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Advanced Centre of Research in High Energy Materials (ACRHEM) University of Hyderabad Hyderabad 500 046, INDIA
UoH/ACRHEM/20172018/Research Associate: 21st April 2017
ACRHEM (DRDO Sponsored Project) is inviting applications from eligible candidates for ResearchAssociates,purelyontemporarybasis,in the DRDO projects at the Center.
Designation | Qualification & Specialization |
Research Associate (2 posts) | |
1 | Essential: a) Ph.D.inPhysics/AppliedOptics. b) ThoroughknowledgeinTHz generation,detectionusingPCantennas,NonlinearCrystalsetc.capabletodotimeresolvedspectroscopytechniquessuch asTHzTDS,visualpumpedTHz probe spectroscopy.HandsonexperienceonUltrafastlasersystems, incoherentTHzdetectors(Substantiatedbyreputed publications) c) RelevantexperienceinautomationofexperimentsusingLabView andMATLABsoftwares.Desirable: a) Minimum 3 first author publications b) Relevant experience in detection of explosives using THz radiation Job Requirement: Imaging and Identification/detection of High energetic materials and Explosives using THz time domain spectroscopy |
2 | Essential: a) Ph.D.inPhysics/Applied Optics. b) Thoroughknowledgeofabsorptionspectroscopy/photoacousticspectroscopy.Shouldhavebasictraining/knowledge tohandle highenergymaterials.Vacuumpumpsandlaser energy/powerdetectionsystem(Substantiatedbyreputedpublications)c) Thoroughknowledgeincharacterisingthe moleculesusingtimeresolvedphotoacousticspectroscopy/TGDTADesirable: d) Minimum 3 first author publications e) Relevant experience in applications of high energy materials Job Requirement: Development of Standoff detection system and Identifying the age of High energetic materials and Explosives using time domain photo acoustic spectroscopy |
ACRHEM, University of Hyderabad, Central UniversityP.O., Gachibowli, Hyderabad- 500046 (India) Tel: +91-40-23010110/04; Fax: +91-40-23012800
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*Basedontherecommendationoftheselectioncommitteethe stipend/remunerationwillbe fixedtothe candidates asperOM citedunderreference, ie.,CSIROffice Memorandum No.4/CMG/2016PPDdatedJuly4,2016
Tenure of the post: Positions are initiallyforaperiodof six months, extension will be given till the completion of the project (5 years), if the performance isfoundtobe satisfactory.
Interested and Qualified candidates with good academic records are requested to send their applicationsalongwithdetailedCurriculum Vitae,byemail, to Email: pic_acrhem@uohyd.ernet.in on or before 6th May, 2017. The shortlisted candidates willbe informed toattendaninterviewatACRHEM, South Campus, University of Hyderabad at a later date. Interviewdateswillbeintimatedviaemail.
- (1)
- Age below 40 years
- (2)
- The Centre reserves the right to restrict the candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable number on the basis of qualifications and/or experience higher than the minimum prescribed
- (3)
- The appointment will not carry any weightage or claim or whatsoever for a permanent absorption in the university and without any liability on the part of the university.
- (4)
- No TA / DA would be paid for attending the interview.
ACRHEM, University of Hyderabad, Central UniversityP.O., Gachibowli, Hyderabad- 500046 (India) Tel: +91-40-23010110/04; Fax: +91-40-23012800
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 21-Apr-2017 | |
Applications | 06-May-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : University of Hyderabad, Central University
- Organization City, State : hyderabad, telangana
- Organization Website : http://www.uohyd.ac.in
- Notification
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