Recruitment Cell, Human Resources Wing, Head office, 113/1, Jeevan Prakash Building, J C Road, Bangalore 560 002

E-mail: CB / RP / 3 /2016 RECRUITMENT OF ECONOMIST' IN SENIOR MANAGEMENT GRADE SCALE - IV Canara Bank, a leading Public Sector Bank with pan India presence with over 5800 branches, invites applications, for recruitment of Economist in Senior Management Grade Scale - IV [Number of Posts 1 - Unreserved]. Please read this advertisement carefully and ensure the eligibility before paying fees / submitting application.
Important Dates |
Event |
Date |
Opening date for payment of Application Fees / Intimation charges |
11.05.2016 |
Closing date for payment of Application Fees / Intimation charges |
31.05.2016 (Before 5 PM) |
Last date for Receipt of Physical Application |
On or before 07.06.2016 |
All the eligibility [age, qualification, experience etc.] shall be computed as on 01.06.2016 (inclusive).
AGE as on 01.06.2016 |
Minimum: 21 years Maximum: 35 years (Relaxation in upper age limit to reserved categories will be as per Government guidelines) |
Post Graduate Degree in Economics with specialization in monetary/financial economics/ econometrics from an Indian or reputed foreign University. Candidates with additional qualification like MBA/MMS/PGDBA/PGPM/PGDM (Preferably in Finance) through a 2 years full time course will be given preference. Courses completed through correspondence / part-time are not eligible. The Institute should be recognized/ approved by Govt. bodies / AICTE. Other requirements: Candidates should have excellent communication & writing skills. Candidates having hands on experience in some of the econometric packages like STATA, SAS & EVIEWS will be given preference. |
Minimum 5 years experience as an Economist or Analyst with Financial Institutions/Banks/Rating Agencies/ Analytics Firm / Reputed Brokerage Agencies. (or) Minimum 5 years as Economic Researcher in any University or Work Experience in Economic Research Division of a Commercial Bank/ Financial Institution/ Corporate Organizations like CRISIL, CIBIL, ICRA etc. Preference will be given to candidates having background in analytics, macroeconomic forecasting & analysis. Experience with an industry, chamber and/or analytics firm will be an added advantage. |
The selected candidate shall be on probation of one year (12 months of active service), which can be extended by further period not exceeding one year, depending upon the performance of the candidate. |
The selection is proposed to be undertaken on the basis of Short-listing and Group Discussion and/ or Interview as under;
However, Bank may decide the modalities of selection depending on the number of applications received. Final selection will be on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in interview. |
COMPUTER LITERACY: Operating & working knowledge in computer systems shall be an essential qualification, which a candidate must either possess or acquire within 6 months from the date of joining the Bank. HINDI KNOWLEDGE: The candidates shall acquire working knowledge of Hindi, if not possessed already, before completion of probationary period.
Scale |
Salary & Emoluments |
` 50030 - 1460/4 55870 1650/2 - 59170 |
Dearness Allowance, HRA, CCA will be paid as per rules in force from time to time and depending upon the place of posting. Medical, LTC, Terminal Benefits and other perquisites will be as per prevailing rules.
EX-SERVICEMEN [XSM]: Only those candidates shall be treated as Ex-Servicemen who fulfill the revised definition as laid down in Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms Notification No.36034/5/85/Estt.(SCT) dated 27.10.1986 as amended from time to time. Note: The Territorial Army Personnel will be treated as ex-servicemen w.e.f. 15.11.1986.
A candidate must be either i] a citizen of India or ii] a subject of Nepal or iii] a subject of Bhutan or iv] a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 01.01.1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or v] a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia & Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) or (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.
Category |
Application Fees / Intimation Charges [Non-Refundable] |
100/- [Intimation Charges only] |
All Others |
600/- |
The eligible candidates who are interested to apply shall have to pay Application Fees / Intimation charges as mentioned above. Kindly ensure the eligibility for the post, before paying the fees as the same is not refundable. The application fee / intimation charges can be paid by;
- A) Directly remitting the amount in any of the Canara Bank Branches OR
- B) Paying the amount through NEFT in any other Bank.
The procedure for payment of fee is mentioned below;
- A) Directly remitting the amount in any of the Canara Bank Branches
- Take print-out of the Payment Challan from our website . Fill the particulars viz. Name, Date of Birth, Contact Phone No., Fee amount, Depositing Branch Name & City.
- Submit the Fee Payment Challan & amount in any Canara Bank Branch.
- Collect the candidate's copy of Fee Payment Challan from the Branch. Please verify that challan is properly signed & the details of Transaction Sequence No., Branch Name & DP Code Number, Deposit Date are noted in the challan by the Branch Authorities.
- B) Paying the fees through NEFT:
- Fill the NEFT challan as required by the bank with Beneficiary details as under;
- Name of the Account: CB/ RP / 3/2016 - ECONOMIST
- Account Number :8693201000029
- Payee Bank :Canara Bank, Town Hall Welfare Centre Branch, Bangalore
- IFSC Code :CNRB0008693
- Narration : Mention Name of the candidate
- Make payment
- Collect NEFT Payment Receipt. Please check that receipt is properly signed & the details of NEFT UTR No., IFSC Code of the Sending Branch, Name of the remitting Bank, City, Deposit Date, Amount etc are noted in the challan by the Branch Authorities. Candidates have to write their Name, Date of Birth, Post Applied for, on the back of the NEFT Receipt.
The application fee should be paid between 11.05.2016 and 31.05.2016 (both dates inclusive). Even if the last date of submission of application changed for any reason, the valid dates for payment of application fee will not be changed. Payment of fee by Demand Draft / Cheque / Money Orders / Postal Orders etc. will not be accepted and such applications will be summarily rejected.
The selection for the post of Economist is on the basis of Short-listing, Group Discussion and/or Interview. Bank reserves the right to shortlist requisite number of candidates based on the academic track record and suitability of the candidates, as decided by the Bank and only those shortlisted candidates will be called for Group Discussion and/or Interview. The date, time, centre & address of the venue will be informed to the shortlisted candidates in the call letter and candidates have to attend for the same at their own cost. The details of shortlisted candidates for Group Discussion and/or Interview will be hosted in our website. Request for change of Centre for Group Discussion and / or Interview will not be entertained. However, the Bank reserves its right to change/add/cancel the date, time, centre, venue of the Group Discussion and / or Interview and to call the candidates for the Group Discussion and / or Interview at any other Centre or hold supplementary selection process for particular date / session / venue / centre / set of candidates at its discretion, under unforeseen circumstances, if any. Group Discussion and/or Interview will be conducted for 100 marks each. If Group Discussion is conducted, candidate should get minimum marks prescribed by the Bank to become eligible for Interview. However, the final selection shall be on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in the interview. Mere eligibility / admission to the GD / Interview / pass in GD / Interview does not imply that the Bank is satisfied beyond doubt about the candidates eligibility and shall not vest any right in a candidate for selection. The Bank would be free to reject the candidature of any candidate at any stage of the recruitment process, if he / she is found to be ineligible and / or furnished incorrect or false information / certificates / documents or has suppressed any material facts and the fees paid by the ineligible candidates shall be forfeited. If appointed, such a candidate may be summarily removed from the services of the Bank. The Bank reserves the right to change the selection procedure / hold supplementary selection process, if necessary. The change, if any, shall be intimated to the candidates through our website and/or email in advance.
While appearing for the GD and/or Interview, the candidate should produce photo identity such as PAN Card / Passport / Driving License / Voter Card / Bank Pass Book with Photograph / Photo embossed Credit Card for verification. If the identity of the candidate is in doubt, the candidate will not be allowed for GD and Interview. The short-listed candidates shall have to submit self attested copies of all the relevant documents i.e. DOB proof, Qualification, Post Qualification Experience etc at the time of interview and candidates shall also bring the originals of the same for verification. Otherwise, candidates will not be allowed for Interview.
[Candidates are requested to read the contents of the advertisement and ensure their eligibility before applying.
- Candidates should have a valid personal e-mail id. This e-mail id should be kept functional till completion of this recruitment project. All the communication will be sent to the candidates on this e-mail id only.
- Candidates should remit the requisite fee in any branch of Canara Bank OR in any other Bank through NEFT and should have details of payment made. Please note that without valid payment details, the application will be summarily rejected.
- Visit our Banks website -> Careers -> Recruitment Know More -> Recruitment Project-3/2016-Economist in SMG Scale-IV for downloading the application for the post.
- If eligible to apply, print the Fee Payment Challan & Application Form from the website.
- Fill the details in Payment Challan and pay the fees as informed above.
- After making payment, fill the required details in the Application Form. A recent Passport size colour photograph should be firmly affixed on the application and should be signed across by the candidate.
- Enclose self attested photocopies of documents to the application, to prove the eligibility to the post.
- Candidates should take utmost care to furnish the correct details while filling in application. Submission of incorrect / false information in the application will render the candidature invalid.
- Send the cover containing application along with relevant documents & Fee Payment Challan to Canara Bank, Recruitment Cell, Human Resources Wing, Head Office, 113/1, Jeevan Prakash Building, J C Road, Bangalore-560002, Karnataka so as to reach at our end on or before 07.06.2016.
- Applications received at our end after the last date will not be considered for the process and the fees paid shall be forfeited.
Applications duly completed in all respects should be sent by REGISTERED POST / SPEED POST / COURIER only in a cover superscribed Application for the post of Economist in SMG Scale-IV in Canara Bank.
- 11) LAST DATE:
Last date for receipt of application along with payment challan & other relevant documents including from far flung areas |
07.06.2016 |
The Bank will not be responsible for any loss of application / documents in transit or non-receipt of application within the last date for receipt of application. The application received after last date will not be entertained.
The candidates who have been shortlisted will only be called for the Group Discussion and/or Interview and their details and schedule for Group Discussion and/or Interview will be made available in Banks website . All the communications viz, call letters for Group Discussion / interview etc., will be sent only to the registered E-mail mentioned by the candidate in his / her application. Request for sending to different e-mail id will not be entertained. Bank will not take responsibility for late receipt / non-receipt of call letter / any communication e-mailed due to technical reasons or whatsoever to the candidate. Hence, candidates are requested to keep track of their application status by visiting Banks website as well as checking of their registered e-mail account from time to time during the recruitment process.
Candidates should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated or suppress any material information while registering the application and submitting the certified copies / testimonials. At the time of Group Discussion/interview/during selection process, if a candidate is or has been found guilty of using unfair means; or misbehaving in the GD / interview hall or taking away any documents from the venue; or resorting to any other irregular or improper means in connection with his/her candidature for the selection; or obtaining support of his/her candidature by any means, such a candidate may in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution, shall be liable to be disqualified from the GD / interview / selection process for which he / she is a candidate.
- Candidates have to apply in the Application provided in the Banks website only. No other means of applications shall be entertained.
- Calling / admission to the Group Discussion / interview is purely provisional without verification of age / qualification etc. of the candidates. Mere receipt of call letter for Group Discussion / interview does not imply that the Bank is satisfied about the candidates eligibility. Candidates should ensure their eligibility before applying / attending the Group Discussion / interview. Bank reserves right to reject ineligible candidates applications at any stage and the fee paid by ineligible candidates shall be forfeited.
- The Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and the fee once paid will not be refunded on any account nor would this fee be held in reserve for future examination / selection.
- Applications which are incomplete in any respect will be rejected and the fee paid will be forfeited. In complete applications / applications without supporting documents will be rejected outright.
- Decision of the Bank in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate, the stages at which such scrutiny of eligibility is to be undertaken, the documents to be produced for the purpose of the conduct of interview, selection and any other matters relating to recruitment will be final and binding on the candidate. Further, the Bank reserves right to stall / cancel the recruitment partially / fully at any stage during the recruitment process at its discretion, which will be final and binding on the candidate.
- Bank may, at its discretion, hold re-group discussion / re-interview wherever necessary.
- Candidates serving in Government / Public Sector Undertakings should produce No Objection Certificate from their employer at the time of interview, in the absence of which their candidature shall not be considered.
- Each application must be accompanied by :
- Fee payment challan
- Copies of the under mentioned certificates:
- Date of birth proof certificate (Date of Birth certificate / 10th / SSC / SSLC certificate);
- Marks sheets (year-wise / semester-wise) and certificates in support of educational qualifications viz. SSLC, Graduation Degree, Post Graduation Degree, Professional qualifications, Research etc.;
- Post qualification work Experience Certificate specifying designation / job profile, period of service (with specific dates) from previous, present employers;
- The candidates belonging to SC / ST / OBC / PWD categories must produce a certificate issued by the competent authority in the format prescribed by Government of India.
- Any other relevant documents
- Appointment of selected candidate is subject to his/her being declared medically fit as per the requirement of the Bank & receiving satisfactory report from referees / police authorities.
- Appointment of selected candidate for the post of Economist is subject to the Service and Conduct Rules of the Bank.
- The Bank shall not be responsible for an application being rejected which is based on wrong information provided in any advertisement issued by an unauthorized person / institution.
- In case any dispute arises on account of interpretation in versions other than English, English version will prevail.
- No candidate is permitted to use Cell Phone, Pager or any other instruments in the Group Discussion / Interview hall / during selection process.
- No correspondence or personal enquires shall be entertained by the Bank.
- Any resultant dispute arising out of this advertisement shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Courts situated in Bangalore.
- Canvassing in any form will be treated as disqualification.
Candidates in their own interest are advised to submit their applications well in time before the last date for submission. The Bank takes no responsibility for any delay in receipt or loss in postal transit of any application or communication. Date: 30/04/2016 Place: Bangalore GENERAL MANAGER
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 30-Apr-2016 | |
Applications | 11-May-2016 | 31-May-2016 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Canara Bank
- Organization City, State : bengaluru, karnataka
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results