Office of the Dean, School of Mathhematics & Statistics
UUniversityy of Hydeerabad
Phonee: + 9140231334051, 231342000 ; 23134100 ; 233010560 ; Fax: ++ 9140230105560 ; Email: deannsm@uohyd.ernnet.in; bs.padmavvathi@gmail.comm
Date: 118th April, 22017 NOTIFICATION
AApplications are inviteed for thee followingg teaching position(ss), as per the specializzations giveen below, inn the pay bband of Rs s. 15,600/- 39,100/--with acaddemic grade paay of Rs. 66,000/- andd usual alloowances (DD.A., H.R.A. , Transportt Allowancee) as per the rules of thee Universityy.
Name off the Post: ASSISTANNT PROFESSSOR (MAATHEMATIICS & STATTISTICS) No. of PPosts: 07 (22 OBC; 3 SSC; 1 UR; 11 ST) *
Minimumm Qualificattions: 50%% in M.Sc. with eitheer NET quaalified or PPh.D. Specializzation: Anyy area of SStatistics // Mathemaatics / Applied Mathhematics
Desirable: 1. Ph.DD. (as per 22009 UGC guidelinees)
2. Peopple with Sttatistics baackgroundd will be ggiven prefeerence.
Likely Peeriod of Apppointment: 3 July, 20017 to 10 December, 2017
Terms && Conditioons of apppointment:
The appointmments are puurely temporrary in naturee.
- The Universitty reserves the right too fill all or some of thhese positionns based onn the avvailability of candidates and for the period it deeems fit.
- Innterested caandidates caan appear foor the interrview on Moonday, 8th May, 20117 at 22pm along wwith a copy of the curriiculum vitaee with detail s of academmic qualificattions, wwork experieence and original copiees of certifiicates in suupport of qqualificationss and exxperience att the addresss given beloow.
The Dean, Scchool of Matthematics & Statistics UUniversity off Hyderabad , Central Unniversity P.OO., Gachibowwli, Hyderabbad 500 0446. Phones: 040--23134000; 23134051; 23134200 Email: bs.pad mavathi@gmmail.com; dea nmathstat@ggmail.com
CCandidates appointed shall not bbe entitled d to claim aany weight age for reggular appointmennt / position in the Unniversity att a later date.
NNo TA/DA willl be paid.

* Ph.D. ddegree shouuld have be en awardedd by 8.5.20117.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 18-Apr-2017 | |
Interviews | 08-May-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : University of Hyderabad, Central University
- Organization City, State : hyderabad, telangana
- Organization Website : http://www.uohyd.ac.in
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