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NoNHM/ Admr / 162l / ml7 / SPNISU Date0S(X.!017 Name ol Post: Strte CoNultart (Biom.dical)


IL Acad.mic & ProfNional Qualificatron

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Method ofRecruitment 5 Saldt c


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CE\IR.\L TER\IS \NI) ( oNI)I'TIo\\:



N,l.Tech / MS (Bro Medical)

MBBS with additional lvasters / Diploma in Bio medical managmenr /Medrcal Science Management

On D.pulalioo bosis: Saley &s in thc Dcpanm.nl

Stute lvasion Dirc.to. rNI INl)

Application of ftos officers / candidar.s for dQutation wil be considered, ffe rol]tcd th.ongh propd chmnel md t stDuld b. @ompanied with Biodau ed Photo.opi.s of pre$rib.d Q\talification.


Ihe appl icdrs for dcpuErion sbould be from Sldc / Gntral Corcmmc.l dpdtm.nls / Orteistions. The lmolumenls paid tn rhe pdenr d.part,n.nr shall be the emouluments for the r6peiiv. posts in the society. Gndidates


working under Krala State Govcmmcnt should anach duly fill.d Form No. I rl4 ol KSR. tl S.lc.non witl b( bas{ on qual ii.anon, ertEicne and p.rfomance in lhe inlcrr icw

Thc suc.sful candidarB on deputation b6is will bc appointed ini tially fofu period of one yenr and of, contrcr b6is wrllb.appotnred rntr'allyfor. ndiod of rhree nro hs. z Applietion may be sEnt to "Thc stare Misdon Drcctor. National H.Jth Msion, Dretdale ot Health sdies


Compdm.l, Ccn.ral Howilal lunctioo, Thiruvee(halUrm -695035"-Th. Envclop shdnd b. $per s.aibed with $. ram of rh. po$ for which applicaron is being made. IIt will be ideal to provide .eferscc. esp.ciilly thc name.r of $p.dor offi@r, whom thc cedidat. had worked in $. z5

g p.cvioDs orsoiation (s). Cmdidar.s d. also .dvised to d.sisl from contetitrS lhe h@d office over phonc fo! cl.aring doubl. / scckinS morc i,{odiEtion, as fd a possiblc. Thc socicty will prolide ne$uy delaik 10 the qurics raisd orcr thc .mail by

ddidales (eo8yate.alo.ecruitncnts@Smail.com).


S No TA / DA will b. paid fo. thc inr.dies In (* of posts on deputation. the .cndidat6 ae expeled to apply lhrNgh propd .hmel. If this is not PNible before rh. rime limiG, rh. candidates shall compulerily prod@ Do objedion @nifiel. from the nploy.r !t lhe tihe of

Icornnrnnica ,r.in.ludi.! th. inl.rri.w.all lellcr. frm lhe vr icl! srde\!ill bc o lv llroull ctul. Cddidates

to brows rh. websie wvw.&o8yaleralm.go! in rcSulrly fq uFjates / nori@s $d aniounoenc.ls. 3anvassing in any fonn will lqd to auromatic disqualificadon. Candidate.i d. advised (o desisr frcm s.h unholy

ll ftc ld{ iLrc ol recelvrns applic ioN i!. t:!:.9.t..1? Applications rseivcd aftcr 5!m on


.....!1:.9.1..J?....... "i , o. sumnarity reiated.


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Important Dates

Start Date End Date
Notification Issued 05-Apr-2017
Applications 19-Apr-2017

Notification Issued By

  • Organization : National Health Mission
  • Organization City, State : trivandrum, kerala
  • Organization Website :

  • Notification
  • General Information
  • Important Dates
  • How To Apply
  • Applications
  • Exam Fees
  • Eligibility
  • Educational Qualifications
  • Age Limits
  • Reservations
  • Posts / Positions / Services
  • Job Vacancies List
  • Examination Centres
  • Plan Of Examination
  • Exam Syllabus
  • Exam Instructions
  • Previous Question Papers
  • Interview Questions
  • Interview Experience
  • Results