Department Of Electronics & Communication Eon Engineering
Advertisement No-16/2017/Projec /Project Staff Dated-06.02.2017
Advertisement for the P ent for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (On Contrac w (On Contract)
Applications are invited from Indian nationnationals for the post of Junior Research Fellow (on contract) to be appointed for DBT under Twinning Programme (NER (NER BPMC) research project entitled Design of Neural Network based Pacemaker Sanction Order No. /BT/PR15673/NER/95/ /PR15673/NER/95/22/2015 dated 09.12.2016 sponsoredored by Government of India, Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of Biotechnology (NER BPMC), CGO Com mplex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. The duly completed application on prescribprescribed format along with copies of supporting documements must reach to: Office of the Dean (Research & Consultancy ltancy), Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allllahabad-211004 on or before 27/02/2017. The envelope should be superscribed as Application for the post of Junior ResResearch Fellow (on contract) in the Research Project Design of Neu Neural Network based Pacemaker. A soft copy of the a application should also be sent to email address of Dr. Basant Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering & Princip Principal Investigator. The position is purely temporary and will will be governed by the funding agency rules & service conditions of Office Office of the Dean (Research & Consultancy), MNNIT Alla NIT Allahabad. Number of Position : 1 (One)(One) Essential Qualifications : M.E.M.E. /M.Tech. in Electronics Engineering /Biomedical Engi Engineering/ Computer Science
EnginEngineering/ Instrumentation with relevant specialization in B.EB.E. / B.Tech.. Desirable Experience : PreferePreference will be given to candidate with experience in relat in related area. Fellowship :
25,0025,000 per month + HRA (for the first two year) &
28,000 per 0 per month for third year
Other Benefits : EligibleEligible candidate may be entitled to register for Ph.D. progra gram of the Institute. Facility ofyearlyyearly leave carryover leave, medical benefits etc. may be avail available as per applicable rules of theof the project staff.
Age Limit : 28 ye28 years on the last date of application (The upper age limit is reis relaxable up to 5 years in the cathe case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PH and wome women candidates)
Tenure of Appointment : AppoAppointment will be made on contract basis for a period of one one year initially, which may be extenextended depending on the performance evaluation on yearly arly basis till the end of project. DuratioDuration of project is for 3years.
Note: 1. The applicant will be be responsible for the authenticity of information, other d documents and photographs submitted. ted.
- The Institute reserves the right to accept application at any time, and consid consider candidates of exceptional credentials without applica applications. Qualification and experience may be relaxed byby the Institute at any point of time for otherwise exceptio eptional candidates.
- Mere, possessing the e prescribed qualification does not ensure that the candid candidate would be called for Interview. The Candidates ates will be shortlisted on the basis of merit and need of th of the project.
- Shortlisted Candidates ates will be informed by e-mail about the interview date. So, So, the candidate must provide valid E mail IDs in their app eir applications.
- Shortlisted candidates ates have to present themselves for the interview on the intervie interview date with updated CV and original and attested tested photocopies of mark sheets/ certificates in support of the of their academic qualifications.
- Applicants in employmenoyment (private, government or any other organization) are are required to submit a No Objection Certificate from the employer at the time of interview.
- No TA/DA will be paid fo aid for appearing in the interview.
- Applicants awaiting res ing results may also apply (subject to course completion at the ti he time of interview)
Name of Principal Investigator : Dr. Basant Kumar Designation: Assistant Professor Department : Electronics & Communication Engineering ng

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Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 06-Feb-2017 | |
Applications | 27-Feb-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
- Organization City, State : allahabad, uttar pradesh
- Organization Website :
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