File NO.A.32015/1/15-E.NI (Pt.l)
Government of India MinistryofHuman Resource Development Department of Higher Education
232-C Wing, Shastri Bhavan, NewDelhi, dated the 30thJanuary,2018
Subject: Filling up of one post of Manager Grade II in the Departmental Canteen of MinistryofHumanResource Developmentondeputationbasis-reg.
The undersigned is directed to state that one post of Manager Grade II in the Departmental Canteen of Ministry of Human Resource Development is to be filled on deputation basis. The post belongs to General Central Service, Group 'B' (Non-
Gazetted) (Non-Ministerial) and carries the pay in Level 6 in the Pay Matrix (Rs.35,400 -1,12,400).The incumbentsofthepostshallbeentitledtodrawSpecialAllowanceat suchratesas maybedecidedby theCentralGovernmentfromtimetotime.
2.It is mentioned thatonlytheofficersofCentralGovernment:
i. Holdinganalogouspostsonregular basis intheparentcadreordepartment;or
ii. WithSixyearsserviceinthegraderenderedafter appointmenttheretoona
regularbasis inpostsinLevel5inthePayMatrixorequivalentintheparentcadre or department; or
iii. Withtenyearsserviceinthegraderenderedafterappointmenttheretoona regular basis inposts intheLevel4 inthePayMatrixandorequivalentinthe parentcadre or Department; and
- iv.
- Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience, namely:
- v.
- Bachelor's Degree in Commerce or Business Studies or Economics or Public Administrationfromarecognised InstituteorUniversity;and
vi. Twoyearsexperience inAccountswork
3.Theperiodofdeputation includingtheperiod ofdeputation inanotherex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organizationordepartmentoftheCentral Governmentshall ordinarily notexceedthree years. The maximum age limit for deputation is 56 years as on the closing date of
receipt of application.
4.Forthepurpose ofappointmentondeputationbasis,theservicerenderedon
a regular basis by an officer prior to the 1st January, 2016, the date from which the revised pay structure based on the Seventh Central Pay Commission
recommendationshasbeenextended,shallbedeemedtobeservicerendered inthe corresponding LevelinthePayMatrixextendedbasedon therecommendationsofthe said Pay Commission, except where there has b^en merger of more than one prerevisedscaleofpay intoonegrade withacommongradepayorpayscale,andwhere
File No.A.32015/1/15-E.III (Ptl)
this benefit will extend only for the post for which that grade pay or pay scale is the -^">| rp-'-'cer^ntgrade withou^^yuparadation
5.Appointmenttotiepostondeputation willbeforaperiodofthreeyears. TTie other terms and conditions of appointment will be governed by the instructions contained in the Department of Personnel & Training's O.M.No.6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay-ll) dated 17.06.2010asamendedfromtimetotime.
6.It isrequestedthatapplicationsfromsuitableCentralGovernmentOfficialsin
the prescribed proforma (enclosed), who possess the requisite qualifications and
experience,andarewillingtobeconsideredforappointmenttothepost, maybe
forwardedtothisDepartmenttogetherwiththeirup-to-dateCR dossiersforthe lastfive
yearsand vigilanceclearanceatanearlydateand within45 daysfromthedateof issue
ofthis circular.
Signature Nol Verified
End.:AsaboveDigitallysigned by_y(CHINT KUMAR
Date: 2018.01.30 09:37:55 1ST
(ACHINT KUMAR)UnderSecretarytotheGovt.of India Tel.: 2338-5400 To
1. AHMinistries/DepartmentsofCentralGovernment" [Asperlist]
2. DOPT,CanteenDivision [Attn:Ms.PratimaTyagi,Director(Canteens)],New
Delhiwithrequesttoforwardthenamesofsuitableofficialsavailable insurplus, if any
Copy to:
^KirTcharge, NICCell, DepartmentofHigherEducation witha requesttouploadthe
vacancycircularonthe websiteofthis Department.
2. TechnicalDirector,DOP&Twitharequesttouploadthevacancycircularonthe website ofDOPT.
adding promotional messages to the documents)
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 30-Jan-2018 | |
Applications | 17-Mar-2018 |
Notification Issued By
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- Organization City, State : new delhi, delhi
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