Advertisement No. CRWC-I/Recruitment Phase-III/16-17/10949
Closing Date: 01.05.2017
Central Railside Warehouse Company Ltd (CRWC), a Govt. of India Enterprise is engaged in planning, development and operation of Warehousing Complexes/Terminals/Multimodal Logistics Hubs across the country. The Company promotes and provides rail based seamless supply chain management systems with the state-ofthe art warehousing facilities and transportation facilities of Cargo.
CRWC is looking for young & dynamic candidates with bright academic record for the vacancies as shown in the table here under:-
Post Code | Name of the Post & Grade | Position | Total | Scale of pay (IDA ) (Rs.) | Maximum Age as on 01/01/17 |
1 | Executive (Logistics/ Operations/ Marketing), (E-0 Grade) | UR: 07 OBC: 01 | 08 (One Post out of 8 , reserved for PWD ) | 12600-32500 | 35years |
2 | Executive (IT), (E-0 Grade ) | UR: 01 | 01 | 12600-32500 | 35years |
3 | Executive (F&A), (E-0 Grade ) | UR: 01 | 01 (Post is reserved for PWD ) | 12600-32500 | 35years |
4 | Executive ( Civil), (E-0 Grade ) | UR: 02 | 02 | 12600-32500 | 35years |
5 | Executive ( Electrical), (E-0 Grade) | UR: 01 | 01 | 12600-32500 | 35years |
6 | Executive (HR), (E-0 Grade) | UR: 01 | 01 | 12600-32500 | 35years |
Grand Total | 14 |
Only 2 vacancy out of 14 are reserved for PWD candidates. The pay scales indicated above are due for upward revision w.e.f.01.01.2017. Minimum age criteria is 18 Years for applying any of the positions mentioned above.
I. Post reserved for PWD:
Sl.No. | Name of post | Category of PWD | ||
VH | HH | OH | ||
1. | Executive(Logistics/ Operations/ Marketing) | - | - | 01(OL/OA/BL) |
2. | Executive(F&A) | - | 01 | - |
The persons with the Degree of Disability of minimum 40% and above are eligible for applying for the posts earmarked for PWD Category.
ABBREVIATION: UR Unreserved; SC Scheduled Caste; ST Scheduled Tribe; OBC Other Backward Class; PWD/ PH Persons With Disabilities/ Physically Handicapped. VH-Visually Handicapped, HH-Hearing Handicapped, OH-Orthopedically Handicapped, OL-One Leg, BL-Both Legs, OA One Arm.
NOTE: i) All the posts carry IDA pattern pay scale and usual allowances. The scales carry DA on percentage basis. Gross emoluments would vary depending upon the place of posting. ii) Employees of the company in regular pay scale are also entitled for other allowance / perks such CPF, Gratuity, LTC, Performance related pay or Performance Linked Incentive as per admissibility, Contributory pension fund, reimbursement of medical expenses etc and other benefits. iii) Reservation, age relaxation and other concessions to reserved category candidates would be applicable as per Govt. of India orders, wherever posts are reserved under these categories.
Guidelines for Persons With Disabilities using a Scribe
Candidates whose writing speed is adversely affected permanently for any reason can use their own scribe at their cost during the online examination. In all such cases where a scribe is used, the following rules will apply:
i) The candidate will have to arrange his / her own scribe at his/her own cost. ii) The scribe may be from a stream different than the post. iii) Both the candidate as well as scribe will have to give a suitable undertaking confirming that the scribe
fulfils all the stipulated eligibility criteria for a scribe mentioned above. Further in case it later transpires that he/she did not fulfill any laid down eligibility criteria or suppressed material facts the candidature of the applicant will stand cancelled, irrespective of the result of the online examination.
iv) Those candidates who use a scribe shall be eligible for compensatory time of 20 minutes or otherwise advised for every hour of the examination.
v) Candidates who wish to use the services of a scribe in the examination should invariably carefully indicate the same in the online application form. Any subsequent request may not be favorably entertained.
vi) Only candidates registered for compensatory time will be allowed such concessions since compensatory time given to candidates shall be system based, it shall not be possible for the test conducting agency to allow such time if he / she is not registered for the same. Candidates not registered for compensatory time shall not be allowed such concessions. These guidelines are subject to change in terms of GOI guidelines/ clarifications, if any, from time to
II. The selection process for recruitment for the posts mentioned at table A will be as follows:
The selection process for the post will consist of Online Test and Interview. The candidates who qualify in the online test and stand high on merit will be called for interview.
III. The Tentative schedule of events is as follows:
Event | Tentative Dates/Month |
Opening date of Online Registration | 08.04.2017 |
Payment of Application Fees-Online | 08.04.2017 |
Last date of online application submission with fee | 01.05.2017 |
Download of Call letter for Examination | Around 7 days before exam |
Online Examination | In the month of May/June 2017 |
Download of call letters for Interview | Will be intimated later |
Conduct of Interview | Will be intimated later |
Candidates are advised to regularly keep in touch with the website www.crwc.in for details and updates.
Candidates, intending to apply for online test should ensure that they fulfill the minimum eligibility criteria specified by CRWC: Please note that the eligibility criteria specified herein are the basic criteria for applying for the post. Candidates must necessarily produce the relevant documents pertaining to category, age, educational qualifications, experience etc. in original along with a photocopy thereof in support of their eligibility as indicated in the online application form during the document verification. Please note that no change will be permitted after registration of the online application. Merely applying for online test/ appearing for and being shortlisted in the subsequent Interview process does not imply that a candidate is empanelled for appointment in CRWC. Final merit list for appointment will be prepared based on number of vacancies and marks secured in Online Test and Interview.
I. Nationality / Citizenship:
A candidate must be either
i. | a Citizen of India or | |
ii. | a subject of Nepal or | |
iii. | a subject of Bhutan or | |
iv. | a Tibetan Refugee who came over to India before 1st | January 1962 with the intention of permanently |
settling in India or | ||
v. | a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of | |
Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, | ||
Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India, provided that a candidate | ||
belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of | ||
eligibility has been issued by the Government of India. |
II. Educational Qualifications & Experience (as on 01.05.2017)
1 | Executive (Logistics/ Operations /Marketing) | MBA with specialization in Marketing/ Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing/ Logistics/Operations /Supply-Chain Management from a UGC/ AICTE recognized University / Institution with minimum 60% marks | Two years Post Qualification Experience in relevant field in Govt/PSU/Private Organization. |
2 | Executive (Information Technology) | B.E / B. Tech with specialization in (CSE/IT) / MCA/ MSc (IT) from a UGC/ AICTE recognized University / Institution with minimum 60% marks. | Two years Post Qualification Experience in relevant field in Govt/PSU/Private Organization |
3 | Executive (Finance& Accounts ) | Pass in CA/ICWA Examination OR MBA with specialization in Finance/ PGDM (Finance) from a UGC/ AICTE recognized University / Institution with minimum 60% marks. | Two years Post Qualification Experience in relevant field in Govt./PSU/Private Organization. |
4 | Executive (Civil) | Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering from a Govt. Recognized Institute with 60% marks. Or Diploma in Civil Engineering from a Govt. Recognized institute with 60% marks. | Two years Post Qualification Experience in relevant field in Govt./ PSU/Private Organization for Engineering Graduates. Or Four Years Post Qualification experience in relevant field in Govt./PSU/Private Organization for Engineering Diploma Holders. |
5 | Executive (Electrical) | Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering from a Govt. Recognized Institute with 60% marks. Or Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a Govt. Recognized institute with 60% marks. | Two years Post Qualification Experience in relevant field in Govt./ PSU/Private Organization for Engineering Graduates. Or Four Years Post Qualification experience in relevant field in Govt./PSU/Private Organization for Engineering Diploma Holders. |
6 | Executive(HR) | MBA with specialization in HR/Personnel Management or PG Degree / PG Diploma in HR / PM&IR from a UGC/ AICTE recognized University / Institution with minimum 60% marks. | Two years Post Qualification Experience in relevant field in Govt./PSU/Private Organization. |
- The minimum eligibility w.r.t. experience shall be ascertained from the date of issuance of final marks sheet / certificate; as applicable for the post.
- The qualification specified in the above Table for various posts should be acquired on regular basis i.e. no correspondence or part-time courses will be considered for eligibility purpose.
- Where CGPA / OGPA is awarded, the same should be converted into equivalent percentage.
Name of qualification, specialization shall be clearly indicated on the marks sheet / certificate; or a certificate to this effect shall be produced by respective University / Institute; without which the qualification shall not be considered.
- If the qualification possessed by a candidate is seen to be equivalent to the qualification prescribed as eligibility criteria, then the equivalency certificate by the relevant authority has to be enclosed or produced by the candidate at the time of the Interview
- In case the qualification is of dual specialization, one of the fields of specialization should be in the field prescribed for the post. In case of major minor specialization, the major specialization should be in the field prescribed.
III. Relaxation in maximum Age Limit
In addition to the maximum age prescribed for a post; following categories of candidates shall also be entitled for age relaxation as prescribed below:-
Sl. No. | Category | Age Relaxation |
1 | Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe | 5 years |
2 | Other Backward Class (Non Creamy Layer) | 3 years |
3 | Persons with Disability (PWD)* | 10 years |
4 | Ex-Serviceman* | 5 years |
5 | Persons ordinarily domiciled in the State of Jammu and Kashmir during the period 1.1.1980 to 31.12.1989)** | 5 years |
*All relaxation & concession for Ex-serviceman and PH/PWD are as per govt. of India Guidelines
** Any applicant intending to avail of the relaxation under this category shall have to submit a certificate from the District Magistrate within whose jurisdiction she/he had ordinarily resided or any other authority designated in this behalf by the Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir to the effect that she/he had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 01.01.1980 31.12.1989.
i) Candidates seeking age relaxation will be required to submit copies of necessary certificate(s) at the time of Interview/ Document Verification and at any subsequent stage of the recruitment process as required by CRWC. OBC certificate should be issued on or after 01/04/2017 with suitable mention about creamy layer / Non Creamy layer status.
ii) Candidates belonging to OBC category but coming under Creamy layer are not entitled to the benefits
of OBC reservation. They should indicate their category as Un reserved while filling online
iii) If there are no posts reserved for reserved category candidate; reserved category candidates can apply against unreserved posts; provided they meet all the norms prescribed for unreserved candidates. They will not be considered for any relaxation in age or qualifying marks in Online Test etc.
I. The structure of the online examination will be as follows:
Sl. No. | Name of test (not in actual order of presentation) | Total Question | Total Marks | Type of Test |
1 | Professional Knowledge | 30 | 90 | Objective |
2 | Aptitude Test: | |||
Quantitative Aptitude / Numerical Ability, Data interpretation etc. | 20 | 60 | Objective | |
English Language (Comprehension etc.) | 15 | 45 | Objective | |
Reasoning Verbal, Non-verbal | 15 | 45 | Objective | |
Total | 50 | 150 | ||
3 | General Awareness | 20 | 60 | Objective |
Grand Total | 100 | 300 |
CRWC reserves the right to modify the structure of the examination which will be intimated through its website.
Syllabus of professional knowledge for the posts may be downloaded from the website
Please note that candidates will not be permitted to appear for the online examination without the following documents :
- Valid Call Letter.
- Photo-identity proof in original bearing the same name as it appears on the call letter/ application form.
- Photocopy of photo-identity proof. In case of candidates who have changed their name, will be allowed only if they produce original Gazette notification / their original marriage certificate / affidavit in original.
Candidates reporting late i.e. after the reporting time specified on the call letter for Examination will not be permitted to take the examination.
The question paper shall be set in bilingual language i.e English and Hindi only. In case of any typographical error in Hindi, the English version of the question shall be considered as valid.
The reporting time mentioned on the call letter is prior to the Start time of the test. Though the duration of the examination is 120 minutes, the candidates may be required to be at the venue before 30 minutes atleast.
Penalty for Wrong Answers
There will be penalty for wrong answers marked in the Objective Tests. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate one third (1/3th) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at corrected score. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate; there will be no penalty for that question.
Name of the post | Minimum Marks for online test | Maximum ratio in order of merit for Interview |
Executive Post code 1 to 6 | UR: 35% OBC: 30% SC/ST/PWD:20% | 1:7 |
Each candidate will be required to obtain a minimum total score, as explained above, to be considered for shortlisting for Interview. A candidate should be qualify in the Online test and be sufficiently high in the merit to be shortlisted for subsequent appointment process/interview. Scores obtained in the online examination will not be shared with the candidates shortlisted for such process.
However, the scores of unsuccessful candidates will be shared at the time of declaration of result of online test. The total marks allotted for Interview is 15. The weightage (ratio) of online examination (exam) and Interview will be 85:15. The combined final scores of candidates shall be arrived at on the basis of total scores obtained by the candidates in Online Exam and Interview.
III. Examination Centres
The online examination will be held at 6 centers including four metros, viz., Delhi/NCR, Mumbai/ Navi-Mumbai/Greater Mumbai, Kolkata/Greater Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore.
No request for change of centre for Examination shall be entertained. CRWC, however, reserves the right to cancel any of the Examination Centres and/ or add some other
Centres, at its discretion, depending upon the response, administrative feasibility, etc. CRWC also reserves the right to allot the candidate to any centre other than the one he/she has opted for. Candidate will appear for the examination at an Examination Centre at his/her owns risk and expenses
and will not be responsible for any injury or losses etc. of any nature. Any misbehavior in the examination hall may result in cancellation of candidature/ disqualification from the exams.
Candidates who have been shortlisted for Interview in the ratio of 1:7. The document verification will be completed at the time of Interview. The said processes will be conducted at Delhi. The address of the venue, time & date of Interview will be informed to the shortlisted candidates in the call letter. Candidates are required to download their Interview call letters from authorised website https://www.crwc.in/CRWC/careers Please note that any request regarding change in date, centre etc. of Interview will not be entertained. However the company reserve the right to change the date/ venue/ time/ etc. of Interview or hold supplementary process for particular date / session / venue / centre / set of candidates at its discretion, under unforeseen circumstances, if any.
List of Documents to be produced at the time of Interview /Document Verification: The following documents in original together with a self-attested photocopy in support of the candidates eligibility and identity are to be invariably submitted at the time of Interview/Document Verification failing which the candidate may not be permitted to appear for the Interview/ Document Verification. Non submission of requisite documents by the candidate at the time of Interview/ Document Verification will debar his/her candidature from further participation in the recruitment process.
Valid Interview Call Letter downloaded by the candidate. Link will be provided on website and intimated
to the candidate vide SMS and Email. Valid system generated printout of the online application form registered for online examination. Proof of Date of Birth (Birth Certificate / Std. X Certificate with DOB) Valid Photo Identify Proof such as PAN Card/ Passport/ Driving Licence/ Aadhaar Card/Voters Card Mark sheets& certificates for educational qualifications from Std. X onwards. Experience certificate as mentioned in the Applications Form in support of eligibility as prescribed. Specialization certificate issued from concerned institute / university if not mentioned in the Marksheet. Equivalency certificate ( if applicable). Caste Certificate issued by competent authority in the prescribed format as stipulated by Government of
India in case of SC / ST / OBC category candidates.
The OBC caste certificate containing the Non-creamy layer clause should be valid as on the date of Interview if called for. Caste Name mentioned in certificate should tally letter by letter with Central Government list / notification.
Disability certificate in prescribed format issued by the District Medical Board in case of Persons With Disability Category. If the candidate has used the services of a Scribe at the time of online examination the duly filled in details of the scribe in the prescribed format. An Ex-serviceman proof has to produce at the time of Interview/ Document Verification. (if the candidate is ex service man)
Candidates serving in Central/ state Government / Public Sector Undertakings (including Nationalised Banks and Financial Institutions) are required to produce a No Objection Certificate from their employer at the time of Interview, in the absence of which their candidature will not be considered and travelling expenses, if any, otherwise admissible, will not be paid. The No Objection Certificate should be issued for
appearing in Interview for selection of posts in CRWC. Any other relevant documents in support of eligibility
Prescribed Formats of SC, ST, OBC, PWD certificates as applicable to be submitted at the time of Interview/ Document Verification can be downloaded from CRWC website https://www.crwc.in/CRWC/careers Candidates belonging to these categories are required to produce the certificates strictly in these formats only.
i) On completion of the Interview, candidates shortlisted will be issued offer of appointment keeping in view the spirit of Govt. Guidelines on reservation policy, various guidelines issued by Govt. of India. A candidate belonging to SC/ST/OBC category, who is selected on the same standard as applied to General category candidates will be treated as own merit candidates.
ii) In the event of two or more candidates having obtained the same score, merit order is decided as per date of birth (the candidate senior in age is placed before/ above the candidate junior in age), as per the prevailing practice.
iii) In case it is detected at any stage of the recruitment process that, the candidate does not satisfy the eligibility criteria his/her candidature/ chance in the process shall stand forfeited.
iv) Selected candidate shall have to furnish a bond of Rs. 50,000/-(Rupees fifty thousand only) at the time of joining. In case the candidate leave the Company during the period of two years, they shall have to deposit the bond amount before leaving the Company.
v) All appointments will be subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Company in-force from time to time.
vi) No person shall be eligible for appointment who had previously been dismissed or compulsorily retired from the service of the Company or from a Department of a State or the Central Government or from any Public Sector Undertaking.
vii) No person shall be eligible for appointment who has been convicted in a Court of law for any offence involving moral turpitude.
viii) Candidates may be posted anywhere in India as per discretion of CRWC.
F. HOW TO APPLY Candidates can apply online only from 08/04/17 to 01/05/17 and no other mode of application will be accepted. Pre-Requisites for Applying Online
Before applying online, candidates should
i) Scan their photograph and signature ensuring that both the photograph (4.5cm 3.5cm) and signature
adhere to the required specifications as given in Annexure I to this Advertisement. ii) Signature in CAPITAL LETTERS will NOT be accepted. iii) Keep the necessary details/documents ready to make Online Payment of the requisite application fee. iv) Have a valid email ID, which should be kept active till the completion of this round of Recruitment
Process. CRWC may send call letters for the Examination etc. through the registered e-mail ID.
Candidates belonging to Unreserved (UR) and OBC shall be required to pay an online application fee of Rs. 500/-+ bank Charges. SC/ ST/ PH/ Ex-Servicemen candidates will be exempted from the payment of application fee, Applicable payment gateway charges for online payment facilitation shall be borne by respective candidate.
Note: Above non-refundable fee is required to be paid by respective categories of candidates through online payment gateway only. Payment made through any other mode like DD, Cheque, Postal Order will not be accepted.
- Candidates are first required to go to the CRWCs website https://www.crwc.in/CRWC/careers and click on the link Online Recruitment and then click on the option CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE to open the On-Line Application Form.
- Candidates will have click on CLICK HERE FORNEW REGISTRATION to register their application by entering their basic information in the online application form. Use of special characters while filling the form will not be allowed. After that a provisional registration number and password will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen. Candidate should note down the Provisional registration number and password. An Email & SMS indicating the Provisional Registration number and Password will also be sent. They can reopen the saved data using Provisional registration number and password and edit the particulars, if needed.
- Candidates are required to upload their photograph and signature as per the specifications given in the Guidelines for Scanning and Upload of Photograph and Signature (Annexure I).
4. Candidates are advised to carefully fill in the online application themselves as no change in any of the data filled in the online application will be possible/ entertained. Prior to submission of the online application candidates are advised to use the SAVE AND NEXT facility to verify the details in the online application form and modify the same if required. No change is permitted after clicking on FINAL SUBMIT Button. Visually Impaired candidates are responsible for carefully verifying/ getting the details filled in, in the online application form properly verified and ensuring that the same are correct prior to submission as no change is possible after submission.
5. Candidates should carefully fill in the details in the On-Line Application at the appropriate places very carefully and click on the FINAL SUBMIT button at the end of the On-Line Application format. Before pressing the FINAL SUBMIT button, candidates are advised to verify every field filled in the application. The name of the candidate or his /her father/husband etc. should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the certificates/mark sheets. Any change/alteration found may disqualify the candidature. In case the candidate is unable to fill in the application form in one go, he/ she can save the data already entered. Once the application is filled in completely, candidate should Final Submit the data.
- The application form is integrated with the payment gateway and the payment process can be completed by following the instructions.
- The payment can be made by using Debit Cards (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets by providing information as asked on the screen.
- After Final Submit, an additional page of the application form is displayed wherein candidates may follow the instructions and fill in the requisite details.
- If the online transaction has not been successfully completed then candidates are advised to login again with their provisional registration number and password and pay the Application Fees/ Intimation Charges online.
- On successful completion of the transaction, an e-receipt will be generated.
- Candidates are required to take a printout of the e-receipt and online application form containing fee details. Please note that if the same cannot be generated online transaction may not have been successful.
Please note that all the particulars mentioned in the online application including Name of the Candidate, Category, Date of Birth, Post Applied for, Address, Mobile Number, Email ID, Centre of Examination etc. will be considered as final and no change/modifications will be allowed after submission of the online application form. Candidates are hence requested to fill in the online application form with the utmost care as no correspondence regarding change of details will be entertained. CRWC will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of furnishing of incorrect and incomplete details in the application or omission to provide the required details in the application form. An online application which is incomplete in any respect such as without photograph and signature, inhuman / inappropriate photograph and / or signature uploaded in the online application form/ unsuccessful fee payment will not be considered as valid.
Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply on-line much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date for depositing the fee to avoid the possibility of disconnection/ inability/ failure to log on to the website on account of heavy load on internet/website jam.
CRWC does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their applications within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of the CRWC.
Please note that the above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying. No other mode of application or incomplete steps would be accepted and such applications would be rejected.
Any information submitted by an applicant in his/ her application shall be binding on the candidate personally and he/she shall be liable for prosecution/ civil consequences in case the information/ details furnished by him/ her is found to be false at a later stage.
- Candidates will have to invariably produce and submit the requisite documents such as valid call letter, a photocopy of photo-identity proof bearing the same name as it appears on the online submitted application form etc. at the time of examination and Interview/ Document Verification as the case may be.
- Before applying for the mentioned posts, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned in this advertisement. Candidates are therefore to carefully read this advertisement and follow all the instructions given for submitting online application.
- A Candidates admission to the examination/ shortlisting for Interview/ Document Verification and/ subsequent process is strictly provisional. The mere fact that the call letter(s)/ has been issued to the candidate does not imply that his/ her candidature has been finally cleared by CRWC. CRWC would be free to reject any application, at any stage of the process, cancel the candidature of the candidate in case it is detected at any stage that a candidate does not fulfil the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s). If any of these shortcomings is/are detected after appointment in CRWC, his/her services are liable to be summarily terminated.
- Decision of in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate, the stages at which such scrutiny of eligibility is to be undertaken, qualifications and other eligibility norms, the documents to be produced for the purpose of the conduct of Examination, interview/ Document Verification etc. and any other matter relating to online exam will be final and binding on the candidate. No correspondence or personal enquiries shall be entertained by CRWC in this behalf.
- Any dispute arising out of this advertisement including the recruitment process shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Courts situated at Delhi.
- Any canvassing or creating influence for undue advantage shall lead to disqualification from the process.
- Any request for change of address, details mentioned in the online application form will not be entertained.
- Any request for change of date, time and venue for online examination and interview will not be entertained.
- In case any dispute arises on account of interpretation of clauses in any version of this advertisement other than English, the English version available on CRWC website shall prevail.
- A candidate should ensure that the signatures appended by him/her in all the places viz. in his/her call letter, attendance sheet etc. and in all correspondence with the in future should be identical and there should be no variation of any kind.
A recent, recognizable photograph (4.5cm 3.5cm) should be uploaded by the candidate in the online application form and the candidate should ensure that copies of the same are retained for use at various stages of the process. Candidates are also advised not to change their appearance till the process is completed. Failure to produce the same photograph at various stages of the process or doubt about identity at any stage could lead to disqualification.
- The possibility of occurrence of some problem in the administration of the examination cannot be ruled out completely which may impact test delivery and/or result from being generated. In that event, every effort will be made to rectify such problem, which may include movement of candidates, delay in test. Conduct of a re-exam is at the absolute discretion of CRWC. Candidates will not have any claim for a re-test. Candidates not willing to move or not willing to participate in the delayed process of test delivery shall be summarily rejected from the process.
- No TA/DA will be paid for the journeys performed for the written test. However short-listed candidates for interview, traveling from a distance of 30 kms or more will be reimbursed to and fro rail fare limited to AC -III Tier (3AC) by the shortest route as per rules for travel within India only upon production of tickets.
- Appointment of candidates is subject to his/her being declared medically fit, as per any other requirements of the and subject to service and conduct rules of the .
- CRWC reserves the right to change (cancel/ modify/ add) any of the criteria, method of selection and appointment etc.
The Centre, venue address, post applied for, date and time for examination and Interview/ Document Verification shall be intimated in the respective Call Letter.
An eligible candidate should download his/her call letter from the CRWCs website by entering his/ her
details i.e. Registration Number and Password/Date of Birth. No hard copy of the call letter/ Information Handout etc. will be sent by post/ courier.
Intimations will be sent by email and/ SMS to the email ID and mobile number registered in the online application form for online test. CRWC will not take responsibility for late receipt / nonreceipt of any communication e-mailed/ sent via SMS to the candidate due to change in the mobile number, email address, technical fault or otherwise beyond the control of CRWC. Candidates are hence advised to regularly keep in touch with the authorised website www.CRWC.in or https://www.crwc.in/CRWC/careers for details, updates and any information which may be posted for further guidance as well as to check their registered e-mail account from time to time during the recruitment process. Any request for change of centre, venue, date and time for examination and Interview shall not be entertained.
All further announcements/ details pertaining to this process will only be published/ provided on authorized website www.crwc.in or https://www.crwc.in/CRWC/careers from time to time.
Corrigendum to this advertisement, if any, shall be published only on the website.
In case of any difficulty or query related to online application only, please contact through email: careers@crwc.in by quoting registered number and other details on any working day (9:30 AM to 5:00PM) (Monday-Friday).
Disclaimer: -Instances for providing incorrect information and/or process violation by a candidate detected at any stage of the selection, process will lead to disqualification of the candidate from the selection process and he/she will not be allowed to appear in any of the common recruitment process in the future. If such instances go undetected during the current selection process but are detected subsequently, such disqualification will take place with retrospective affect. Clarifications / decisions given / to be given by the Competent Authority, regarding process for recruitment shall be final and binding.
New Delhi Dated: 24th March, 2017 Manager (HR)
Guidelines for scanning and Upload of Photograph (4.5cm 3.5cm) & Signature
Before applying online a candidate will be required to have a scanned (digital) image of his/her photograph and signature as per the specifications given below.
Photograph Image:
Photograph must be a recent passport style colour picture.
Make sure that the picture is in colour, taken against a light-coloured, preferably white, background.
Look straight at the camera with a relaxed face
If the picture is taken on a sunny day, have the sun behind you, or place yourself in the shade, so that
you are not squinting and there are no harsh shadows
If you have to use flash, ensure there's no "red-eye"
If you wear glasses make sure that there are no reflections and your eyes can be clearly seen.
Caps, hats and dark glasses are not acceptable. Religious headwear is allowed but it must not cover
your face.
Dimensions 200 x 230 pixels (preferred)
Size of file should be between 20kb50 kb
Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 50kb.
Signature Image:
The applicant has to sign on white paper with Black Ink pen.
The signature must be signed only by the applicant and not by any other person.
The signature will be used to put on the Call Letter and wherever necessary.
If the Applicants signature on the answer script, at the time of the examination, does not match the
signature on the Call Letter, the applicant will be disqualified. Dimensions 140 x 60 pixels (preferred) Size of file should be between 10kb 20kb Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 20kb Signature in CAPITAL LETTERS shall NOT be accepted.
Scanning the photograph & signature:
Set the scanner resolution to a minimum of 200 dpi (dots per inch)
Set Colour to True Colour
File Size as specified above
Crop the image in the scanner to the edge of the photograph/signature, then use the upload editor to
crop the image to the final size (as specified above).
The image file should be JPG or JPEG format. An example file name is: image01.jpg or image01.jpeg
Image dimensions can be checked by listing the folder files or moving the mouse over the file image
Candidates using MS Windows/MSOffice can easily obtain photo and signature in .jpeg format not
exceeding 50kb & 20kb respectively by using MS Paint or MSOffice Picture Manager. Scanned photograph and signature in any format can be saved in .jpg format by using Save As option in the File menu and size can be reduced below 50 kb (photograph) & 20 kb(signature) by using crop and
then resize option (Please see above for the pixel size) in the Image menu. Similar options are
available in other photo editor also. While filling in the Online Application Form the candidate will be provided with a link to upload his/her photograph and signature.
Procedure for Uploading the Photograph and Signature
There will be two separate links for uploading Photograph and Signature Click on the respective link Upload Photograph / Signature Browse and Select the location where the Scanned Photograph / Signature file has been saved Select the file by clicking on it Click the Open/Upload button
Your Online Application will not be registered unless you upload your photograph and signature as specified. Note:
In case the face in the photograph or signature is unclear the candidates application may be rejected. After
uploading the photograph/ signature in the online application form candidates should check that the images are clear and have been uploaded correctly. In case the photograph or signature is not prominently visible, the candidate may edit his/ her application and re-upload his/ her photograph or signature, prior to submitting the form.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 24-Mar-2017 | |
Applications | 08-Apr-2017 | 01-May-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Central Railside Warehouse Company Limited
- Organization City, State : new delhi, delhi
- Organization Website : https://www.crwc.in
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