Recruitment of Chief Security Officer on Contract basis.
Learn more about the above offered job opportunity
Become familiar with the Recruitment of Chief Security Officer on Contract Basis for a period of 3 years at TMB. Read all the details, information and instructions carefully.
Chief Security Officer (Scale - IV): Eligible Criteria:

Role of the Chief Security Officer:
- Evolving security policy / program for the bank based on the Government /RBI/IBA guidelines from time to time.
- Classification of branches/areas in to risk-wise (High risk, Normal risk, Low risk), based on the relevant factors.
- Inspection and improvement of layout of branches for security effectiveness, access control measures and administration of Identity Card system.
- Hardening targets by improved systems of locking, introduction of safety gadgets such as burglar alarms, fire extinguishers emergency lights, etc.
- Evolving and maintaining security standards at all areas.
- To work/assignment under the general supervision, direction and control of the Top Management.
- To plan the strategy for the security and to maintain it in a state of high efficiency. He is also responsible for the training, discipline and morale of Banks security staff including Security Officer deployed in Regional Offices and Security Guard at Branches / Offices etc.
- To maintain close liaison with the Police and other Central / State Government authorities, Fire Brigade and other local functionaries, so as to secure their cooperation and co-ordination.
- To collect intelligence data so as to keep himself informed of internal and external developments on matters affecting the security of the Bank.
10.To undertake visits to various Offices of the Bank and surprise checks of branches / ATMs on security aspects from time to time.
11.To formulate guidelines for the use of security staff in areas such as escorting cash from one place to another, both within the branch and outside, steps to be taken before, during and after a hold-up, what is to be done when there is a disturbance, riot, fire, search by police, etc.
Pay / Salary and allowances:
- (a)
- Consolidated pay of Rs.80,000/- per month.
- (b)
- Reimbursement of monthly house rent, telephone expenses as applicable to other Scale IV officer of our bank.
- (c)
- Eligible for casual leave of 12 days per year.
Procedure of Selection:
The candidates should appear for interview. The Venue, Date and Time for interview will be communicated to the eligible candidates individually.
Place of Posting:
The above position would be at Thoothukudi, Tamilnadu, but should be ready to work at any other place in India depending upon the needs of the management.
The Candidates should have sound physical fitness and mental alertness with a normal body stature.
The applied candidates should submit a hard copy of the e-application which is printed after online registration and it should be accompanied by the following documents:
One recent passport size color photograph to be affixed in Hard Copy of e-application. The application should be signed. Age Proof (Self attested Photo Copy of SSLC or Higher secondary mark sheet or Transfer Certificate).
Self attested Photo Copy of Degree Certificate and SSLC, Higher Secondary & consolidated Degree Mark Sheet.
Experience certificate from the relevant force.
Discharge certificate from the relevant force.
Proof of identity such as PAN card, Driving license, Voters ID, Aadhaar card.
The filled-in application along with enclosures stated above should reach us not later than 09/10/2017.
General Conditions & Instructions.:
Candidates are advised to adhere to the eligibility conditions given strictly. Any information found to be wrong or any candidate found ineligible at any stage of the process or later will result in disqualification of the candidate.
Any handwritten correction in e-application will not be accepted. All such e-applications will not be considered. Take a Laser Print Out of the online e-application form for submission in A4 size sheet only. Print two copies of this e-application form on A4 size sheet only, one to be sent to us and the other for your reference.
Write "Application Serial Number" on all the documents being enclosed by you.
Affix a recent color photograph (Size: 2" x 2" ONLY) in the space provided. Do not use stapler pins. Sign the application form.
Please note that in case of non-submission of the hard copy of the e-application or e-application with incorrect / incomplete particulars, received without copies of certificates, and not received within the stipulated date are liable to be rejected.
Further, the Bank reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason and Bank's decision in the matter of eligibility, interview and selection would be final. The Bank reserves the right to eliminate the ineligible candidates at any point of time before, during, or after the interview / selection. The decision of the Bank is final.
The cover containing the printed e-application with enclosures should be superscribed as "Application for the post of Chief Security Officer and it should be sent not later than 09/10/2017 to:
The General Manager, Human Resources Development Department, Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd. Head Office, # 57, V. E. Road, Thoothukudi 628 002.
The completed applications will be verified and eligible/shortlisted applicants will be communicated individually by post with details of the interview to be attended. The Bank reserves the right to reject any application at any point of time without assigning any reason and Bank's decision in the matter of eligibility, conduct of interview and selection would be final. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained by the Bank.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 09-Oct-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Tamilnad Mercantile Bank
- Organization City, State : , tamil nadu
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
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- Job Vacancies List
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