFnisiioB. The ehohr ren6 laid in rc pi $.ll bc th. @lunmc lor !h reqF

ill.d Form No. 14.{ of XSR l S.ldion ,ill IE bard on qu.lificdlol! expsis.e &d p orlme h d i eRi.q

9 Iho eslul cadidd6 w b ap0o,nred o, de?raior bais inti.llyfrap"nodol.neys,vhi.n.anh.oxr.n{ldl Appticdion my he sr io 'The srdc Mi$ion Diraoi MlM, G66al Hospihl JoNrion, ThlrwMthapurm -6951135. TlR.nvulope should b{



xps sltd r{ln rh. nam of th. pd for which appliGdm h bin8 mad.

a till b. iddl io providc refEme, Bpdally lhp 'm6 ot rupdior ofrl, wnom rh. md'dllc had workd in the pr.vious nr8,tr'a'ionG)


cjrii&B ft ars dvl*d .o d6ln l6m or6in fie h{rd ofoa d6 pbon. ld daina {buble / Rklry rm htdrdid, 6 tu 6 polble 4 Th. siety qill provide ,r.rsry derailr ro $. qodi6 6ik{ ovd the man by @dl.h6 (aosrakraladrmitnentre)


No TA/ DA vill b. pod ld dP inervld.


In .e ol pons @ d.puatio\ ln. adidd6 arc xpdcn b apply thrcugh prooe .hann.l. lI tNs G not posihle blorr rM ime limn, o el @drdai6 sh.ll .ompnterlly prodle 'Fobldion dinor.' th? oploys a dE tim. ol inbBis. I

z All @nmunlcaoB, irludins th. iirsie catl leG, iDm the say !i& vill be only omu8h tr.i|. c.ndilhl6 ee advian ro bDve $. 2 v.bsiie ww.ao8}Elc.lah,e@jn rcguldly tor uPda6 / noticB ed rnoucemot! c&vcira ln any f(m will lead ro.utobdic dlrq!.lilidld. candid.6 @ rdvi*d !o rl6le fbm $d rnlbly F-IIG

I2 rh. hs dai. ol ftiving appliodons h ..1.-i1,. 06,2016. Anpli.ario6 r(cived at@ spn on .,1I : p.6I i,r.ill b. -dnndny rcjecred.



Important Dates

Start Date End Date
Notification Issued 30-Apr-2016
Applications 12-Jun-2016

Notification Issued By

  • Organization : National Health Mission
  • Organization City, State : trivandrum, kerala
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