Advt. No. 112 CLOSING DATE : 20 days from date of publication of Advt. in Employment News |
Scientist G (` 37,400-67,000/- & Grade Pay ` 10,000/-) 1 Vacancy
Scientist F (` 37,400-67,000/- & Grade Pay ` 8,900/-) 3 Vacancies
Scientist E (` 37,400-67,000/- & Grade Pay ` 8,700/-) 15 Vacancies
Scientist D (` 15,600-39,100/- & Grade Pay ` 7,600/-) 2 Vacancies

Turning dreams into reality
Destination DRDO

Scientist C (` 15,600-39,100/- & Grade Pay ` 6,600/-) 2 Vacancies
Weightage for higher qualification to be equated as research experience for lateral recruitment for the posts under DRDS Cadre is as under
Scientist B (` 15,600-39,100/- & Grade Pay ` 5,400/-) 3 Vacancies
Addl CCE (` 37,400-67,000/- & Grade Pay ` 8,700/-) 1 Vacancy
1. AGE LIMITS (as on closing date of advertisement): |
4. Application Fee ` 50/- (fifty) to be paid online. No fee is applicable for SC/ST/PH/Woman candidates. 5. Only Indian nationals need to apply. 6. Fare concession is given by railways to unemployed youth in second class when travelling to attend interviews for jobs in Central Govt. Deptts. To avail free railway tickets, the candidate is required to submit an attested copy of (i) call/interview letter (ii) a copy of application form to railway authorities. The candidates who are unemployed are advised to utilise this facility given by the railways, as no rail fare will be paid by this office, if the place is connected by rail, to such candidates. 7. Candidates will have to produce all original certificates for verification at the time of interview. 8. Application without scanned copies of certificates for essential Educational Qualification and experience claimed and Document/certificate in support of last pay drawn and incomplete applications may be rejected. No correspondence would be entertained in this regard. 9. Candidates desirous of applying for more than one post must apply separately for each post indicating Item No. of the advertisement accompanied by separate requisite fee. 10. Selected candidates have the liability to serve anywhere in India. 11. Number of vacancies are tentative and may vary. 12. CANVASSING IN ANY FORM WILL DISQUALIFY THE CANDIDATE. 13. Our e-mail address: 14. CHECK LIST: Please ensure that you have: (a) Attached scanned copies of the requisite certificates with application(ref Para-3). (b) Rightly indicated the item number, subject and the post applied for. (c) Uploaded recent colour passport size photograph. (d) Paid requisite fee through online mode if you belong to UR/OBC Category(except woman). (e) Attached a requisite caste/disability certificate in case you belong to SC/ST/OBC/PH category. (f) Forwarded relieving certificate in case you are a retired Armed forces personnel. (g) Forwarded application through proper channel/accompanied with NOC if already employed as stated in para-3. (h) Retained the photocopy of filled application form. Visit RAC website
(a) (b) |
For DRDS Cadre
For Civil Works Officer Cadre
(c) |
The upper age limit as on Closing Date (inclusive).The upper age limit as on closing date is relaxable upto 5 years for SC, 3 years for Other Backward Communities (OBC) for the posts reserved for them as per orders of Central Govt. issued from time to time. The upper age limit as on closing date is relaxable for physically handicapped persons as per Govt. rules. Age for all items is also relaxable upto 5 years for Central Govt employees as per rules. Age is relaxable for Ex-Servicemen including Ex SSC officers as per rules in vogue. |
2. |
The applicants should ensure that they satisfy the eligibility criteria upto closing date of advertisement. The required experience will be counted after the essential qualifications are obtained. The prescribed Essential Qualifications/experience are bare minimum and mere possession of same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview. It may not be possible for RAC to interview all the candidates. RAC may restrict the number of candidates for interview to a reasonable limit. The suitability of the applicants will be assessed on the basis of educational qualification possessed, experience at suitable level, professional achievements, aptitude for research etc. The candidates should, therefore, mention all qualifications /experience /achievements/ specialisation in relevant fields including those over and above the minimum qualifications. After the interview, in accordance with the merit, the offer of appointment to the selected candidates will be restricted to the number of vacancies and minimum qualifying criteria. The appointment, however, will be subject to completion of formalities like medical examination prescribed for Group 'A' technical posts of Government of India with field service liability and character verification besides verification of SC/ST/OBC/PH certificate if applicable. |
HOW TO APPLY Candidates are required to submit their applications online alongwith legible and lighter file containing scanned copies of certificates for essential Educational Qualification, Experience claimed, Document/certificate in support of last pay drawn, recent coloured passport size photograph and the required fee through RAC website . Total size of all scanned documents to be attached must not exceed 2MB. After submission of the online application, candidates working in Government/Public Sector Undertaking, Autonomous Organisations/Armed Forces (including Departmental candidates) must forward their applications through proper channel/accompanied with NOC to Director, Recruitment & Assessment Centre (RAC), Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi-110054, so as to be received at RAC within 30 days of the closing date failing which their candidature shall not be considered. Candidates are advised to retain one copy of application with acknowledgement slip. |

Davp 10301/11/0448/1314
Important Dates
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Defence Research and Development Organisation
- Organization City, State : , delhi
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results