Ref. No. CALTS/UGC-SAP DSA-1/2017/ Dated: 14.02.2017.
Applications are invited for appearing in Walk-in-interview for two (2 nos.) positions (Unreserved) of Project Fellows sanctioned by the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi under the SAP (DSA-1) program in the thrust area of Language Technology.
Qualifications / Eligibility :
For the post 1: M.Sc. in Computer Science or M.C.A./M.Tech.
(Unreserved) Desirable: (a) Natural Language Processing (NLP) as one of the subjects.
(b) Familiarity with any scripting language.
For the post 2: M.A. /M.Phil. in Linguistics/Applied Linguistics.
(Unreserved) Desirable: (a) Computational Linguistics as one of the subjects at M.A./M.Phil. level.
(b) Familiarity with Natural Language Processing (NLP).
Rs.14,000.00 pm for initial two years and Rs.16,000.00 pm from third year onwards Plus HRA as per Central Government norms (For Non-GATE/NET/CSIR/GPAT candidates).
Rs.16,000.00 pm for initial two years and Rs.18,000.00 pm from third year onwards Plus HRA as per Central Government norms (For GATE/NET/CSIR/GPAT/candidates awarded Ph.D. degrees).
Duration: Initially for a period of One (1) year (extendable to the tenure of the project)
Applicants are requested to register their names on or before February 25, 2017 by sending the details on the format of application, attached herewith, to
Date and Time of Walk-in-interview : 01.03.2017 (Wednesday) at 10.00 am
Venue : Centre for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies
School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad
Gachibowli, Hyderabad- 500046. TS (India).
[Ph:040-23133650, e-mail:
Note:- The candidates are requested to (i) report to the venue by 9.15 am on the day of interview and (ii) bring all the certificates in original in proof of information furnished along with a attested copy of the certificates. Those candidates who have already appeared for the earlier interview need not apply.
The selected candidates shall be entitled to the fellowship only after the approval by the UGC. The above advertised positions are purely temporary.
No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview and at the time of joining the post.
The Coordinator, UGC-SAP DSA-I
Copy: University of Hyderabad Website
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 14-Feb-2017 | |
Applications | 25-Feb-2017 | |
Interviews | 01-Mar-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : University of Hyderabad, Central University
- Organization City, State : hyderabad, telangana
- Organization Website : http://www.uohyd.ac.in
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