Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology
(Established by Reserve Bank of India)
Castle Hills, Road No. 1, Masab Tank, Hyderabad 500 057
Rolling Advertisement No. 03 / 2012 -13

IDRBT, the premier Institute of Banking Technology in the country, spearheads efforts in providing state-of-the-art technologies for the Banking and Financial Sector. The Institute interfaces Research and Development, Academics, Executive Education, Practice and Consultancy.
Consequent upon the recommendations of an Expert Committee headed by Dr. C. Rangarajan, Chairman, Prime Ministers Economic Advisory Council, IDRBT has initiated ambitious plans to scale up its Research and Academic Activities.
To encourage best practices in Banking Technology, the Institute invites applications from exceptionally bright and motivated Indian Nationals with high passion for Research and Academics belonging to SC and OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) categories for the positions of
Associate Professor and Assistant Professor.
Candidates for these positions must have a Ph.D in Computer Science / Information Technology / Information Systems / Information Security / Banking Technologies or Closely Related Areas with a first class or equivalent at the preceding degree in an appropriate branch with a consistently good academic record.
Candidates should have necessarily specialized in at least one and preferably in two or more of the following areas:
Database Systems : Modeling, Design, Integrity, In-memory Databases,
- Transactions Processing, OLAP, etc
Database Systems : Modeling, Design, Integrity, In-memory Databases,
Network Systems : Large Communication Networks, Multiple Links
Integration, Network Monitoring, Mobile Networks, etc
Computing Technologies and | : | Large | Parallel | Systems, | Real | Clustering, | |
Architecture | Benchmarking, Performance Studies, Storage, | IT & | |||||
Enterprise Architecture, etc. |

Software Engineering | : | Architecture, Quality Engineering, Usability, Security Testing, Agility, etc. |
Cyber Security and Information Security | : | Security Engines, Unified Threat Monitoring, Cyber Hardening, Network Security, Privacy, Compliance, Governance, Cryptography, etc |
IT for Banking Domain | : | Core Banking Solutions and Beyond, Innovative Customer Interactive Technologies, Financial Information Systems, Customer Relationship Management, Financial Inclusion Technologies, Open Source Technologies, Technology Management, etc. |
Electronic Payment and Settlement Systems | : | Alternate Delivery Channels, Mobile Banking, Electronic Clearing Systems, Card-Based Systems, Real-time Payment and Settlement Systems, etc. |
Analytics | : | Big Data, Machine Intelligence and Learning, Real Time Analytics, Applications to Risk Management in Banking, Business Intelligence, etc. |
Information Science & Engineering | : | Information Organization, Structures, Applications, etc |
Closely Related Areas |
A minimum of six years of research / academic / professional experience of which three years should be at the level of Assistant Professor or an equivalent position in a premier and reputed institution, organization or industry as on the date of application. The candidate should have demonstrated adequate experience of independent research and academic output in terms of guidance of M.Tech. and Ph.D students, publications in reputed journals and conferences, patents, laboratory/course development, and other professional R & D and academic activities.
A minimum of three years research / professional experience in a premier and reputed organization excluding the experience gained while pursuing Ph.D. Candidates should have demonstrated research and academic capabilities in terms of publications in reputed journals and conferences.

Eligible candidates with less than the requisite experience to be an Assistant Professor may be initially offered a Contract for a period of three years and would be put on a tenure track for the regular position of Assistant Professor thereafter.
The Selection Committee may consider relaxing the experience requirements and granting advance increments in the case of Outstanding Candidates.
The positions of Associate Professor and Assistant Professor are Regular Positions with a probation period of one or two years.
The upper age limit for being considered for a Regular Position shall preferably be 50 (fifty) years.
The positions of Associate Professor and Assistant Professor are open for Contractual Recruitment for a period of upto five years and accordingly candidates can apply for these positions on a contractual basis.
Further, the Selection Committee for Faculty positions may offer Contractual Positions to some candidates based on their Academic Profile and the Performance in the Selection Process.
No. of | Reserved for Candidates | ||
Sl. No | Position | ||
Positions | Belonging to: | ||
1 | Associate Professor | One | OBC (non-creamy layer) |
2 | Assistant Professor | Three | Two positions for OBC (noncreamy layer) and One Position for SC |

(i) For Regular Positions
Minimum Pay for | ||
Faculty Positions | Pay Band and Grade Pay | |
Direct Recruits | ||
Associate Professor | PB -4 of Rs. 37400 67000 with Grade Pay of Rs. 9500 per month | Rs. 42,800/- |
Assistant Professor | PB 3 of Rs. 15600 39100 with Grade Pay of Rs. 8000 per month | Rs. 30,000/- |
Assistant Professor on Contract (for first three years) | PB -3 of Rs. 15600 39100 with Grade Pay of Rs. 6000 per month | Seven non-compounded advance increments at the entry-level and Grade Pay of Rs. 7000/-after one year of post-Ph.D experience. |
- (i)
- a. Movement from PB -3 to PB -4
- Candidates recruited as Assistant Professor in PB -3 of Rs. 15600 39100 with a Grade Pay of Rs. 8000/-and minimum pay of Rs. 30,000/-, based on their qualifications, performance and publication record, may be moved to the PB 4 of Rs. 37400 67000 with a Grade Pay of Rs. 9000/-after three years of service as an Assistant Professor in the Institute.
- (i)
- b. Pay and Perks
The Regular Faculty, apart from the applicable Pay and Grade Pay, will also be eligible for Dearness Allowance, Quarters or House Rent Allowance, Transport Allowance, Leave Travel Concession, Medical Reimbursement, Development Grant, Children Education Allowance, Family Planning Allowance, Telephone Reimbursement, Provident Fund, Gratuity, Group Personal Accident Insurance, Welfare Fund Facilities, Reimbursement of Professional Society Fee, Earned Leave Encashment, Nomination to National and International Seminars/Conferences, etc., as per the rules and regulations of the Institute.
(ii) For Contractual Positions
Compensation shall be on a CTC basis and shall be higher than the scales prevalent in the IITs. Right candidates shall be adequately compensated.

- (1)
- Candidates should have excellent academic record, good communication skills, ability to work in a team and a commitment to high quality Applied Research and Academics in the area of Banking Technology.
- (2)
- The Institute at its discretion may relax the minimum requirements in case of Outstanding Candidates.
- (3)
- Candidates should satisfy themselves about their eligibility for the post applied for. Mere fulfillment of eligibility does not guarantee shortlisting for the Selection Process.
- (4)
- Candidates should enclose scanned copies of their highest educational degree certificates and their caste certificates. The caste certificate should be issued by a competent authority. In the case of OBC candidates (non-creamy layer), the caste certificate should not be more than one year old.
- (5)
- The candidature of the applicants will be considered on the strength of the information declared in the Application. Verification shall be conducted in due course. If at any stage, it is found that any information furnished by the applicant is false / incorrect or if according to the Institute, the candidate does not satisfy the eligibility criteria, his/her candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled / terminated at any point in time, in addition to any disciplinary action as may be necessary.
- (6)
- Candidates should apply for the positions in the format provided. Further, they must submit along with the application a detailed Work Plan for the next threefive years on the work they propose to do, the timelines for completing it, and the resultant deliverables, in at least one and preferably two areas of specialization chosen from among the list mentioned in Paragraph 2 of this advertisement, if selected by the Institute.
- (7)
- Incomplete applications in any respect/not in the prescribed format will be rejected and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained by the Institute.
- (8)
- All educational qualifications must have been obtained from recognized universities/institutions in India or abroad. If grades are awarded instead of marks, candidates should clearly indicate their numerical equivalent.
- (9)
- Candidates who had responded to the Institutes Advertisement No. 07/2009 issued in July 2009; Rolling Advertisements No. 05/2010 issued in November 2010; No. 02/2011-12 issued in April 2011 and No. 01/2012-13 need not apply again.
- (10)
- Candidates employed in Government / Semi-Government Organisations / Educational Institutions / Banks / Financial Institutions must apply through proper channel.
- (11)
- Selected candidates should undertake to abide by all the rules and regulations pertaining to their retention as also to the rules and regulations of the Institute.
- (12)
- The Institute reserves the rights to call only such candidates who are found primafacie suitable for being considered by the Selection Committee. The Institute also reserves the right to restrict the candidates called for the selection process to a reasonable number on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed herein and the requirements of the Institute. Thus, just fulfilling the prescribed conditions would not entitle one to be called for the Selection Process.
- (13)
- The Institute reserves the right to fill or not to fill any or all the posts advertised.
- (14)
- In all matters regarding Eligibility, Experience, Compensation, Term, Selection Process, Assessment, Minimum Qualifying Standards in Selection Process, and Communication of Result, the Institutes decision shall be final and binding on the candidates and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.
- (15)
- No correspondence will be entertained from candidates regarding postal delays, conduct & result of selection process and reasons for not being called for interview.
- (16)
- The filled-in application may be sent to The Director, IDRBT, Castle Hills, Road No.1, Masab Tank, Hyderabad 57 by e-mail to specialdrive2012@idrbt.ac.in .
- (17)
- The last date for receipt of applications is November 16, 2012.

* * *

Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 16-Nov-2012 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology
- Organization City, State : , andhra pradesh
- Organization Website : https://www.idrbt.ac.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results